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About Neo

  • Birthday 06/24/1990

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  1. I'm not dead either
  2. The graphic for flying type moves is still in japanese. Just thought I'd report that.
  3. My best wishes and prayers to all of those affected by this tragedy
  4. What's the differnce about the EXP patch and Non=EXP Patch?
  5. Awesome! This should revive my love for pokemon.
  6. Alpha that looks AMAZING Can't wait to play it.
  7. Neo

    HD Wii

    Meh, Wii was never meant for HD.
  8. It has been a great year with great progress made. Let's all hope for a great second year!
  9. For what? I'm Assuming your talking about a PC N64 Emulator. Project 64 is by far the best one.
  10. Unusual idea, but a very good one at that. Can't wait to see this when it's finished. Good job Guested.
  11. HTML version definietly suits me best. Great job Codemonkey & Alpha!
  12. Exactly, This is not the final version thus, not all features are working. Also, this should be posting in the Save editing thread.
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