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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. It was awkward. It was too... different.
  2. Two regions takes up as much space as it is, now 3 regions? Orange islands isn't going to happen.
  3. Orange Islands would be a dream come true though. But it's best to forget about it. I'm sticking to my theory that Kanto will still be in the game. Screw the Orange Islands
  4. It's not a big deal. There's a guy in Hearthome City that says eggs were discovered in Johto. It would cause confusion not to rediscover the egg.
  5. I think Dusk Gold and Dawn Silver sounded the best. But then again, I'm fine with these name.
  6. Toys Я Us events are much better. I love getting a legitimate event that's restricted to people who took the time to get to there. When everyone can get it, it makes the event feel less special.
  7. CoroCoro knows almost everything about this. They have inside coverage. But I don't work there, it's what I was told.
  8. That sucks. I'm sure Cerulean Cave will get some events soon.
  9. Ho-oh and Lugia were able to be in the front of the daycare center, and they were huge. And the Arceus overworld sprite was pretty small in D/P/PT so I believe this is possible.
  10. I get it. You could simply put a stop to it by getting back on topic. If the madness continues, then you tell us to stop. And I believe the huge problem here is Arceus. How is that going to work? I guess the size of the Pokémon doesn't matter. (Haha, laugh it up)
  11. Wraith, you can't expect every post to contribute to the thread. There will be off topic posts once and a while. And besides, it was a response to your off topic posts. This is a speculation thread and you're talking about Game Freak workers not being good at they're job. I'm not trying to sass you, I'm trying to prove my point. So I don't get scolded, I believe they will have all overworld sprites for Pokémon in order for the breeding to have the Pokémon shown in the front of the Daycare.
  12. That's fine, I'm just expressing my opinion.
  13. Lance's team was my least favorite, I'm sorry to say. I've stated before that I'm very nostalgic, so don't take this personally when I say it doesn't feel like Lance would use this team. It was very rare of me to accept a different Pokémon in Falkner's team, I just felt he would use a Pokémon like that.
  14. I hate Hoenn, the only thing I liked that comes to mind is the Dive feature, where you could go underwater. I've stated this many times before, Hoenn to me was by far the worst region to me, mostly due to the feel. It felt awkward and was too... different. This is just my opinion.
  15. GS ball event is not approved, it's unknown if there even is going to be an event.
  16. I like Klaatu's teams. Especially Togekiss in Falkner's team.
  17. I think they will just discover it once again. This should be in the speculation thread, shouldn't it? It's a simple question, not a sarcastic rhetorical question.
  18. Lets not forget, I said it's best not to guess, it's best to wait. Everything you said is true, but CoroCoro hinted at Kanto.
  19. Game Freak does not disappoint. If they did, they would have made something stupid like Digimon and something as awesome as Pokémon wouldn't have come to existence. And a talking Mewtwo in a video game? Highly unlikely. Sorry, I'm just speaking logically here. Wraith EDIT: DO NOT SAY THE WORD GAY HERE. THANKS
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