AtomicGreymon Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 I imagine the Hg/Ss data has been examined quite a bit in the time since the Japanese version (and now NA English) has come out, so I'm hoping someone here will know the answer to this. I'm curious to know at exactly which points the stats for the various roaming legendaries in Hg/Ss are determined. The reason I'm asking is that ever since the GBA games I've always backed up my save right before fighting each of the one-of legendaries and kept a copy of it on my computer if I ever wanted to go back and capture another unique specimen of whichever legendary. 1. Entei/Raikou --- Since they start roaming after you go to the Burned Tower's basement, I'm guessing that saving right before doing that will do the trick? 2. Latios/Latias --- Not anywhere near this point yet, but I want to be prepared for when I am. I assume if I save immediately prior to exiting the Pokemon Fan Club (when Steven Stone comes to tell you about whichever Lati twin can be found in your game)? 3. Suicune --- I know it's not a roamer, but I'm still curious as it seems to move around a bit after leaving the basement before finally settling on a location. Does it behave like a normal stationary legendary after you finally corner it on Route 25 (that is, can you just soft rest for different stats?).
DeathWatch Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 1. They roam around so you won't know where they are at. So I don't know why you would save before versus against them if you don't know where they are at. 2. I am also not that close to that point. So I don't know about that one. 3. You can versus against it inside the tower that you go into to versus against Ho-oh. I hope I have helped you out.
AtomicGreymon Posted March 19, 2010 Author Posted March 19, 2010 DeathWatch said: 1. They roam around so you won't know where they are at. So I don't know why you would save before versus against them if you don't know where they are at. I'm still waiting for my NDS Adapter Plus device to arrive so I can actually backup Hg/Ss saves, so I haven't done it yet... but don't they show up on the Pokegear map after they leave the Burned Tower (like the D/P/Pt roamers did on the marking map)? That's almost as good as knowing where they are... it only took me 5-10 minutes a piece to capture the D/P/Pt roamers going back and forth between two routes.
oraclelink Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 I am also curious to find out this question as well. Also, I have heard that if they are defeated, that they will "respawn" after the Elite Four are beaten with different IVs and natures. I was wondering if this only applies to the first time or any time that the player defeats the E4.
Sachka Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 What?! I was looking these forums for the exact same question! I always do this! Actually when the first silver went out what I always did was to save in front of the computer, go to Lugia, catch it, return to computer an clone it, after turning game on I had Lugia in whirlpool island event active and my cloned Lugia in pc, Anyway I did this with the gba versions too but with a save backup as you say, saving just before each event gets activated. Guess I'm going to start softresetting soon to detect the exact moment it start. Any news apretiated Megatrom, OH and do you know if rudolf saves utility would work with hg/ss? I'm starting to study the app right now.
Klaatu Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 The legends do reappear if you knock them out and rebattle the elite4. Raikou and Entei stats are determined when they flee from the burnt tower, while suicune is a regular stationary legendary in front of which you can save and softreset (which is at the cliff next to bills house in Kanto for Suicune). The latis should be triggered by your chat with steven stone, but I didn't check this and just assume it
Skyblade12 Posted March 22, 2010 Posted March 22, 2010 Thanks for the awesome info, Klaatu. I was stuck waiting for this info. Since you can see the beasts as soon as you go into the tower, I was worried that the game might lock their stats then (wouldn't be any weirder than the Lati@s twins being locked as soon as you start the game back in Gen III). So I couldn't progress the storyline until I was sure.
AtomicGreymon Posted March 22, 2010 Author Posted March 22, 2010 That's great Klaatu, thanks for the info. Now all I need is to wait for is the NDS Adapter Plus I ordered to arrive, and then I can backup a save for Entei and Raikou (right now I'm standing right in front of the ladder that goes down to their basement in the Burned Tower), and continue with my game. Skyblade12 said: (wouldn't be any weirder than the Lati@s twins being locked as soon as you start the game back in Gen III). I guess I'm not the only one that likes keeping save backups like this. I also did it for Gen III, although as you said the Roamers back then weren't really worth it. Fortunately the GBA games didn't exactly have a lot of them... the Lati twins in R/S/E and one of the legendary beasts in Fr/Lg. I didn't bother making save backups for any of them, but I've got every other legendary from each of the three Gen III games I've got (Ruby, Emerald, and FireRed). Fortunately the Lati@s roamers aren't really that much of an issue. I can still go back and capture different specimens of each, thanks to Southern Island. I have a Ruby backup on Southern Island for Latias, and an Emerald backup for Latios (I chose Latias as the roamer in Emerald for this reason). Sachka said: OH and do you know if rudolf saves utility would work with hg/ss? I'm starting to study the app right now. Unfortunately Rudolph's Tools won't work with Hg/Ss... not unless someone makes an update patch for them. And there's no telling when (or if) that could happen. Apparently the developer of PokesavDS is going to try and implement the ability to dump Hg/Ss saves into a future version. Until then, the NDS Adapter Plus is the only way to get a Hg/Ss onto your computer.
mewmart Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Does this adapter cost a lot? Because I have to consider converting the USD to SGD. So I need to weigh the costs and feasibility to buy one.
Divine Insect Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 The NDS Adapter Plus costs about $30 USD plus shipping, depending on where you buy it. I've been thinking about getting one for myself, actually.
mewmart Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Are there any websites that are reliable or do sell this adapter?
pokemaster475 Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Can you respawn legends if you already caught them? I know that you probably can't, but I can hope.
Divine Insect Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 mewmart said: Are there any websites that are reliable or do sell this adapter? Here's the first one I found: They want $29.95 + shipping for it.
AtomicGreymon Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Divine Insect said: Here's the first one I found: They want $29.95 + shipping for it. That's where I ordered mine, and they seem reliable. You'd need to e-mail to find out what countries they ship to outside the U.S. and Canada, though. Other than that store, the only real option at the moment seems to be buying it from original manufacturer in Hong Kong. There's also a seller on eBay, located in HK, that seems to be offering them; but for around $34 USD.
d4rk_13l1t2er Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: 2. Latios/Latias --- Not anywhere near this point yet, but I want to be prepared for when I am. I assume if I save immediately prior to exiting the Pokemon Fan Club (when Steven Stone comes to tell you about whichever Lati twin can be found in your game)? There are a couple of steps before triggering this: 1. Check on the Copycat girl in Saffron, if she has her clefairy doll with her, you won't trigger this event when you exit the Pokemon Fan Club 2. Do the Power Plant / Misty side-quest, in which you have to find the Power Plant missing machine part and find Misty to get her back to the gym (Suicune will appear at the cliff AFTER you beat Misty) 3. Get the missing machine part to the guy at Power Plant, then go back to Saffron to check on the Copycat girl again 4. If the Copycat girl doesn't have the clefairy doll with her, go to the Pokemon Fan Club and talk to the fat guy in the middle of the room, he will give it to you (don't forget to return it to her), and then you'll meet Steven and trigger the Lati@s event when you exit the Pokemon Fan Club TM2-Megatron said: That's almost as good as knowing where they are... it only took me 5-10 minutes a piece to capture the D/P/Pt roamers going back and forth between two routes. Both of them have roar, which is a real pain in the back ..
Skyblade12 Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 The new Pokegear map for Roaming Pokemon is nicer, as you can tell which roamer is in an area, which you could not do in D/P/Pt. But it has a couple downsides. First, a couple of the small areas won't display the location of a roamer if they are in the route you are in (they just display your face to show that you are there), nor will it display both roamers if they are in the same area. Also, and worst of all, you can't leave the Pokegear map open the way you could the Marking Map in D/P/Pt, showing yet again why the Poketch was an improvement off the Pokegear that should not have been removed.
d4rk_13l1t2er Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Skyblade12 said: The new Pokegear map for Roaming Pokemon is nicer, as you can tell which roamer is in an area, which you could not do in D/P/Pt. But it has a couple downsides. First, a couple of the small areas won't display the location of a roamer if they are in the route you are in (they just display your face to show that you are there), nor will it display both roamers if they are in the same area. Actually, if both of them are in the same area, or you are in the same area with them, they will overlap each other, with your sprite being the higher priority which will put you on the top, so if you see one missing roamer or both of them it means they are on the same area as you are (or both of them are in one particular area) .. But i'm agree with being unable to keep the map on, it took so much time to keep opening and closing them..
Skyblade12 Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 That is what I was trying to explain, but I guess I didn't do a good job. The Pokegear is one of my biggest gripes with this game. The Pokegear was a good tool in G/S/C, don't get me wrong. But we replaced it for a reason. The Poketch in Sinnoh was far better all the way around. It had more functionality, better asthetics, and was far more convenient. Having access to one of the features constantly on the bottom screen was brilliant. Yes, it could do with an easier way to change Apps. But other than that, it was awesome. So, what happens for the next set of games? They remove most of the extra functions entirely, split the Dowsing Machine off as its own item, and use the bottom screen to constantly display...A MENU. I mean, what the hell? All the things they could use that screen for and they have it showing a freaking menu all the time? This, of course, was done to promote the touch screen features of the menu, which is why I have to say: News flash, Nintendo, no one likes the stylus that much. You can pull up the Itemfinder to cover the whole bottom screen (and use it while moving, which is a huge plus), but it will get reset every time you get in a fight, use an HM, or change areas. It is just a step down all the way around from the convenience we received in the Sinnoh games. Either the port was too faithful (keeping an expired tool that should have been junked), or the game was ruined to promote the touch screen, but either way, the Pokegear is the biggest downside this game has.
Kaarosu Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 d4rk_13l1t2er said: Actually, if both of them are in the same area, or you are in the same area with them, they will overlap each other, with your sprite being the higher priority which will put you on the top, so if you see one missing roamer or both of them it means they are on the same area as you are (or both of them are in one particular area) .. But i'm agree with being unable to keep the map on, it took so much time to keep opening and closing them.. There is an 'easier' way to catch the roamers to avoid having to open and close the map too many times: Reveal hidden contents Start off in Ecruteak City and go down to Route 37 and look at your map to see if either of the two roamers is in the same area, if they are go down to the grass and look for them. If not, go back up to Ecruteak City and back down to Route 37 to force the roamers to change areas. Rinse and repeat until you have them both. And that's in spoiler tags just for those of you that like the challenge of looking for them all over the place. Enjoy.
Guested Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I just talked to Steven after getting the Clefairy Doll and leaving the Pokemon Club. He showed me the photo of Latias, but it doesn't appear on my maps. I haven't beaten Misty or Suicune yet. Are those steps necessary to trigger the event?
chillxd Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Guested said: I just talked to Steven after getting the Clefairy Doll and leaving the Pokemon Club. He showed me the photo of Latias, but it doesn't appear on my maps. I haven't beaten Misty or Suicune yet. Are those steps necessary to trigger the event? I don't know what went wrong, as soon as Steven talked to me about Latios, he started roaming in Kanto. D: I did this part after I beat Misty though.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 5, 2010 Author Posted April 5, 2010 (edited) chillxd said: I don't know what went wrong, as soon as Steven talked to me about Latios, he started roaming in Kanto. D:I did this part after I beat Misty though. Same here; after the power plant thing I talked to the copycat on my first visit Saffron, however I waited until I'd beaten all the Kanto gyms before going back to the Fan Club to and triggering Latios. I've now finished creating save backups for nearly all SoulSilver's legendaries except for Latias and Rayquaza (I'm waiting for the real Wi-Fi event for the former, and I need to quickly play through a copy of HeartGold to get a Kyogre so I can do the latter). While I was at it, I also created save backups for a few of the other more unique one-time-only events... the Red Gyarados, ExtremeSpeed Dratini, Kanto Starters, and Hoenn Starters (in case I ever want another unique specimen of any of them). On my actual cartridge I chose Bulbasaur and Mudkip as my other starters, since I'd gone with Cyndaquil as my Johto starter (one of each type seemed like a good way to go). And I went with Giratina for the Sinjoh Ruins/Arceus event, since that's the only legitimate way to get a Griseous Orb in these games (as the item can't be held for a trade). Edited April 5, 2010 by AtomicGreymon
Klaatu Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: I also created save backups for a few of the other more unique one-time-only events...ExtremeSpeed Dratini You can breed infinite amounts from this one. I feel like replacing Extremespeed with something else when I look at it anyway LOL
AtomicGreymon Posted April 13, 2010 Author Posted April 13, 2010 Klaatu said: You can breed infinite amounts from this one.I feel like replacing Extremespeed with something else when I look at it anyway LOL True; assuming you got a male (which I did soft reset for), but I figured it couldn't hurt to have the ability to go back and get another original, encountered at the Dragon's Den, if I ever were to need one.
RageReq Posted June 11, 2010 Posted June 11, 2010 chillxd said: I don't know what went wrong, as soon as Steven talked to me about Latios, he started roaming in Kanto. D:I did this part after I beat Misty though. I'm pretty sure that was answered by now since im months late, but both lati's are available in the game. one roaming and one stationary. and about the roamers, do you guys mean that a roamers stats are set so that everytime you encounter it, it's the exact same pokemon? or is there a set pool of stats chosen? because I've saved before capturing roamers, written the nature and stats, reset and did it again multiple times and never got the same pokemon. And also in Diamond, I was watching a friend play and he encountered shiny mesprit. It ran away. According to this, it would always be shiny wouldn't it? He found it again and it wasn't shiny.
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