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Everything posted by UnderXRay

  1. will be ready in a few minutes, i will post the .pkm files when its ready. EDIT: just so you know i needed to make V2 appeared hatched, both of them came out legal, anyway here you go: Scarling's porygon-zV1.pkm Scarling's porygon-zV2.pkm
  2. im sorry guys ive been busy with alot of pmed requests...i will start making the unfinished requests now. EDIT: i have all your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready. ---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ---------- @Hagzard, i dont understand how do you whant the pokemon by code or trade, and the SID just makes the pokemon appear to be originally yours, which means it will obey you no matter how many badges you have or what level the pokemon is. @FisDollaz, i assume that you are using vista, you need to click backspace 20 times, it should work after that. @Serj, i made your pokemon and i replied to your request on the thread that you made. @darkrai No. 1, the OT that you whanted is too long so the pokesav made it "darkrai", anyway here you go, this code will place the requested arceus at box 2 slot 1, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  3. <p><p><p><p><p>im sorry i cant right now i have alot of pmed requests i need to do first.</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you the code once its ready.
  5. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club, just so you know if you place anyone of thoes pokemon inside a box their stats will become their normal maxed ones.
  6. wait is this for diamond or platinum? ---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ---------- i wasnt sure for what game so i made it for D/P like you requested in the form, anyway here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at box 1 slot 1, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  7. i have your pokemon ready for trade, im coming into the club now.
  8. sorry i need to do something first, i will pm you when im ready to trade.
  9. it dosnt matter, my FC is in my signature.
  10. you can edit the NZ jirachi, it dosnt need Common GBA (restricted), you can edit it to jolly and it will remain mystery gift (dynamic) -if you use the PID/IV button of course, if you whant i can give you the one i made.
  11. i managed to make it unretricted but i will keep trying.
  12. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  13. if you only whant it to get the flower (and be able to transform) then its ready, i will pm you aswell. P.S: i think every shaymin can transform but only the ones with fatefull encounter under their info can get you the flower.
  14. <p><p><p><p><p>no problem, sorry for the late respond X_X.</p></p></p></p></p>

  15. <p><p><p><p><p>yea sure, either post them on the thread or pm it to me which way you prefer.</p></p></p></p></p>

  16. im sorry guys i had a few problems with my router today, its fixed now, i will start makeing all the unfinished requests. ---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ---------- @Lotte, here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at slots 1-5 in your party, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. EDIT: i have all the pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
  17. yes we can just pm me when you are able to trade.
  18. i can trade you these event pokemon, pm me when you are able to trade.
  19. i will start makeing the requests now. EDIT: i have all your requests ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
  20. will be ready in a few minutes, i will come to the club once im done.
  21. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  22. <p><p><p><p><p>cool and no problem once you have the list pm me it.</p></p></p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p><p><p>your welcome.</p></p></p></p></p>

  24. <p><p><p><p><p>thank you <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />.</p></p></p></p></p>

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