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Everything posted by UnderXRay

  1. if you dont care about any other info, i have your ditto ready, im coming into the club now.
  2. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  3. i will start making the unfinished requests now. EDIT: i have all the pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready to trade. @Zemarth, here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  4. please put your request between spoilers (example at the first post of this thread), anyway here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  5. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  6. i will start making the requests now, @Interface, i can make you the item code but it will erase any other items you have in your bag. EDIT: @Interface, here you go, the first code will place the requested shaymin at box 1 slot 28, the 2nd code will place the requested giratina at box 1 slot 29, and the 3rd code will give you the items you whanted (since you didnt specify on how many you whant i made it 1 each), enjoy: 1st code, shaymin, box 1 slot 28: 2nd code, giratina, box 1 slot 29: 3rd code, items (plates and platinum orb): all codes were tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>ok i have your pokemon ready, i will be inside the club.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p><p><p>EDIT: no sorry i dont have your pokemon yet.</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. sorry guys i was busy lately, i will start making all the unfinished requests. EDIT: i have all the pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready. @3 Blue Eyes, here you go, the first code will place latias and latops at box 16 slots 29-30, the second code will place the rest at box 18 slots 1-3, enjoy: 1st code, box 16 slots 29-30 2nd code, box 18 slots 1-3 both codes were tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. @Lost Seraph, here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at box 4 slots 29-30, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  10. yes i can get you 3 rare candies, i will be inside the club, you can keep the pokemon if you whant.
  11. i have your pokemon ready for trade, im coming into the club now.
  12. yes i can make your pokemon level 40, im inside the club trade me the pokemon you whant me to edit.
  13. i can trade you the pokemon you whanted, i will be inside the club, my FC is in my signature.
  14. alright here you go: if you have any questions you can pm me anytime. Rahxen's lucario.pkm
  15. since you are using pokesav it wont be legit but you can make it legal, and since you made it hatched it should be legal (making the pokemon appear hatched means that you dont need to have a correct PID which means you can give it any nature,IVs,gender and shiny status you whant), the battle stats are usually maxed unless you whant something different (like 999 stats, just so you know making it inside a box will make it maxed and you cant change it inside a box), just to be sure how do you whant this pokemon? by code,trade or .pkm file?
  16. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club, also what OT do you whant?
  17. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  18. sorry my router didnt work for a few days, i will start making all the unfinished requests. EDIT: i have all your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>sorry i wasnt here my router didnt work for a few days. Afrokid, my FC is in my signature.</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  21. i have your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
  22. will be ready in a few minutes. @3 Blue Eyes, here you go, this code will place the requested weavile at box 18 slot 29, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. @Interface, here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at box 18 slot 1, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. @Rafi_boi_101, i have your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
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