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Everything posted by Midna312

  1. Hit. The next person thinks Watch Dogs looks interesting.
  2. A rather late response, but welcome to the forums regardless!
  3. Hit. Three evil cats. The next person watches Adult Swim.
  4. Miss. Half-Life, meh. The next person was a scientist at Umbrella Cooperation.
  5. Hit. The next person hates anything that is asymmetrical.
  6. Miss. Never heard of it. The next person thinks Liz is better than Patty (from Soul Eater, if you didn't know).
  7. Hi everybody. I'm looking for a Charizardite X. I'm willing to give away a shiny fish for it (I can get one at any time). Thanks.
  8. 2
  9. Hit/miss. I know some. The next person has played a Zelda game.
  10. 9
  11. Miss. I wish The next person has been to New England.
  12. Hit. Soul Eater & Naruto ftw! The next person has been in weather that is below zero.
  13. Welcome to our humble online community, Nightwraith.
  14. Miss. The next person wants to see the movie Divergent.
  15. Miss. The next person has played and owns Assassins's Creed 4.
  16. Friend code is in my signature. Pokemon are Combee, Volbeat, and Herocross.
  17. Hit. The next person knows who Danny Bonaduce is.
  18. My friend code is in my signature. I don't know the Pokemon, but the type is bug.
  19. Here's mine again if anyone needs it. 0061 -0367 -0197 Added most of you.
  20. Miss. I forgot them. The next person has a dirty mind....
  21. I was wondering if anyone has the electric-type safari? I really want a Luxio.
  22. Lego, I hereby ban you because you have the evolution of Barboach in your avatar.
  23. 4.
  24. 2.
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