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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/20 in all areas

  1. Hello ProjectPokemon! A friend of mine has stumbled upon Japanese NR Gamecube Discs, memory cards, and cart reader that were used for the Gotta Catch Em All Station at Pokemon Center NY distributions back in the day. We are planning on backing up & preserving everything. I'm posting here to reach out to those in the community who are way more well-versed than we are in the nitty gritty of Pokemon Event Distributions to help dig into the mystery of these discs/carts. If you're familiar with this at all please feel free to respond to this thread, PM me on here, or DM me on Discord. (RetroAli#6666) Thank you! (Also sorry if I posted this in the wrong place lol... figured this was the best section.)
    1 point
  2. I've seen that before as well. There's some kind of factor relating to this, and I don't know for certain what it is. Maybe sysMMC and emuMMC have the same game updates installed in order to achieve this. Maybe sysMMC stock OS and emuMMC CFW OS has to be at the same firmware version. I've read that people don't know how, but suddenly the sysMMC and emuMMC profiles became split and was treated as 2 different profile, despite being originally same profile. I can only imagine that a firmware update would cause such a split, since people update the emuMMC without paying much attention to their sysMMC, but without concrete proof (and a way to test, since my SD card ain't big enough), I can't peddle that as fact now, can I? XD It could be your router settings. My router could broadcast at 2 bandwidths, but I think my Switch can only connect to one of them. But yeah, controlling the wi-fi using the phone as a hotspot may be an extra switch for you, tho it doesn't exactly stop your Switch, if it's holding a report and waiting for a connection.
    1 point
  3. so far, based on my experience, Hekate isn't able to boot into sysMMC with CFW when emuMMC exists. Meaning, the only way to do so, is to remove emuMMC. well I can't say if it'll be worth it. As it is, it is risky enough (for me anyways) to be using a CFW unit online. (to clarify: I bring a CFW'd unit for online competitions and stuff) Tho, I say it is risky, because I absolutely do not edit the save in the profile that I go online with. As such, I do not know whether it is safe or unsafe bringing an edited save online. Tho, I do disable my Wi-Fi switch on my Switch, when I go into Homebrew. I don't pirate any games nor use any installed themes (people tend to make illegal themes). So that's something.
    1 point
  4. It doesn't appear you can access your sysMMC stock when you have an emuMMC CFW. If you want to be mostly risk free, then: 1. First Switch has homebrew 2. Second Switch pure stock and has Bank/HOME access. First Switch allows for save editing. Then trade to the Second Switch. Then access Bank/HOME. Besides that, we can't give any other advice. Your method seems fine, but you gotta accept the risk that you might get banned, no matter how small the risk is.
    1 point
  5. Ah, oh well. Still gonna' be cool to archive it.
    1 point
  6. Hello! I've got a Mew from an undocumented Gen 1 event in Denmark. It was distributed through a Mew Machine at various locations, and I got mine from Bilka (a chain of supermarkets) in Odense. I had an adult (employee or just a guy there, can't remember) help me make space in my party for it. OT is, similarly to the Mew in the post above, DENMARK. I also got a certificate of authenticity, I THINK it was in Danish but it's long gone and I don't remember fully. I don't have any way to dump GB saves atm, but I've got a GB01 cart reader coming in the mail so I can properly archive, upload, and document the Pokemon, I'm just hoping that my Pokemon Blue save doesn't fizzle out before that happens. I think me and my sis ended up leveling it up to Lv100, though.
    1 point
  7. Gen1-3 events were created by an external process (event machine/device) then injected to the recipient's savegame. Gen4 events onwards send the game the template, which whe game uses to generate the gift when redeemed in-game. https://github.com/projectpokemon/EventsGallery/tree/master/Released PKHeX compares the pkm against the event templates. No templates for gen1-3? Can't compare against what is not available!
    1 point
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