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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/19 in all areas

  1. PKHeX is a save editor for core-series Pokémon games. With it, users can manipulate various save files including: .sav, .dsv, .dat, .gci, .raw, and .bin types. PKHeX can also read and write: .pk files, which are individual Pokémon files, and .pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc, which are Mystery Gift files. Version 19.12.26 of PKHeX has been released with improved legality checking, new features, minor changes, and bug fixes. Change log: Download | FAQ | Support Forum View full article
    1 point
  2. Well, I at least managed to dig up some data on the Pal Park in my Diamond run (something I wasn't even thinking about, but being able to do some stuff with that would be handy). Unfortunately it looks like the time limit blocking you from doing more than one transfer a day is either an event constant (read: currently broken and can't be edited in PKHeX) or some other factor entirely, though I did manage to trip some flags in the process as well. Here's what I've got from preliminary testing: Event Constant 9 (not sure what this is, went from 0 to 1 during one test and 1 to 0 during another) Event Constant 74 (also not sure what this is, started at 40 changed to 76 during one test and 77 on another) Event Constant 224 (confirmed Pal Park High Score) Event Flags 211 and 2507 (not sure what they do, but since it was my first time using the Pal Park at least one might be tutorial related) I was kinda hoping I could find a way around that time limit, but no such luck with what's available to me currently (and I don't feel like messing with any clocks)
    1 point
  3. Ahh, I totally forgot about the guaranteed IVs and didn't even think of dynamax level. Got one to pass the check by tweaking those. Thanks a ton.
    1 point
  4. @J3Xtrom Your Cursola looks like it's met in the wild (presumably as a Corsola). Only Cursola (evolved from) bred Corsola/Cursola or caught in Max Raids (as Cursola) can have HA.
    1 point
  5. Alright, it's time to finally post in this thread after a long period of lurking anonymously. It'll be a long post. I am currently trying to add Rowlet into EoS. So far my sprites have worked out using gfxcrunch (after many attempts of adjusting them, that is), but I can't say the same for all the changes made in the pokemon_data folder. While StatsUtil does save almost all edits (typing, moves learnt per level, size, weight, base stats, etc), it is not the case for the species name, category, and most important of all, stat growths, a problem already reported by two other users: I will explain the followed steps in case there is some mistake: > Get the BaseRom folder creating a new Solution in SkyEditor with an EoS US ROM. > Drag BaseRom into the StatsUtil folder. > Extract pokemon_data using the specified commands in ppmd_statsutil.txt. > Using a .XML editor, replace a dummy's data (in this case, #537) with Rowlet's and save. > Import pokemon_data back into the game. > Drag BaseRom back into the SkyEditor project folder and build the solution (which includes other changes such as portraits or starters, but those are irrelevant in this problem). As proof that everything else is being added successfully, there are some screenshots: (I manually nicknamed "Rowlet" the dummy for the sake of presentation) As for the portraits and sprites, I will share only the former for now, as they are already complete: Regarding the sprites folder, there are some missing frames so expect it to be added into the post in some time. Interestingly, I am not replacing any existing folder for it, which means this could possibly be done for multiple Pokémon and/or forms. That is all for now, thank you for reading! EDIT: I finally finished all the graphics. Here are all the sprites and portraits! (I hope this link is respectful to the forum's rules).
    1 point
  6. It worked like a charm: The only points remaining are: finishing the attack and ground sprites (mostly the latter since the story requires plenty) and look for a way to implement Rowlet's footprint (for it to appear in the Explorer Badge in the Continue screen). Again, thank you for all the help. Wish I had more experience with modding as this is my first attempt at it.
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