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Everything posted by HawkGonzo

  1. Hi, I'm trying to put some more attacks to some Pokémon with the Level Up Move Editor, but when I check them, this "extra attacks" don't appear. Is there a way to do it? Thnxs.
  2. Are you gonna change the types resistances and weakness?
  3. Attack changes: BUG TYPE: DARK TYPE: DRAGON TYPE: ELECTRIC TYPE: FIGHT TYPE: FIRE TYPE: FLYING TYPE: GHOST TYPE: GRASS TYPE: GROUND TYPE: ICE TYPE: NORMAL TYPE: POISON TYPE: PSYCHIC TYPE: ROCK TYPE: STEEL TYPE: WATER TYPE: OTHER: Sorry for not explain the reasons in all attacks, is hard for me write them all in english.
  4. Here's my list of type and some hability changes: 1ST GEN 2ND GEN 3RD GEN 4TH GEN 5TH GEN
  5. How is going the progress of your tools? Hope you finish them soon =D
  6. Lot of thanks for the hack. In Virbank Complex - Outside I have found a Tyrogue, when in the Wild pkmn list you don't say that this pkmn is here.
  7. Will you adapt the tools to the Spanish (European) roms?
  8. Can you adapt it to the Spanish (European) Black 2 rom?
  9. You said you were going to release yesterday the tools.. Sorry for being so impatient.
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