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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. 21 minutes ago, adamsmith1790 said:
    If I understand correctly, I have to (TID/SID/OT) ? 
    Can I put anyone?


    It would also be simpler to change the origin game to SM, and hatched location to somewhere in SM, (meaning you wont have to change tid sid ot)
    as long as that porygon2 doesn't have any tutor moves from prev gen.

  2. 58 minutes ago, zeropain said:

    I have found one save file on another forum posted by @Invader TAK with a Mystery Mew (did you obtained this from someone or did you went to the event yourself?). That Mystery Mew in that save is not present in the Mystery Mew distribution save. I know we dont have all of the Mystery Mews (420), but could this be one of the missing ones?

    I attached the Mew file:

    151 - MEW Serious.pk3

    I've uploaded a bunch of Mews to here,
    is this mew not in there?

  3. 6 minutes ago, adamsmith1790 said:




    I am writing to you because I have a problem with porygon2. I generated an porygon2 which is legit according to pkhex. So I get to play with online fight duo ranked. But when I wanted to play with friends when checking the team it was deemed invalid. Do you have an explanation ? I put a screenshot of the pkhex


    Thank's you. 


    (sorry for my english) 

    Capture d’écran 2017-04-09 à 15.42.16.png

    Capture d’écran 2017-04-09 à 15.42.04.png

    Capture d’écran 2017-04-09 à 15.41.48.png

    are you sure it isn't the rules that are stopping you from using Pre Gen7 Pokemon?

  4. 30 minutes ago, suloku said:

    I don't think it would be sync ID since that would require having one. But if they use OT/SID/Name+-OTgender there's the really small chance of someone not being able to receive the event...unless PGL IDs are assigned to any given OT/SID/OTname when it first connects, but only stored in the save if you actually sync. Would be intresting to rule out this with a save that hasn't been synched.

    Also, if there's a Tw 3DS region, how come there's no Tw folder in the gen 7 WC7 compilation file?
    At first I thought simply no Tw events have been held yet, but then I read thatLunar Shiny Magikarp in your example has been distributed there.

    Right, that would make sense. I forgot that I'm using a save that already has a Game Sync ID.
    I just checked, and my earlier saves all didn't have IDs.

    In that case, it'll be controlled by OT/SID/NAME and Possible OT gender,
    since I changed those, and it allowed me to receive the event again.

    I've been skeptical of how the TW region is being treated.
    It's like how I don't copy all of EU events into AU; it'll cause even more unnecessary duplication. (I mean, sheesh US, just follow EU -.- )

    If there's any TW only events, then I'll definitely have to create a TW folder.
    Until then, TW uses only ENG wonder cards from the EU and JP folder. (in terms of serial code or online wifi scenarios)
    After all, there are no events hosted online (on the server/cdn) that are unique TW events.

    Also, I've yet to confirm if anyone on our site uses a TW 3DS.
    (I'll need to double confirm if it can grab all EU events. I've had a convo somewhere regarding this..)

  5. 18 minutes ago, Holla! said:

    I dunno man I just posted whatever serebii had so eagerly. :/ 

    Also posted the Pokemon.com page site which most likely will be updated to announce any details about its NA releases.

    I too predict a serial code in probably Fall for overseas since Volcanion was also done like that for just back in October.

    If using Volcanion as a basis,
    Marshadow in Japan (and maybe Korea) could be serial code with movie ticket purchase at the theaters,
    since that's what was done with Volcanion there. (so July 2017)

    US and EU will get it randomly as serial code (probably Jan/Feb 2018)
    then eventually it'll get an alternative release as Movie Ticket Serial Code again (for HKTW and SEA affiliated countries)

  6. @Holla! I don't think these videos counts, as it's nothing but a reveal.

    Granted, a reveal means a distribution will come soon enough,
    but right now no details are given.

    Hopefully, it's via serial code.

    If it's another one of those "distribute at movie with local wireless" I think I'll go insane.

  7. 3 minutes ago, wraith89 said:

    Wow. Sorry for my inactivity. It was rather difficult getting past this Google Authenticator thing, because no matter how many times I tried, the code it gave me never worked. Somehow I got in this time. Who knows if that will happen again.

    Anyways, this Vulpix doesn't look to be anything special. The only particulars are: OT is SunMoon, ID is 170404, and its in a Precious Ball. It comes at level 10, has no special moves (Ice Shard/Baby Doll Eyes/Roar/Tail Whip), has Snow Cloak (not Snow Warning), and I was able to soft reset it every time for different natures and even gender. IV seems completely randomised too. So unless you really like collecting events, it is just as good as a normal Vulpix you can find in the fields in Sun version. I guess it's also good for people with Moon version like me who cannot find it in the wild. :)


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    It's probably old news by now, but I'll just leave this here.


    I'll be adding those images to our event gallery in a bit :)

  8. 2 hours ago, Noventia said:

    This is my problem.

    When i hover over the red warning triangle, it says "unknown encounter." even though i've set a location for where i've found the ninjask. I'm very new to pkhex, so sorry if i'm being a bit stupid.

    You can't catch a level 1 Nincada or Ninjask at location you indicated, hence why PKHeX reports its an unknown encounter.

    If you it's supposed to be a hatched Pokemon, the as egg below needs to be ticked.

  9. 2 hours ago, Kirzi said:

    To add onto that, HK/TW code events are only legal on EU consoles in certain languages: ENG, JPN, KOR, CHT, and CHS.

    I actually wasn't too sure about this in gen 7, thanks for the confirmation!

    Also, as a little tidbit,
    for scenarios where common passwords are given out,
    the Server logs your details when you receive it (Not sure if it's TID/SID/OT combination or GameSync ID),
    meaning even when reverting to an older save, you will not be able to receive the event, despite having no records of it in your save file.
    (This happened to me yesterday. I changed both out of instinct)

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