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Everything posted by Midna312

  1. You are banned because because that wasn't misleading information, It's true;)
  2. You are banned because you are not the pokemon master, I am;)
  3. I downloaded it yesterday. Mew is my favorite pokemon too!
  4. You are banned because I am THE BEST at pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You are banned because my cat is drinking now lol.
  6. You are banned because Gin hurt my feelings... He made me feel stupid...
  7. You are banned because I'm home alone now.
  8. Tbird, you are banned because I will turn you into a bird and I will transform into Bowser and burn you to cinders and you will never be seen again!!!
  9. Sabeta, You are banned for liking Gardavoir.
  10. RPG'S, Pokemon, Action/Adventure, Fighting, Free Roaming.
  11. Welcome to the site, Crimson. There is a lot to do here and I hope you enjoy it. Pokemon is my second favorite thing in the world, so yeah we're all similar in that.
  12. RengadeShroom, You are banned because I have three cats that will kill anything in their way including birds you are talking about.
  13. RengadeShroom, you are banned because Mew is my favorite pokemon.
  14. You are banned because I have already beaten my Pokemon ranger 3 game in less than a day.
  15. .................................................. You are banned because I can beat pokemon games better than anyone else.
  16. You are banned for posting the White House.
  17. HottShushiz, you are banned because I will use Rapid Spin and I am getting the new Pokemon Ranger 3 in a couple of hours!
  18. Late welcome!
  19. Sabeta, you are banned because my Charmader Evolved into Charmeleon, and Soon it will be a Charizard!
  20. True what he says, I don't do these things because they mess your game. Think before you do something, thats my advice.
  21. Hit and give Legendary Pokemon!
  22. Whenever I see Charizard, I think of Brain Melting!
  23. I've always known Rotom is an electric/ghost type. No one is better a pokemon than me;)
  24. Charizard, Charizard, Charizard, And more Brain Melting!
  25. [sprite]006[/sprite][sprite]006[/sprite][sprite]006[/sprite][sprite]006[/sprite]
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