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About Darkholme

  • Birthday 11/18/1987
  1. Oh. Alright then. that should work nicely.
  2. Do I have that as an option? I thought Pokétransfer requires Nintendo Wifi Connection, which has not existed since May.
  3. 2 Questions: 1. I'm looking to back up all of my caught 'mons in Soul Silver to my PC, and then transfer them back to a new game (. I heard that the easiest way to do that used to be a GTS Emulator, but that it relied on some aspect of the official Nintendo WiFi Connection that has been discontinued. Is there another good option for this, or am I stuck with just getting access to multiple DS'es and trading one by one, to a game where I caught enough magikarps to trade for all of them? 2. With the Nintendo Wifi Connection service discontinued, is it still possible to transfer pokémon up from fire red to B/W and then to X/Y, or is that impossible now?
  4. Getting Errors when trying to save. It says index out of range. Clean Pokemon Black rom, Route 1, changed alot of the encounters: Land (Col 1): Patrat, Lillipup, Rattata, Eevee, Sentret, Zigzagoon, NidoF, NidoM, Skitty, Buneary, Bidoof, Spinda Water: 30% Buizel
  5. Yeah, you'll need a Micro SD Card, but it CANT be a Micro SD HC Card (No bigger than 2GB or you wasted your money). (At least that's how it is with my AR, and if I use a bigger Card then it says there is no microsd card inserted) I've been getting this set up with my AR Media Edition and DS Lite, which everyone tells me has the same save format. Looking at them they haven't changed much. Works fine to back up Pokemon Diamond Onto my PC, and I can get it to open in an emulator and in Pokesav, but when I go to convert it back, and put it on my card, it won't let me choose that file for restore. Trying to restore it after it has gone through pokesav and been converted back gives me "The Current game cartridge does not match the specified save file!" Can't figure out what's wrong with it. If anyone has any suggestions, helpful anecdotes, or explanations on how to get the damn thing to recognize that my pokemon diamond save is a pokemon diamond save so i can put it back on my retail cart, that would be amazing. ~New Guy, Darkholme.
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