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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Thankfully, I can read French. Although, my ability to do so is very limited. . . So I only caught about half of the French stuff....
  2. Okami


    Death Note is pretty good. It's got a sort of sickly humor to it. Probably why I love it, because I'm so twisted
  3. That's so awesome! The Sundae actually looked pretty tasty....now I want ice cream. x__X;
  4. Kanto is by far my favorite pokemon arc. And yes, I have watched pieces of it quite recently. It was what I grew up watching, and Sinnoh will never quite be the same...especially because Ash's new voice is trash to me....that's because I had an ubercrush on Ash back when I was nine. >.<!!!
  5. Okami


    Oh, have fun! I'm so jealous, I want to visit Italy someday...
  6. I've been having this same problem, and I tried what you said and it still comes up as an error when I remove all of the spaces and paste it into a new cheat.
  7. Okami

    1 simple rule

    You spelt 'break' wrong.
  8. What I do is take my codelisting, find my pokemon game, right-click it, and then towards the bottom there should be a command that says "Add new cheat" Click that, and from there copy & paste the code in and give it a name. Then you take the codelisting and drag it over to add it onto the DS. Trust me, I used to have that problem, myself. And if that doesnt seem to work, make sure your software is all the way up-to-date by upgrading it
  9. That is true. Although, I personally just want our own customizable sprites more than the multiple regions. But if there were a way for them to put all of the regions into a handheld game, customizable characters or not, I'd be in love
  10. You first poke game? Holy crap ; Anyways...umm....welcome.
  11. If I were to post my top 5 I'd look obsessive. So I won't.
  12. Gah! How come I never knew this?! No wonder I've never been able to properly train my pokemon.... Dx
  13. Okami


    Anyone else a fan? What's your favorite series and why? For me, it's Naoki Urasawa's MONSTER. The art is stunning, the plot is pretty realisitic, and I love psychology. It's such a psych-filled suspense. A close second would have to be Wolf's Rain, short manga, decent plot (I LOVE WOLVES) And it gives a nice spin-off to the anime, which I also adore. And after that, give me the entirety of the .hack series. I've been following it for years, and am a loyal fan to the franchise.
  14. I was so confused with the move. I seriously thought someone hacked my account because my email/password weren't valid! That's what I get for being a n00b!
  15. I personally want to see a game that takes you through each of the regions, and adds new regions. That each region adds to the list of pokemon. I don't mean to say we add NEW POKEMON to the list, just to say that in Kanto you start with the 150, and as you progress in the game, your pokedex updates with the region with the next generation of pokemon and so on. It'd be nice to be able to create your own character, as well. I've got a full sprite sheet of my character, Okami, that would be so fun to actually find a way to use in-game. To see the crossing of all of the regions would be nice, because it would add longer gameplay (As if any of us need that, I've got 400+ hours logged into Diamond alone, and 40 logged into Platinum as of right now) And perhaps we could see the relationships of the professors in clearer detail, and show how all of the pokemon myths collide.
  16. Oh my gosh, I remember catching MissingNo....totally whacked out my data. Good stuff.
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