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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/21 in all areas

  1. I have 200 to giveaway! DM me on-site (not Discord) for the codes. First come first serve. I may take a while to reply, but do know I'll be giving out codes in relation to the 'time/date I received the DMs'. Presently: Expired. Get em before they expire at the end of 2021! Big thanks to @Gridelin for getting the codes for us! (Also I reckon you definitely shouldn't bug him for codes ) Anyway, have fun! Cheers! edit: I have wiped the other posts in this thread. Hopefully people will focus on the big bold words. edit 2: Purportedly according to an e-mail with support, the expiry date is Dec 31, 2021.
    2 points
  2. Update your .NET Framework runtime. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
    2 points
  3. A repository for random distribution devices used across the years. Quick rundown of the images that we have presently Gen 1 (VC) UK VC Mew Redemption (and Save Restore screen on the distribution device!) JP VC Mew Redemption Gen 1 & 2 (Retail) Toys R Us security sealed Mew Cartridge and Gameboy Mew and Celebi Machine (and article) Spaceworld Mew screen (has different sprite than standard Mew) Gen 3 Pokémon Day 2004, Germany - Multilingual selection screen (Eon Ticket?) Aura Mew Distribution Device 10ANNIV/10 ANIV Distribution Device (Groudon GBA SP and Yellow GBA SP) Pokémon Festa 2005, Japan - Festa Metang Device and Redemption Mystic Ticket Distribution, Japan European Shiny Zigzagoon Old Sea Chart Redemption (device can't be seen) Gen 4 Crown Entei (Slot 2) Regigigas Redemption Video (Slot 2) Battle Festa, Diamond - Magmar (Slot 2) 10TH Deoxys (Slot 2) Misc. Distribution carts (User YoshiMoshi's collection photograph) Gen 5 Misc. Distribution carts (User YoshiMoshi's collection photograph) Gen 6 & 7 Various distribution 3DSes: Movie 18, Korea PC Birthday 2017, Japan Pop-up Store Charizard, Korea WCS Mew, Korea Eevee Friends, Korea Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko, Korea Worlds18 Meloetta distribution relay
    1 point
  4. At the very least .NET 4.6 supports window 7 https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=48130
    1 point
  5. Oh, I thought it popped up after you loaded the save. Please check this page:
    1 point
  6. You're right, I overlooked that. Thank you.
    1 point
  7. Based on what you want, the catch rate on your "invalid" file is wrong. Weedle and Kakuna have different catch rates. As I said with my earlier example, specific to Gen 1 mons, PKHeX can determine (or guess) the encounter based on catch rate. In your case, specific to this example, with these values applying to untraded to Gen 2 mons: Catch rate 255 -> Caught as Weedle Catch rate 120 -> Caught as Kakuna. No way a Beedrill would have Weedle's moves if it is caught as a Kakuna. So while the game doesn't store met location, it does store the catch rate, which could be used to determine what the mon was when it was caught. Catch rate stored on the mon doesn't change unless you trade it to Gen 2.
    1 point
  8. Just a little help, can you give me gen3 GBA supported pkhex. the current one supports 3ds or sword etc.
    0 points
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