crimson assassin
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Everything posted by crimson assassin
dude you honestly have no idea what you are talking about do you latias doesn't ohko something it cant outspeed with +2 rhyperior outspeeds it and beside the fact it's not a wasted move slot even without toxic it is still effective bob you are the one giving not just bad but stupid yeah stupid advice because you are sitting back here not trying to help you are attempting to argue with me on something your wrong on so your even more pissed ok first stone edge's accuarcy isnt bad it is what 80 so that means you have 2 chances out of 10 to miss. next we are talking a rock polisher set so you need to think in terms of if rhyperior has a rock polish up and this is in the same metagame people run hypnosis and focus blast so you can honestly be quite with this half thought through comment. ok so lets start with this. a +2 polish rhyperior ohko's gyarados everytime even without rock with stone edge fun fact a no attack evs stone edge even after intimidate ohkos gyarados now to breloom it 2hit ko's rhyperior but it wont happen before you 2 hit ko it so there is no way it can leech seed stall you and this is if you run facade or megahorn next latias is outsped by jolly rock polisher and ohko'd by megahorn reason to completly disregard facade for megahorn is if you want to hit bronzong with him and I never said it was bad it's just not reliable lead for a rain team because it may take to much work to get rain up with all the taunter with electrode you are guarenteed rain no if ands or buts about it now unless you have a valid argument don't respond because once again I know far more about probably all the metagames than you do and i've actually used all the pokemon I reccomend (barring the heal bell dragonite even though i'm trying it now) learn the game before you try and argue with me deal? pm me if you have anything else dumb to add dont flame this thread with you half though through comments
Wraith Won: Hell Froze Over: Wraith89 Vs. Naru-Chu
crimson assassin replied to wraith89's topic in Warstories
GG your side comments were hit and miss you played great your opponent however played very badly like who explodes on a luvdic with no direct attack to hurt it when you have +2 speed which is more than enough to outspeed it and just kill it off with Eq or meteor mash lol red gyarados slayer:) I'm going to guess none of you opposing players have just attacked luvdisc they always try setting up first? -
not really because that was an example why would i facade a gyarados when i could ohko it with a stone edge? lol
ok it doesn't get helpful coverage huh? after being toxiced it ohkos standard breloom, 2hko latias, and after SR 2hits gyarados with the intimidate up so how do you figure the ability to check your counters useless after toxic facade has a base power of 140 which is way stronger than megahorn and resisted by only steel, rock, and ghost all 3 of which are easily handle by either stone edge or EQ so please explain how it doesn't have type coverage? Ok and you comment about no reason to use it is just rediclious thats like saying don't run megahorn because it doesn't get stab.
T-bird brozong isn't a good set up lead because 9/10 it will be taunted and you have just wasted a pokemon he is fine for a secondary set up but not a lead. A lead should get the job done and fast and thats what electrode does and electrode can be quite desruptive in the process and that is why I suggested him. suscide leads don't sweep but they do get the job done and thats pretty much what electrode is. and honestly does it help to have stealth rocks if you can't use them? I'd rather have EQ in that SR slot but maybe thats just me and t-bird electrode isn't here to sweep it is for quick rain set up guarenteeded rain set up and let others sweep he is more of a suscide lead. electrode acutally tears down ghost and latias in OU as he get sucker punch (somehow) plus stab thunders and thunderbolts rip through bulky water types and explosion can run through a lot of pokemon. You shouldn't put down a pokemon based upon base stats use an electrode first then tell me it's not good And by the way hp ice electrode can help sweep in OU.
team 2 has a problem it has 2 4x weaknesses to grass which we dont want so i recomend droping rhyperior frome team 2 because having 2 pokemon that can be droped by 1 move is not good or at lease if you are going to keep it put rock polish not SD he is gonna need speed he already has power and why does it have superpower everything superpower hits for Super effective damage so does EQ (barring normal types which he can easily 2 hko anyway). and avalance really isnt needed for anything either as he gets megahorn for latias and salamence, dragonite, and gyarados are all killed off by a stone edge not to mention he has the option of running facade which is a set i made was facade rhypeior it also him to make the best of a very bad situation and turning toxic, para hax, or other status placed on your rhyperior into a deadly weapom changes are in bold Rhyperior@Life Orb Nature: Adamant EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def - megahorn/facade - Earthquake - Stone Edge - rock polish
I like the way t-bird thinks:) Oh and in terms of a wall I would probably go with gastrodon or rotom-w both are amazing walls gastrdon hmeats opponets hits depending on how you ev it it can even take grass attacks and rotom gives immunity to ground(barring rampardos and pinsir because of mold breaker), elec, fighting, poison, steel, and bug so this guy is just all around great
Ok lets do this and let's be sure to get this right so you will be ready to sweep with your rain dance team now most people are 1. you lead wont cut it in OU half the time as OUhas way to many taunters just pick something fast enough to get the job done and possible even stop rocks on his own electrode@damp rock hasty~soundproof 252 Atk / 48 SpA / 208 Spe ~ Rain Dance ~ Explosion ~ Taunt ~ Thunder 252 Atk / 48 SpA / 208 Spe fast and while not very solid he get the job done in a hurry outspeeding even the fastest pokemon in OU makes him the best rain dancer in the game no if ands or buts about it it is impossible to taunt something you are slower than. not to mention he can taunt other annoying leads like aerodactyl, bronzong, or gengar 2.throwing out kingdra but only as a special attacker why not mixed it is fully capable of destroying entire teams single handedly instead of being completly owned by OU's claim to fame blissey so insted of your kingdra set i reccomend. kingdra@life orb Naughty~swift swim 252 Atk / 240 SpA / 16 Spe ~ dragon dance ~ Waterfall ~ Hydro Pump / Surf ~ Draco Meteor 252 Atk / 240 SpA / 16 Spe this guy clocks is at 210 speed wise with no rain so now lets give him rain support and that is 420 easily enough to outspeed the entire OU metagame then not to mention how much faster he will get after a dragon dance he has 466 just thinking about it is scary this guy is able to blow holes in skarmory while still tearing down blissey 317 attack and 284 spatk makes one short match for your opponent if you can get this guy in and set up and the nicest part is he can still do damage after rain is gone. 3. people saying omastar being bulky gives him a better chance to set up RD than kingdra isn't true kingdra can set it up better by far because of the fact it only has 1 weakness while omastar has about 4 (grass, fighting, eletric, ground) one of which is 4x so no rain dance on hime his job should be an attacker and maybe a hazer he can help out a lot when it comes to this hazing omastar has saved me so many times you wouldnt believe it the ability to cancel out stat changes and sweep should not be taken for granted Jirachi@Damp Rock Nature: timid EVs: 252 HP / 80 SpA / 176 Spe - Rain dance - psychic/water pulse/U-turn - Thunder - wish second rain dance set up will absorb kingdra's one and only wakness and can keep getting rain dance up the entire game thanks to wish he can stay nice and healthy evire is fine you just better hope you can pull off a motor drive you need to replace siczor siczor is good but it can just be thrown onto any team just because it is siczor and whoever reccomended CB set look at his team it can't function with a cb siczor a SD siczor or roost siczor is best for here as his team is already dependant upon rain why make a sweeper dependant on a choice anything
VGC '10 Organized Play - More Details
crimson assassin replied to NulMyre's topic in Competitive Battling Discussion
Honestly it's not hard you can get them legit with great ivs I have plenty legit flawless Ubers and legends here just google: pokemon rng smogon it's something one of our members mingot discovered and it makes catching and breeding legit flawless shinies and ubers easy I'm competing in the VGC tourny this year and my team so far is undeafeated in all it's test matches so i'm ready to go I gotta fly from Nebraska to pheonix however this isn't true at all a simple fake out pokemon with say a metagross explosion lead or a protect explosion lead easily takes both of these out main thing to worry about is smeargle leads with dark void, quiet dailga and brave t-tar leads because if they manage to pull a TR it's game. Mewtwo and latias is a deadly combination, but the absolute number 1 pokemon you do not ever want to play against is Lugia it is so bulky that without a reflect it can live a max attack adamant metagross explosion plus it can be a calm mind attack toxic staller anything is possible with this gal from attacking to dual screening however blissey is good in uber doubles but not here since most mewtwo's will be packing self-destruct for that very reason but dont let that stop you from running her blissey can be a good asset to anyteam in fact I'm running a psych up blissey it is the greatest thing ever especially when it picks up calm minds with psych up then it slows down my opponents with icy wind -
Nope I don't mind at all that's why I posted it you know I'm really hope these changes have worked out for you if you need any pokes for a wifi team just pm me and I'll breed you a legit flawless one
A OU Team that need some tuning up
crimson assassin replied to final_aeon's topic in Team Building Discussion
why do you have nothing but OU's man this actually leave you open to alot of UU assaults and you are gonna be supprised at what I say but your team will be raped completly by an agility marrowack -
oh and miss Im sorry for assuming you were a male just english language says if you dont know someones sex assume male so thats what Im doing hope i didnt offend you
Bob no it's not that set you listed is absolutely a waste especially when as i said it has access to synthesis which is 10x better since this isn't a bulky shaymin. Man, you have no idea how wrong you are hp ice/earth power/ air slash/ seed flare is way better than set you listed hp fire is nice I run it on one of my shaymins on my wifi team (legit rng abused) it is nice but not better than air slash only way it is better is in the fact that it kills siczor other than that air slash outclasses it by far because not only does it have the 30% flinch but it is stronger and gains more notable ohkos like heracross, machamp, and gallade things of that nature while taking care of other grass types so it checks bugs/fighting/grass while hp fire helps it doesnt ko most of the things it his for se damage and since earth power (barring some bronzongs) checks steels it is no need for hp fire unless you are really that scared of siczor. hp ice is better killing dragons that would otherwise give her shaymin problems/ earth power checks steels, fire, and poison types/ seed flare water types, rock types, and ground types/ air slash bugs, ghting types, a other grass types now if anyone would further like to debate this topic pm me but lets not flame her thread with topics we all know i'm right on.lol yeah we are here to rebuild the team if we see some where we can improve her team thats what raters do.lol I don't mind building someone a team from the ground up I've done it a bunch of times from NU team-up to ubers double teams you don't have to if you don't want to but i will continue to assist everyone here
Umm but why have abomasnow here it's not helping anything but one other pokemon on his team other than that it's hurting him
No problem. Only reason I say change espeon is ttarvwalls your current one actually any dark type hurts you and wins in a 1 on 1 so hp ice is for dragon coverage of course psychic stabb and signal beam dark types and other psychics when bumped with calm mind can be deadly and for infernape naive is needed because it still boost speed just as jolly nature would except it doesn't take away any spatk which you need as much as you can get for mixed attacker so just stay with naive trust me it's best
nice team just look out for mixed infernape and pure physical attacking e-vires because not only will they out speed your entire team barring infernape they can and will wreck like 5 out of 6 of the pokmon on your team and this is only because really none of your pokemon run max speed which may prove fatal
well Bob I believe the land form is able to obtain air slash by changing it into sky form then back to regular with air slash already learned I could be wrong but i've had it used on me before during a UU battle back when shaymin was UU it just doesn't have serene grace. before i address you team I'd like to address this just because you like a move doesn't make it best ok we are going to build you a solid team thats our job if your team calls for it we will put it in but if we dont feel it is best then we will exclude it not to be controling but to make sure you have the best team possible and hopefully you understand I'm not saying that to be rude ok I we are going to bulid an ou team we need to fix somethings first 1. we Have to get soe physical attackers in this team because right now blissey walls your entire team 2. mixed attackers for wall breaking when needed 3. and It looks like espeon is your favorite pokemon so why not try and make it the center of the team instead of a supporter being a pinerider ok first this is just a heads up your lead is good but dont be to sure about it working in OU because Jolly aerodactyl runs around here quite often and it is faster and will taunt you before you can taunt it which will also in turn stop destiny bond and spikes leaving you down to 1 move. Now i'm not saying dont run froslass because i truly love that little ghost it was my first special attacker breed actually(back when siczor was UU and garchomp was OU) but just to be warned ok now to the actual help first. there is no need to have both venusaur and blissey thats just one to many special walls one should suffice this is taking up space that could be used for a potential sweeper Venusaur @ Black Sludge so I'd drop him and go for a dragonite because you like bulk apparently but all of your attackers lack it so i'm recommendin Dragonite Leftovers Careful Moveset EVs ~ Dragon Dance ~ Heal Bell ~ Roost/super power ~ Dragon Claw 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe this guy is great he can set up and just dismantle things. and since he now has been given heal bell all hell breaks loose he is pretty much the OU's verison of a altaria it uses it's bulk and roost to absorb hits but heal bell allows him to heal off status and keep sweeping it is crazy how well this works only thing i would do if i decided to run this set is put eq or superpower in for roost so my sweeping isn't stopped by steel types. and another nice thing is frees up a move slot for blissey because now she doesnt have to run it also. 2nd. change is glaceon has to go it is actally helping only oneother pokemon on the team meaning it is actually hurting you and in terms of a mixed wall breaker/ sweeper I'll go with infernape as it compliments dragonite nicely they resist most of each others weaknesses only a few they dont cover which is great when it comes to dual typing cover is rock,dragon, psychic but Dnite covers his ground weakness and water weakness and infernape takes care of dnites ice weakness and most ice attacks you see in OU are special so blissey can absorb them same witht he psychic moves barring of course psycho cut here is the reccomended set MixApe Life Orb Naive Moveset EVs ~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower ~ Close Combat ~ Grass Knot ~ Hidden Power Ice 70 this set has great coverage and hits freaking everything for supereffective damage except gyarados who will still hate taking a grass knot form your infernape 3. shaymin can stay but 2 things need to go rest and leech seed shaymin isnt walling anything with a timid nature so that wont help even with natural cure. it has more reliable recovery in the form of synthesis only time that synthesis is worst than rest is when weather like rain or sandstom is up and your recovery is lowered but when the sun is out it is raise so gotta take the good witht he bad but trust me it is mostly good. and in place of leech seed I'd do healing wish or earth power because you need hp ice or fire for shaymin to function well in OU so that actually needs to be there normally i reccomend fire so you arent walled by siczor but your team needs hp ice more. and healing wish while it sounds weird is good I run it on my shaymin and i love it. Only down side is it will kill shaymin yes however it completlely heals another pokemon and that could be exactly what you need to finish off the game only thing to take into account is if your opponent has entry hazards up they will hurt your pokemon before it is healed but that is good because you get max health back since you take entry damage first but it is your call so here is the shymin set i reccomend shaymin@life orb 252spatk/6hp/252spd seed flare hp ice/hp fire healing wish/earth power synthesis 4. Stoss on blissey in place of heal bell now that we have dragonite with that already who will be a faster and mroe effective heal beller or we can turn blissey into a special attacking tank that will work in junction with calm mind passing espeon your call if you want to try it i can write up a good set for bulky spatking blissey 5. now while you can in theory still run this set because you can pass boost to infernape or to blissey if you want(I know it sounds crazy but I am comeprting in VGC and I run a calm mind lugia and a blissey with psych up so it copies lugia stat boost once blissy get 2 calm minds from lugia it can hurt stuff plus it can learn icy wind so it can lower opponents speed while still hurting them in turn giving blissey the upper hand in terms of speed power and bulk) through baton pass calm mind i reccomend keeping the boost for herself and just being an attacker so i reccomend Espeon @ life orb/wise glasses 252 HP/252 Spe/6 Sp.D Timid - hp ice - signal beam - Psychic - Calm Mind hopefully these help out and I'm sorry but I just didn't see a reason to throw in confuse ray
great warstory man Loved the commentary you're a natural at writing these. but only suggestion I have is dont post 6-0 mataches because you know it lacks the drama factor. I like warstories that keep me guess who will win untill the end with 6-0's it's kind of like well he is playing good but he has had control the entire match so we know how it is going to end ya know. But even with that your writing style kept me reading so good job
The Blue Fighter Rides Again (Wraith89 Vs. SuperSpecialAwesome)
crimson assassin replied to wraith89's topic in Warstories
ummm ok one good battle 1, you got really lucky in the fact that your opponent didn't have fire blast or flamethrower on mence 2. dugtrio can ohko you with choice banded aerial ace even after 1 bulk up so what do you mean it isn't a threat you have no idea what you just said there 3. this was really all based on luck your opponents team had no synergy and if they were thinking they would of just attacked with metagross. props for pulling this off but the very little skill was involved -
How to Make a Snorlax Fly (and other strange phenomena)
crimson assassin replied to wraith89's topic in Warstories
I loved the story and how you posted both your converstaion but the stuff in red was really not helpful to the battle it really took away from it -
did you check the battle me topic because it strictly forbids double sashing it is something people get reported for just as well as hax items are and i'm going to be polite in saying this but ummmm shoddy doesnt have the same rules as regular battling and they have a few more things you can add on i dont remeber timed battle being something you can lose a match for on wifi? ummm o yeah you cant lose for that on wifi can you. Shoddy hax system is out ragoud you get haxed like every 5 seconds. What i'm saying is shoddy is not the same as wifi battle rules and i've been battling on smogon for awhile now. double sashing is illegal just like focus band and any other hax item. and bro you didnt read the post you quoted so i'll highlight the most important part 10. Custom Rules. If you are playing with a different ruleset from the standard, please gives details so team raters know what the limitations are. The standard rules for most battles are: -Species Clause: No more than one of the same Pokemon on a team. -Sleep Clause: No two Pokemon may be put to sleep at the same time. -No OHKOs: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill and Sheer Cold are all banned. -No Evasion: Double Team and Minimize are banned. if you ask any smogonite about their veiws on double sashing they will say that it is dirty and cheap so you are welcome to go to the forums and ask there but i guarentee they they will tell you they will get pissed and report you to a mod if you double sash
I've played around with rotom alot I'll try your idea only of you try mine:) trust me it works great and i'm sorry in OU no one has any reason to fear ambipom (barring tyranitar) its to many ghot that can 1 shot ambipom and even the steel types dont take alot of damage from low kick because while they are heavy their defence is to good and there are to many bulky ghost who will eat payback and burn you. i even know gengar is running will-o-wisp. it's not the team i don't like its sweeper that it is focusing on i mean i love ambipom but it sweeping will be far to difficult. i just read this .why waste rotom doing this if it was burned go out to gyarados and DD up dont let rotom die i like rotom. and lanturn that sub is not good your burning off hp you can only recover 6% back at a time for a sub that might easily be broken. you should watch out for aggron and rampardos also they will smash through this team rampardos with eq and mold breaker hits even rotom and head smash pretty much rapes everything else well thats all i have to say nice team but just the wrong sweeper gets you an 8/10 drop by and rate my team
nice team it think all bases have been covered but infernape with thinderpunch may have a feild day with this as infernape can ohko every poke except rotom I suggest some thing like zapdos bold~pressure 200hp/200def/50spatk/60 speed discharge heat wave roost hp ice/tailwind/agility this is a zapdos wall/tank spread
More OU stuff yeah i know i know I'll do a UU one soon (since UU is my best teir) but here is a little something for all you adventerous types who love the cooler BL/UU/NU pokes Honchkrow@expert belt rash~insomnia (+spatk, -spdef) evs:212spaka/200 atk/98 speed ~psycho shift hp grass heat wave/superpower sucker punch the ev's are a special set i came up with on my own now this is an anti lead honchkrow and a damn good one to it checks aerodactyl/infernape/bronzong/empoleon/and more it makes use of both of it's incredible base attacking stats. this honchkrow ohko's swamperts, bronzong(no heatproof), and when i'm running heatwave it still does over way half to empoleon. but the cool thing is since it packs hp grass and sometimes heatwave it tend to prompt blissey switchins and destroys them with superpower this guy is a beautiful lead and it is very hard to stop him when he starts up. not to meantion he is a great status absorber thanks to psycho shift. i like to bring it in when i'm predicting a blissey thunder wave or toxic then get the status on it and pass it back to blissey or to whatever pokemon they bring in to try to take on my cocky crow role: lead/mixed sweeper/status absorber uxie@light clay bold~levitate (+def,-Atk) 200def/200spdef/110hp reflect light screen thunderbolt thunder wave you all remember uxie from my last RMT he still does his job wonderfully eating everything from gengar specs shadow balls to Siczor choice banded bug bites t-waving them then setting up his screens he likes to take abuse then help his partners dish it out role:dual screener/status supporter (Ike) gallade@salac berry careful~steadfast (+spdef, -Spatk) evs: 210atk/180speed/130spdef bulk up sub drain punch ice punch gallade fights for his friends and his friends love him for it. Uxie glady lays it's like on the line for it. honchkrow with absorb poison or even be paralayzed if need be so he can be sure that gallade gets it's job done. sub salac allows gallade to out speed everything in the metagame except latias and even still latiats needs max speed and timid nature to dream of keeping up. gallades job is simple come in when uxie has it's screens up with light screen up no and i mean absolutly no special attacking move does any major damage to him he is already sport a high base spdef with a plus Spdef nature a gengar shadow ball doesnt even break his sub the first time. but is main job is to bulk up and become a tank the likes of which my opponents will wish they would of never seen and with drain punch it gets all the hp back it lost from all the subbing and absorbing hits ice punch is there for dragons role: star sweeper/tanker/to fight for his friends steelix@leftovers sassy~sturdy (+spdef,-speed) 200hp/252spdef/52atk stealth rock gyro ball explosion/curse earthquake steelix is another tank just just one with stealth rocks he can take physical hits with no def evs thanks to his 200def base stat so i just dumped all the evs i could into spdef and it works beautiful it can take physical and special attacks. now my delima is should i pack curse or explosion I've done both and both work great. I like curse more because it slows him down even more and makes gyro ball just the worst thing you could ever be hit with because the more his speed drops the my gyro ball damage goes up but at the same time explosion helps toss walls out the way that could give me problems so meh you pick:) role: rocker/tank/def wall houndoom@life orb timid~flash fire (+speed,-atk) 252spatk/252speed/6 hp hp ground flamethrower dark pulse nasty plot absorbs fire attacks and just sweeps from that point on with a 95 base speed stat no one is severly outspeeding it except jolteon which this team easily deals with and latias relly hates this guy it demolishes it if it comes in on a dark pulse or even a flash fire boosted flamethrower role: special sweeper dragonite@lum berry natughty~inner focus 200attack/90spatk/210 speed dragon dance dragon claw earthquake fire blast what else needs to be said about this guy mixed sweeper and straight kicks butt you can fake physical set and then turn around and fire blast a physical wall to hell after one dragon dance it out speeds salamence and after 2 latias 3 scarfed latias but 2 is usually more than enough to pull off a sweep but if 3 is possible go for it because that means your opponent pretty much drove down the highway to hell
I like how you like tobe creative but honestly choice scarfed leads are not good unless the sole purpose of it being scarfed is to 1.trick it off to another lead and give you time to do your own work 2. it is made to demolish other leads in one hit because the truth of the matter is if they want rocks a simple switch in on something that cant taunt them will do it and then your lead has completly failed it's job. and rotom if it has reflect already it is a waste of a slot to have will-o-wisp if i were you I'd throw Thunder wave into that slot and get you some para flinch going on and i dont know if you have hg/ss but heal bell is mas better than sub for lanturn if you want a status healing or preventing move and if you dont have SS but want to try it just pm me and i'll tutor it for you. and please be careful when saying something checks something that it doesn't i feel it give the wrong impression to new players it doesnt check scarf rachi because now alot run zen headbutt and iron head. don't worry i have like 4 flawless shiny ones so i have no intention of keeping it same goes for anyone else i'll SS tutor your pokes for free i do it on smogon so why not help out here as well all around good idea but placing the entire game on a poke who can only use three attacks after its first turn is not a good. it's fine if ambipom aids in the sweep but it shouldn't be the main sweeper that just isn't viable especially in OU where so many thing have such good typing and such bulk. you may pull this off 45 times out of 100 but i just dont see ambipom pulling off a sweep not even with reflect and all this other support it just doesnt have the ability to get the job done. I love ambipom but im sorry he shouldnt be the focus of any team in OU unless it is a double battle