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Everything posted by NulMyre

  1. Well, your PID/IV combo is invalid, PBR doesn't check that, and I do shiny manually. I did a fix on your PKM, keeping everything from your PID. It's valid and shiny. Salamence-ShinyFixed-Liefio.pkm
  2. Type1 is the RNG call: 1/2/3/4/5 PID/PID/IVs/IVs/x DS will always use this, and GBA uses this call pattern very often. Type3 is the RNG call for forced wild encounters (sweet scent, fishing, etc.). I'm not sure about Type4 entirely, but I believe it's for roaming and special event Pokemon. Those types are numbered via Pokesav, I haven't looked into Type5, and Type2 is not a valid combo. I hope this clarifies your confusion.
  3. The restrictions come from the PID/IV combos, via RNG. Call 1 and 2 go into the PID, then 3 and 4 go into the IVs, ignoring the highest bit. Given that the RNG formula is linear, there is few combos, but ignoring the highest bit means that there is always 2 PIDs minimum to each IV set. Remember, PIDs dictate nature, gender, half of shininess, and class for double-ability Pokemon.
  4. Your Azelf is legit, and the Checker can't actually see if you Syncronized, what I mean to say is that the call it made for your PID would just stop right there if you used Synchronize. If it was "Valid," the calls would be continually made until said nature was found starting with the first two. I could explain on and on, but it's really only there for a programmer's view. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Your Azelf is legit 100%, sync has nothing to do with legality.
  5. It is just a bad choice of words, where it should be more like: Valid = May have used Synchronized Nature. Invalid = Synchronize-Nature passing not used. Don't worry about it, it's just more or less a quirk for the program, like how the "date caught" and "nicknamed" are not really needed in the program. So no bug, just bad word choice.
  6. OK, just by looking at yours I couldn't figure it out, so I compared with a few events I had caught in-game. Still nothing. Then I looked at Sabresite's post and see "NEW SYNCHRONIZE CHECK" and an idea struck. I checked the way the ability synchronize works to pass the nature. Your PID: 42463789 - Let's put that in Binary. 00000010 10000111 11110010 00101101 The check looks to see that the leftmost (largest) bit is 1, if so, valid. TL:DR In all actuality, don't worry about it, it just checks to see you used a synchronize-passed nature. Even those who aren't passed can have this valid or not. Yours wasn't, so it shows invalid, this is something Sabresite should fix to prevent further confusion.
  7. @lordkira Your PID/IVs combo is invalid. To keep the current PID's info, PID: 2034429810 SID:42370 - Legal, Shiny, and carried over PID dictating facts. @Champloo You should be good, hatched gets around the PID/IV combo issue. @fruehlingslolle You might want to upload the PKM, I'll do some testing on it. EDIT: Posted in your thread.
  8. Your PID/IV combos are incorrect for both. To help you out, some changes, attempting to keep the things you want. Starmie: PID: 1750077865 -Modest/Class 2 Salamence: PID: 4112952903 - Female/Adamant IVs: 31/31/31/8/29/31 HP/Att/Def/SA/SD/Spe And you should be set, I assumed the 4th 31 in Salamence was for Speed given that Modest wouldn't be great with it in SA, you'd want Bold if you weren't concerned about Speed on a Mixed Salamence.
  9. If you upload it, I'll be able to help you further by looking at the bytes themselves, given that I have yet to run across this, I'd like to have a PKM like yours for examples and testing.
  10. A Pokemon with any PID can be shiny and legal, just post your PKM and we'll take a look.
  11. By my experience and findings with PID/IV vs. RNG calls, the type2 call in PokeSav is not legal, and it shows as the first type2 call. To be honest, I still have yet to figure out where the type2 call comes from, but everything else is in order.
  12. It's VB's off and on solution to an overflowing label.
  13. It seems it just got posted, the only thing left is just locations and style of the tournament. Anyone here going to go? I'm going to make an attempt like last year! I loved the trek I had last year, up 28 hours, walked to Phoenix's Regionals from the Bus and back, might just do so again! One thing that caught me off guard, you can list 4 Restricted Pokemon, but common sense calls for you always using the 2 other non-restricted. Just one thing, single elimination like last year for Regionals? http://www.pokemon.com/us/organized-play/championship-series/video/ Sorry for being like the announcements, I really just want to see if anyone will try to participate.
  14. It is possible, but there's two things you need to do: 1: Locate and change the pointer to the correct number in AR code. 2: Shift everything else's offset by a certain amount to reflect proper RAM placement. Basically, this is something to research if you have time , and a nice amount of it (a lot), using an emulator with a RAM dumper/searcher combined with a pointer locator program. I have emuHaste with NDS PC&bt for those. Read up a couple of tutorials, and you'll be set.
  15. Requesting RNG seed to display on calculator app when you press "Clear." (or if it's too hard, just a hardware combo with L / R) Also requesting RNG seed injection from calculator app when you press "Equal sign." (again, if too hard, just a hardware combo with L / R different from 1st request) Scratch that, anyone interested (given constant changing) 221BFB14 00000000
  16. Just for updating the OP, I uploaded the VGC09 Milotic: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1943
  17. I'd like to help with the project, I could do a program translation as I have a fair background in Java. Although, I'd have to take a bit of time to some bearings on .SAV editing, so after/during the actual making I could work on that for Macs/Linuxs. Also, the list I mentioned before was the class/ability chart, which I'm sure you guys have one, but Smogon has one in the article on PIDs for those who don't.
  18. No problem, guys! And for worse natures, the group I hung out in San Fran agreed that Jolly would be the worst. For getting the Milotic, they waited until the names of the people they were playing, and those not chosen would get it, and if you played, you got it after you got knocked. According to the head judge though (Marriland) if you got him physically at that tournament, you were allowed to use him in the matches... Beat around the bush way to say you can't use him? Also, I'll let you guys know if the WCs from Regional / Nationals are different, I'm there no matter what, 2nd place = plane ride + hotel free.
  19. Heh, sorry, I'm not much for Shoddy, my friend IRL has some screenshots of why Shoddy is horrible, one thing I can recall is a Mind Reader-Sheer Cold missed on a completely open match. But 6v6 doubles with various clauses would be nice.
  20. Hmm, I see something that should have been on the list, but, I'm not going to post it just yet until I get the list complete. It has to do with legality of certain pokes based on the PID, not major, but something seemingly untouched.
  21. Hello, my name is NulMyré, long time user/lurker, just decided to get an account. I really don't know what to put down for an intro, but I'm not shy to answering questions. I just won Phoenix Regionals with 2nd place, and Nationals awaits me. My interest in Pokemon has been since before the games came to America, and hooked once they arrived. I have many interests, but I am picky, at least I think that I am. They range from gaming to outdoors to programming projects and other random things. For those not entirely sure how to pronounce my name, Nul is the same as Null, Myré is like "mir-A", or saying Myr (from Magic the Gathering card game) with the letter A at the end.
  22. VGC'09 Milotic OK, got the one from my main Plat up, but my 2nd one is being stubborn, I'm sure there isn't a real difference, but when I get back over to dump it again, I'll give it a check. I seriously can't wait for nationals.USA_VGC09_ShinyMilotic_(SanFrancisco).pcd
  23. I'm back, with a 2nd place trip, feels good, and I have 2 saves/WCs to dump, once I get this figured out and complete, I can finally get some sleep.
  24. Well Pory, I'll see if I can do that, keyword being can, as I'm in extremely low control over any internet dealings here as my roommates own the router and cable is in their name, and they work on many ports(I know 8080 is one of them). But I'll see if I can manage to get that to work while they're sleeping Thanks for the tut, you should be seeing the WC here soon, don't let the thread die. On another note, I'm going to Phoenix for the regionals again, so I'll pick up another WC with another cart, so we can check if anything is any different, just-in-case type thing. If I can't manage the WC tonight, I'm already in Phoenix, then it'll have to wait until Monday.
  25. I don't have any special tools that come to mind in really helping me except an AR and AceKard, which, if I can get a code that can make the WC redistributable byte/bit be "on" to another Plat at least, I can send it to my AK Plat and contribute it here. I have an unused WC and got a copy of my friend's Milotic, and yes I was there.
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