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Everything posted by tillerjpg

  1. Zigzagoon
  2. Hey guys, I'm about to walk into the Poké League right now, but to be honest, I don't think my team will be much of a challenge for the Elite 4. So far, I got: As you can see, most of the pokemon are a low level and don't have good attacks. (Pichu is aweful, but I like it when he walks behind me =P) Also, I'm not playing online or anything, so I don't need any uber EV trained pokes, whatever that might be. I just need some advice which Pokemon to swap for better pokemon (I'm training my dragonair till it's a dragonite) and what attacks I should learn my pokemon. Thanks in advance for you help. P.S. I just need strong attacks, I never use stat-changing attacks like Leer or Dragon Dance.
  3. From what I've seen so far, I don't really like the pokemon from Black 'n White. Too be honest, I liked the first 2 generations, but after that all the pokemon started to look like eachother and some of them were plain animals with some new colours and a tail... I think this will be a plusle-like pokemon. Electric/normal perhaps?
  4. Too bad she left I'd have loved to see you play in a live gig in front of 50.000 people =P I got some good news (mostly for myself though), me and my band can play as opening band in a few weeks. It isn't a huge concert (We're the opening band of a musician who's not well known, not even in the Netherlands.... sad actually). And we got permission to use a studio nearby to practice our playing and record songs! ... Now I just gotta convince my parents to let me skip those last 3 years of school and fully commit myself to music =P
  5. I only used it twice so far. The first time was when I was going in a forest with my friends on vacation. We walked for like 6 hours straight, but somehow the pedometer didn't work and it said I had just 3912 steps... in 6 hours. The second time was when I forgot I put it in my pocket when I was cleaning my room. So yea, I rarely use it. I will use it to get a few pikachu's from Yellow Forest though.
  6. I enjoyed watching 'Shrek: Forever After' with a few friends in the cinema It's pretty new here
  7. #7 Totodile
  8. Rattata
  9. Granted, but you're a Billionair in Vietnam (Vietnamese Dong) I wish I invented Windows
  10. charmander looks like a potato with a fiery tail and teeth
  11. Granted, but you'll be a magikarp in a volcano, get bullied by all other pokemon cause you're a weirdo/fake pokemon, and some big pokemon steals every treasure you find I wish it'd be raining meowth and Houndours, instead of Cats 'n dogs here!
  12. Pidgey
  13. #5 Quilava
  14. To train them is my cause!!! *Wonders why he knows all these songs... Haven't watched the anime since I was... 10?*
  15. If ya strong, you'll surive and you'll keep your dream alive *cheesy*
  16. I don't like any of them, but I'd choose for Giratina I guess... Somehow it looks like my Science teacher
  17. My first pokemon ever to be level 100 was probably a pidgey (well, pidgeot ofcourse) in pokemon Yellow. My first level 100 pokemon in Diamond was piplup (yes, it was a piplup. I had empoleon and a ditto, they got a little egg, and I leveled my piplup to level 100, without evolving it). In platinum and Heartgold I don't have a level 100 pokemon yet.
  18. It doesn't always have to be the music you completely wrote yourself from scratch. My band covered the song "Beat It" by Micheal Jackson. I changed some stuff, added a few power slides and made the solo a bit more fun to play (I played the solo by Van Halen, and added a few things at the end, ending in a bridge (power slide and vocal solo) to the chorus It's amazing to see people like your playing. I wonder what it's like to play in front of a huge amount of fans (not the 100 or something who saw us in the local pub).. Concerts with 50.000 people. I'd crap my pants if they were all staring at me But like Tbird said, the best part of it all is when you're already on stage, everyone is watching you and you just wait for everyone to be ready. A few seconds of complete silence, and then the soft drumsticks clicking 4 times. It's amazing to experience that. I always think about all kinds of stuff, except for the song we're going to play in those last few seconds. It's funny actually, you hear the drummer say 1...2...3...4 and when he's at the 4th click, you wonder if you closed the front door and if turned off the lights at home. Oh Tbird, my band tried it out with some classmates. We played a song two times. One where our classmates were just sitting around and watching us play. The second time they acted like they were in a moshpit It's much more fun to play then, though it's hard to concentrate if you see that happen in front of your eyes.
  19. Alakazam
  20. All my pleasure, I'm glad I can finally help someone here, instead of whining until somebody helps me =P
  21. Yea, too bad the Charmander I got after I reset my game wasn't shiny. Just a Red Charizard for me. By the way, are NPC's able to get shiny pokemon? Would've been funny to see Red with a shiny Charizard, Blastoise and Snorlax =P
  22. I recommend you to watch some videos by Mike Johnston ( http://www.youtube.com/user/drumteacher76 ). The drummer in my band uses his lessons. He even went to the international drumcamp by Mike Johnston. Also, he got a lot of fun challenges and contests, with real nice prices. Good luck, and tell us if it worked
  23. I never caught a shiny before (except for the Red Gyarados). I got a shiny starter when I played my first pokemon for the first time... It was a shiny bulbasaur, but I turned off the game without saving... I liked Charmander better, and didn't know what shiny meant
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