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Everything posted by Aeternus

  1. I'll battle you! FC is below (use the Platinum code). PM me when you're ready to battle. =]
  2. Eh I'd like to go, but the closest is Philly, and I'm not used to the Doubles style... Maybe if there's ever a closer tourney...
  3. Eh everyone has their own styles and opinions. I just like to play, no real strategy. I like Squirtle 'cause, even though he doesn't do that much damage, he's still fast and small. But that's just how I play it.
  4. It's ok. I have that, too, but I still want to do this. It actually gives me something to do in Pokemon. 'Cause practically no one is on to battle nowadays...
  5. Snake FTW! But I'm also alright with Squirtle (not so great with Ivysaur or Charizard, though) and I also like playing with PokeBalls, but not only them. Sometimes it's nice to have items that you know the effects of. ;]
  6. See my first post. I'm happy to trade anything I have for any shiny I don't have. =]
  7. @ darklord: I think we all got that, thanks.
  8. Wow, notthegoatseguy, nice prediction. Still waiting for you to at least tell us what each of your Pokemon do, minamimoto.
  9. My goal isn't to do this easily. -.- Just because this is a PokeSav site doesn't mean all of us use it to solve all our problems. I want to be able to say I have compiled 493 shinies myself. PokeSav wouldn't make me feel so accomplished. Believe me, once you beat the game over and over, there's little point to it, other than battling, and collecting shinies. The RIGHT way. ;]
  10. @RAZORWILD: Some of the entries appear to be in different languages. Please don't yell at us. @ NTR: And this is the correct area to post trading topics: it's called WiFi Battling & Trading.
  11. It kind of helps to know what role each of your Pokemon are playing, so we know what is left to be taken, and can then make a more educated suggestion as to your last choice. ;]
  12. @ Linkmyster: Oops. Didn't even see that. Nice call. Well, technically, Arceus is the only Pokemon to be not released yet, so technically there're only 492 as of now... @ Vlad: These aren't pkmn files for PokeSav. They are actual Pokemon that I actually have in an actual game.
  13. I'll happily battle anyone that's willing to. My FCs are below. Please use my Platinum FC.
  14. MissingNo could be caught! I remember, it learned 2 Water Guns. Sorry, Minamimito. ...Then you teach a Diglett Fly (only do-able on the tile six spaces down and three to the left)...
  15. That alternate universe Giratina's from? It's only the flip side of ours. So what happens when a new universe is discovered, with new and strange Pokemon to be befriended? Either that or space travel. I've always liked the idea of prehistoric Pokemon, though. I mean, there has to have been more than just the fossilized Pokemon that went extinct. I don't think it's possible for only about a dozen species to be lost in the history of a planet...
  16. Haha I don't care if the numbers add up or not: this makes an awesome point. Very funny. Nice, destati!
  17. Ok, I'm waiting. Whenever you're ready.
  18. You can use the Platinum FC in my signature. I'll be on in a second. Get the Breloom ready to trade for the Metapod.
  19. Yeah, I know. I maxed everything out.
  20. Sure. And you cannot have a no-gender Metapod. Do you want it to be Male or Female?
  21. Ah. That might be a deterrent from trading... Thanks, Damio.
  22. Yes, I can clone, and I already have a Luxray (see first post). Which game would this cheat be for? Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum? And don't double post, just edit your already-existing post. It makes you look more forum-savvy. =]
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