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About skenasis

  • Birthday 11/08/1988
  1. I have 150 in my Red version without cheating. I only don't have 151 because I'm way too lazy to get out my old link cable and trade Mew across from Blue.
  2. First shiny I found was a Geodude, while chaining in Diamond.
  3. I've already created some working AR codes, but nothing like what you're looking for (creating event Pokemon, etc). I'm very new to this code-creating jazz, so unfortunately I can only help out with the really basic stuff.
  4. Diamond on the day they came out, Pearl a few months later, Platinum the day it came out. Diamond and Platinum were both pre-orders, Pearl was not.
  5. [sprite]053[/sprite] Forever my favourite Pokemon.
  6. I'll get Totodile in Soul Silver, get Chikorita in Heart Gold (when I get it), trade it across to SS, then restart and get Cyndaquil.
  7. I'll get Soul Silver the day they're released here, and then get Heart Gold at some future date. Can't afford to get both at once, otherwise I would.
  8. I don't particularly care. The trainer sprite isn't something I'm likely to be paying attention to when I'm playing the game. I also don't get this business of her "replacing" Kris. Even if she is, how does it matter? Why is it so important? Is the character sprite really that important?
  9. skenasis


    So, I'm a long-time Pokemon fan, trying to complete my Pokedex. The people over at Serebii and Bulbagarden have (for the most part) no idea what a fair trade is, particularly regarding event Pokemon. In desperation, I turn to Google for help. Hello, Project Pokemon! Being in possession of a flash cart and two DS systems, I now have the solution to my problem. And when events are on here in my native Australia, I'm able to help contribute. I love the work you're all doing here, and I hope to become a useful member of the community
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