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Everything posted by demyxtheyoung

  1. gen 5 should have a dark, fighting, psychic starter triad to break away from the standard fire, water, grass. or we could use the standard triad as a dualtype for their final forms: dark/water, fighting/fire, psychic/grass or something like that.
  2. almost completed a pokedex barely before nintendo comes out with the next generation, excepting gen 3 when i felt i was too old for pokemon. i made a return recently on platinum, but is nowhere near close to comppleting a pokedex. damn nintendo, i hate you and love you all at the same time.
  3. Mass Effect 2 FTW!
  4. Psychic, because its made of pure awesome. I like Dark types as well. -thinks- There needs to be a Dark/Psychic type!
  5. Bidoof. nuff said.
  6. Rautaketju by Turmion Kätilöt it is freaking epic!
  7. personally, it was palkia on platinum. second most was dialga. wasted god knows how many pokeballs on dialga until i caught it, but was left to capture palkia witth only 5 ultraballs, 2 duskballs, and a single pokeball. since im far too lazy to leave and return with more supplies, i spent the next few hours resetting trying to capture the thing. i finally captured the damn thing with the pokeball.
  8. my first was a shiny Absol on Sapphire. it looked cool, but i thought it would have been better with back fur, white accents and blue eyes.
  9. I'd like to test out my new team. Standard OU with Item and Hax Clauses. My FC is: 3438-3792-4270 Please reply with your FC, and thanks.
  10. im good, how about you?
  11. im pretty new here. Created an account a couple weeks ago, but never really had the chance to use it.
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