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Everything posted by jesu

  1. HG, because my IRL friend who I play pokemon with is getting SS :>
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xeiND08ya4 This song.
  3. You can fit it in your pocket. That's what I'm going to do.
  4. Oh man... Where to start. 1. The pokewalker and the trainer house. The fact that you can battle other peoples parties whom come within like 30 feet of you or so when you're out and about is just...awesome. 2. Pokemon following you around. It's just so cute ;w; 3. ..yeah that's about it lol
  5. Jesus... I loved Kris, why'd they have to replace her?
  6. jesu

    DS Stylus

    Dohohoho.... If I had a penny for every DS stylus I've lost... I'd be richer than Bill Gates...
  7. This better NOT come out until at least late 2012. The DS is by far the most fun I've ever had out of any handheld system. Ever. The sales on it are doing fantastic, I got the DSi a few months back and was worth every penny. I love the apps I can use with my DS now and how I can take out my DS games without turning it off. The DS is still not out of date and there is no need to replace it yet.
  8. Both are pointless. I like the size of my DSi just the way it is. The PSP is already pointless as it is.
  9. Glaceon is and always will be~ Until gen 5 mwahahahahahaha
  10. I'll have it with me non-stop. For some reason I really like the idea of carrying some of my pokemon with me when I'm out and about :B
  11. <p><p><p><p><p>what happened to you brah?</p></p></p></p></p>

  12. Just make it so new members cannot register until the warning is over. Simple as that.
  13. Requesting this please iv set up is once again /hp/attck/def/spattack/spdef/speed Thanks =)
  14. Hey ray, thanks for the pokemon yesterday! Think you can make this for me? =) thanks Gender is Female.. ev and iv set up are once again /hp/attck/def/spattack/spdef/speed
  15. OT name for all pokemon: Jesu. All Trainer ID:04107 all secret trainer ID: 91190 fc: 2749-8734-0138 Want 'legal' pokemon for a main partry. I do not have the time to EV train.... Please make it for me.
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