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About lizyarrow

  • Birthday 04/20/1988
  1. I am using a micro sd card... Its just when I try to use the shuny converter the save does not load correctly I try the convert from duc/dss to the .sav suggested by most posts I have tried a few others as well. I can try going to the datel site to get the newest drivers though I have tried updating it hopefully that should help.
  2. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey Im Liz, to be honest I am 22 but I will always love pokemon. Who dosen't like taking beasts on a rampage through town. I have played since pokemon blue released though I skipped the hohoen region. To be honest not a fan of that game in particular. I like roleplaying and board games and I accept my geekiness with pride. Normally I like to stick with raising my pokemon in game but the day before halloween someone broke into the back of my workplace and took my DS and pokemon with it.... as well as my car keys. Still waiting to see a check back from my work since they owe me. I am currently trying to use an action replay to return my loving friends to my game... pearl this time...soul silver is now MIA. No luck so far and anyway still trying to get the thing to work. I do not have the time it takes to raise these pokemon a second time.... school...work... and life... oh well things will come.</p></p></p></p></p>

  3. I have had issues with getting the action replay dsi to work. Most of the poke sav codes had no effect on my game.... I even tried to just edit the save directly deciding that was the best option. No go...I got the save file backed up and tried it with poke sav ineffectually. I have tried everything to get it to work downloading this program or that and even shuny's converter program. Nothing has successfully converted the file to a readable format for poke sav. I have found at least 15 similar posts and none of them have helped me. Is it just me or is this the cosmos telling me to start my game from scratch (My ds was stolen while I was at work 2 weeks ago and my pokemon I worked hard to ev train and such.. with it). I will say I have heard of issues with windows vista and the action replay but I also read that the action replay dsi would work fine with it... I hate vista with such passionate loathing I have considered chucking my laptop out the window. Is there anyone with any idea of how to help me? I am considering just swapping to another OS or buying a new laptop.... but is there anyway to help me now while I am broke as a joke again complications with the theft 2 weeks ago....?
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