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Everything posted by lugialucario

  1. With last PKHex, I can't anymore to edit Poképuffs, I've a error message.
  2. I've a problem when I try to import a wondercard, PKHex says me the slot is empty, there isn't data. Edit : OK, it seems to be a problem with dump of wondercard, because Eon ticket doesn't work, but German Beldum yes.
  3. I have Pokémon BW and BW 2 in French and I will go to Pokémon Days in Switzerland, I'll get Meowth.
  4. The European Keldeo is the same the American Keldeo. I obtained the French and German Keldeo from Micromania, in France.
  5. Tomorrow, I'm going to Micromania, there is event since today. I can have the French and German Keldeo of the european distribution.
  6. In France, Micromania will be distributed from September 11th. Source : http://tinyurl.com/bvmojeg
  7. In Switzerland, Keldeo will be available in October in Softridge (and maybe Gamestop ?).
  8. Pokegen doesn't extract the .PGT file, or I don't know to use it. Here, there is my Pokemon Soul Silver's save, perhaps you'll can extract the .PGT file. Pokemon ASS VS Gi.sav
  9. I'm sorry, but also I have a problem with Mystery Gift Editor to extract the PGT file because I used the option "From WC" and I selected Eevee.
  10. I forgot I had the VGC 2010 French Eevee's Wondercard and I can extract it. VGC 2010 French Eevee (from Lyon, 12th June 2010) Card IDs : 52 Card titles : Un EVOLI de couleur différente! Card comments : Merci d'être venu au Championnat de Jeu Vidéo Pokémon 2010! Sauvegardez une fois que vous aurez récupéré EVOLI dans une Boutique Pokémon. Date cards received : 12th June 2010 Pokémon icons : #133 VGC 2010 French Ee&.rar
  11. English Darkrai is here. Guested edit: Well, there it is! I'll retroactively add this one in. Thanks!
  12. I'm sorry for the late, but I wasn't at home this evening. I'll upload the German, French and English files tomorrow.
  13. I received the German, French and English Darkrai at Gamestop. I'll upload all this files in some minutes, I must to extract them, I've just got back.
  14. Darkrai is available in Zurich, Lucern, Bern and all the German speaking Switzerland. We haven't got Gamestop or Softridge in Geneva.
  15. I live in Geneva, but there aren't any distribution in French speaking Switzerland (where is Geneva). Darkrai is distributing at Softridge and Swiss Gamestop, yes. I'm going to Gamestop the next Saturday (3rd December) and I'm going to try to have the English, German and French Darkrai.
  16. A seller from Gamestop's Switerland told my father (because he speaks German language) they are the German, French and English languages for the cart. They do too the Darkrai event until 31st December.
  17. I don't live in Zurich or Lucern, Geneva is far, but I can try to go there. If it's a wireless distribution and I can go to Softridge, I'll take my English, German and French version. But I don't promise to have it.
  18. Hello, Darkrai is (or will be) available in Softridge Lucern and Zurich. I don't know the date of this event, so call the stores before to go to see them. Source: http://www.softridge.ch/i17/hol-dir-darkrai.html
  19. French Karrablast and Shelmet have been distributed at Japan Expo, during three (or four) days. For the other European distributions, Softrigde (games stores are participating for the distributions Swiss Zoroark/Karrablast and Shelmet) writed on Facebook the Pokémon are only for the German version of Pokémon Black and White.
  20. Raikou shiny is available on CWF Nintendo. It's the French Raikou Raikou Shiny France WC.rar
  21. The Yellow Forest's road card is here, it's the French Version
  22. I have ARDSi and Soul Silver version, and the Action Replay doesn't backup SS saves. Does anyone know how to do a backup of SS save?
  23. I tried to send the Manaphy's Egg of the Spooky's save on my Soul Silver Version and a new option to receive the egg appeared on the screen. It was between the mystery gift and the options of the Wi-Fi. On the main screen (when there are the party, new game, pokéwalker...) a message appeared for the Manaphy's egg. Before to receive its, it wrote a ID and numbers. I hope to give a good explanation
  24. Pikachu colored Pichu's wondercard French is here
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