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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/21 in all areas

  1. I relied on Grunts for the hours I'm not out; their balloons tend to appear periodically. Or maybe when I happen to walk past a Grunt stop, I'll think twice about whether to fight it. It's good to know in advance which type of Grunts may or may not be worth your time :3
    1 point
  2. I can confirm that your Meloetta appeared wonky in my game. It appears I fixed it by simply selecting a Displayed form. It appears to happen when a Displayed form ain't selected. Same thing happens to Giratina: I guess the game simply doesn't know what to display, when a displayed form isn't selected.
    1 point
  3. Yep dont worry I have some trusted vendors on my fav list, not those general chinese vendors that have 40 copies available, but the ones that occasionally put random used Nintendo and/or games for sale. I kinda snipe them, and yes Im very carefully with the repro cartridge, sounds arrogant but I bought many games and I constantly google for confirmation, and I still have to find something that really makes me think "is this repro or not?", they ALL have some flaw somewhere that can be easily spot, specially once opened! Ty again
    1 point
  4. @ranqt there's no such thing. Given that you're using an emulator to catch Mew: emulators sometimes have hiccups during PIDIV generation, which can cause legality issues. [such hiccups are problematic, because actual hardware generation won't lead to those] Your Mew is illegal due to IVs. (How the RNG works, is that PID is called first, then the IVs) I've just tested it with a single state save, and both Mew, transformed or not transformed, PID and IVs are exactly the same. If you don't believe me, try bumping into the Mew, then press A (to trigger encounter), and immediately state save. Then capture on state where it transformed, and capture another state where it didn't transform. You're gonna need to save the game after both states, and export both saves. Then compare the Mew on both saves.
    1 point
  5. 1) Regarding Meloetta: I think this is an artifact of the ROM you're playing. Mine is fine with complete Pokedex: Consider uploading your save for us to check. (and you may wanna consider redumping your ROM) 2) Regarding Zorua: I've heard of the Zoroark oversight in B2W2, not the Zorua oversight in BW. In any case, it'll take me a while to get to that spot in game, probably. And in any case, make sure your Celebi has the correct met location to trigger the event. So I've reached the Zorua spot. To redo the event, Unset 0729, unset 0730, change constant 199 to 0. Ensure your Celebi has the right met location in PKHeX edit: Additionally, i tested your claim on you can't reactivate the Zorua event in Castelia even if you didn't save, and there wasn't such a thing. Here's what I did: 1) Spoke with the boy (who then transformed into Zorua) 2) Received Zorua 3) Soft reset the game without saving. (because apparently the saving part was the part you had contention with). 4) Was able to receive Zorua. (because.. that's how the game works?)
    1 point
  6. I like option C. Lol thank you for the advice.
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone. A while back I bought a lot of japanese pokemon carts from japan. I dumped all the saves that were still there and have just had the time to go through them. On a copy of Pokemon blue I found a mew with the trainer: ルイージ and TID: 39156. I believe this may be a Nintendo Space World '97 Mew?
    1 point
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