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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. used batch tools, you can found in gbatemp, but is just support 0x10 and 0x11..... I listing like this : don't uncompressed rlcn file!
  2. See my video, after edited with kazo tools, is automatic saved, so compressed sprite (second) by used 0x11 (LZSS type 11) if not compressed game will freeze or no running. For mugshot used 0x10
  3. Andibad

    Poké Transfer

    Is working with Japanese names
  4. for now someone searching, is not easy to find right file via hex editor
  5. Is not for mugshot editor, other sprite can viewed by this tools (modified)
  6. Oh i forgot for cheren double battle with team plasma so is possible two sprite, but is a script, and i don't know loaction of narc file for controled type battle., Kaphotics, thankyou for clue
  7. you avatar is awesome
  8. eh in route 7 for axew? sure....... but is your hack game, not my hack game. Anyway kept it alive project until done #sorry my bad english#
  9. I know i know, so i edited them...... because in BW, double battle with 2 sprite are not available, just 1 sprite only (1 sprite=2 NPC sprite).... yay
  10. Thank you kazo. Yeah kazotools + hex editor + crystaltile2 + photoshop + PTXT + 3D viewer and editor (3D Max + blender), and converter tools + my complete list file ROM= is my tools to hack game Pokemon BW. Your tools are make me more easy editing than before
  11. You can replace sprite iris with sprite with two people. Using kazotools is can do that
  12. - 0x10 for lz77 type 10 - 0x11 for lzSS type 11 - another can view in their website type 10, you can found in title, logo screen, ect. Some mugshot sprite. (tools: kiwi.ds, crystal tile, codec Lzss ds) Type 11, is in Trainer sprite, btx, and another sprite (tools: crystal tile but just uncompressed, codec lzss ds)
  13. KazoWar, i need permission for create tutorial in POIN(Indonesia pokemon community) for editing sprite and trainer editor you tool make more easy, speed than before and also i always write a credit in my article. Anyway these tools can viewer/replace another btx/narc file? I was found pokemon sprite (animated), kazowar, can enable minimaze, big window for you tools? Because sprite is too small to view. Thank you kazo, your tools no have bug for me. Oh kazowar, you can give me a source code for these tools to me via PM? (is just for study how to edit sprite, also i translate to indonesia)
  14. Hello Bloodspectre, i hope you enjoy in pokemonproject hehehehe and welcom to hacking a pokemon game
  15. Oh i was complete listed file inside narc file. 93 and 94 are same is can route 8 or moor of iccruss...... (seasonal route) route 10 has have 2 data in 99 and 100. 100 is route 10 at inside, 99 is outside, maybe is help you out. 94 is maybe moor of iccruss... sorry i no tested this route......... anyway if you want me give my list to you, simple send pm to me, i will give you a image is listing location, but some location are not tested......
  16. Oh yes i forgot, but is need a clean ROM, but you can tell me narc file for that?
  17. OH MY GOD IS WORKING !!!!!! is my video for replace Overworld sprite ++ [video=youtube;T0vrT9ahDvg] is testing only for replace sprite, for pokemon + dialog is still progress
  18. Someone can tell me to edit item for wild pokemon? and also list of item (hex) in BW?
  19. Wokeh , but zekrom/reshiram, NPC are same.... yeah is just flip and rotate anyway this sprite used rotate in the game, so i no have idea to rip into gif files........ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/Black_trainer_battle_sprite_001.gif http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/Black_trainer_battle_sprite_001.psd is too fast sorry is just for fun
  20. Oh thank you for explain about a/0/5/7 narc file , sorry... i discovered 4 narc file is maybe is a swarming data....... but not sure...... some HEX "62 XX XX YY YY" but is maybe wrong..... anyway thank you for helping to finding legend pokemon
  21. Using CrystalTile2, if sprite are compress, simply uncompress first, and edit them with pattle, or just uncompressed and replace compressed file in narc to uncompressed file. edit. after done, compressed sprite again to compressed file(if not compressed game will no running, but is not freeze), Pokemon BW used LZSS / LZ - 11, Hex Value :: 0x11, you can used tools in http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14752-Kazo-s-B-W-Tools, maybe help you out for compressed sprite file.
  22. I was know that but i added something: - for spiky ears pichu is not work in pokemon black (AC 0A), it will give error message (so carefully change HEX value for pokemon have many form) - for Sawsbuck: (02 4A --> 4A 02) - Sawsbuck summer 4A 0A - Sawbuck fall 4A 12 - Sawbuck winter 4A 1A But i see all form HEX value is have some structure: XX YY --> YY is alternate form.......... 0A --> 2nd, 12 --> 3rd, 1A --->4th form (??)
  23. IS greaaaaaaaaaaat THANK YOU VERY MUCH KAZO :DDD is help me alot! Hm cool But is right fow view this sprite ?
  24. you still discover also edit route 1,2,3,4,Wellspring Cave, Striaton City, Dreamyard, Pinwheel Forest, Route 5, Route 16, Route 17,Lostlorn Forest ? Be aware editing at relic castle, and victory road. i was done listing wild pokemon location (all, include all method) .... many location are 4 season............ be aware about alternate form, besculin, deerling, spiky ears pichu, evolution deerling....... also legend encounter pokemon and swarming pokemon.. some file are script but no a Rubbish or junk..... So relic caste used 9 - 39 file in narc, 30 files. but all are same.
  25. wew is working, thank you anyway
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