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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/20 in all areas

  1. Hi, I'm NixHex. Or NigSex or DickSex or countless other names people used to call me on various smogon IRC channels. I've always kinda floated around competitive Pokemon but have never been a stellar player. I'm more of an in-game guy, I guess. It's hard to believe that I learned what RNG abuse almost 11 years ago and have been doing it since the days when you had to use that japanese timer to RNG in Emerald (emloop, was it called?). We couldn't even control Egg PID's at that time, so you basically had to test every egg and ditch it if it wasn't the right nature. And if you wanted a shiny, you were essentially doing old school SR for that then relying on emloop for your IVs. RNG abuse at the time was so caveman that RNG Reporter had Method 3 built into the main screen. Honestly I think I had a dream a couple years ago where I hit a Method 3 spread and it blew my mind. Recently I've gotten back into emulator abuse for ADV but am currently learning XD. RNG abuse has come so far in the past 11 or 12 years, and I wish I could have been a part of its development. I think with the quarantine I might have some time to dedicate to understanding principles of computer science... I'm an electrical engineer but am almost exclusively an analog and RF guy. If I do touch digital at all, I approach it from an analog standpoint - clock pulses are analog, after all. What effects does an ADC in sampling mode have on power dissipation and stability of the circuit, or if the noise spectral density and bandwidth introduce enough error to the ADC reference to mess with the accuracy. Will the noise cause more than 1/2 and LSB of error (reference voltage / 2^# of bits)/2, and if so, what hardware design changes must be made to prevent that? When you examine that problem, the only thing digital is the D in the acronym ADC. I'll be honest, I've always been sorta intimidated by this site, even though researchers like Kaphotics and OmegaDonut have always been total sweethearts both during online and irl interactions. For a long time, I've benefited from the research that the big brains at PP engage in so passionately but have never been able to contribute to it. It'd be cool to pay it forward and learn something in the process! Anyway, peace, and many thanks to all the researchers who have made this hobby much more interesting in my adult years than in junior high. (lol, I just checked my profile and it looks like I made my account in 2011)
    1 point
  2. It's actually not so much a matter of a flag, but there's definitely a way to edit the records so you can fight the Frontier Brains faster (I actually did it using PKHeX and it wasn't any problem at all). The key thing is there are some details you need to be aware of to make sure it works. The obvious one, make sure you're editing the records of the Level class you're trying to run (since editing the L50 records won't do you any good if you're running Open). The second one is there are two fields to edit: current streak and record streak, with current being the important one in this instance. Lastly, there is a checkbox marked Continue. You want that checked, because that will signal your streak is still active and hasn't been broken by a loss or ragequit (if you're doing this on emulator, save states are your best friend in the Frontier). Now, the way I did it is I set the streaks to the start of a run where the Frontier appears at the end (still had to go through all the trainers and whatever to get there). Not sure if there's a way to skip directly to them given the way the game handles this stuff.
    1 point
  3. https://www.sankei.com/affairs/news/200401/afr2004010018-n1.html I think this is the reason. Cyber Gadget was closed by Japanese government, due to they against the new law of hack games. 3DS save editor acquires the decrypt key from their server. And the server was closed with the company.
    1 point
  4. In Gen 8. Use .PID=$shiny0 It'll make them all Square Shiny.
    1 point
  5. So coincidental this has been brought back. I already made all those calculations some years ago and also came to the conclusion that the NINTEN mew in the picture did not have the standard DVs. Only piece of evidence I have is in this thread at Azure-Heights, the information being in the second post made by MewtwoSama: https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/forum/tuff/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000106 User ryuko2002 (who has recently contributed de Spanish EUROPE and australian NAL mews) was registered there, I asked him to reach MewtwoSama in the hopes he still has the mew/backed up the savegame/calculated the DVs. There are other possible explanations: - Nintendo Power Magazine actually used gameshark to get the screenshots ( I think it may have been common practice in order to easily get trough the games and get the job done) - It was a test mew just for the magazine? - The NINTEN mew MetwoSama owned did have the normal stats, but it reached level 100 before being fully EV trained, thus preventing stat updates (read more here: https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/compendium/boxtrick.htm) ryuko2002 has tried in my stead to reach MewtwoSama at AzureHeights, let's cross fingers.
    1 point
  6. Hi, I made a tool that takes your save1keystream.bin and a matching Powersaves .bin from the same game, then generates a completely decrypted save file that you can open up and edit freely in PKHeX. You can download the binary release here. If it says something about a missing DLL, please tell me what it is, preferrably in PM! If the binary release doesn't work for you, download the source code here. You'll need to install Qt5 for it to compile and run. Enjoy! Update 2015-01-04: ORAS support added!
    1 point
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