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I guess this is the right topic to share that the platforms that split the biomes in Indigo Disk can actually create some confusion on met location, specially when catching Pokémon while standing on it.

I've just caught a wild Seel while standing on the platform that split Polar/Coastal biomes and its location is stated as Coastal Biome, but the Pokémon is only native to the Polar Biome. If you whistle, the Pokémon will follow you and stand on the platform as well, if you start the battle at the side the other biome music is playing and catch it, the Pokémon will display its met location corresponding the music area.


Legality of Blueverry Academy NPC special coach trades. 

I am messaging to ask why Pkhex marks the legality of the special coach trades illegal when they are coming from its own database? If I am doing something wrong I would ask assistance. Thank you. 

  On 12/25/2023 at 9:16 PM, tah5274 said:

Legality of Blueverry Academy NPC special coach trades. 

I am messaging to ask why Pkhex marks the legality of the special coach trades illegal when they are coming from its own database? If I am doing something wrong I would ask assistance. Thank you. 


Works fine.


  On 12/26/2023 at 4:33 PM, tah5274 said:

Still seeing the illegality errors. My version is 23.12.22 but yours is 24. Would this matter? And if so where do I download that build


Like I said, it's working fine. You're reporting Pokémon that were generated with the initial Indigo Disk support release of PKHeX, which assigned 0 Weight/Scale to all trades. This has since been fixed, even before you reported the issue. PKHeX is flagging them correctly.

Per the first post on this thread:



I understand it’s the only use for Pkhex issues and not for user error. I was making sure before I continued my investigation. What I do not understand is why someone needs to be rude or unpleasant when someone is simply trying to report, what they think, is an error with the system as all I did was copy paste from the database to my sav file and nothing else so obviously not user error. This will be my last post here as obviously anyone who asks a question is unwelcome. Thanks.

  • Confused 2

Archaludon evolved from a Duraludon caught in Galar is flagged as invalid. This also marks Galar ribbons, HOME transfer moves, and OT memories as invalid.

Also shiny female 1/8 Pokemon transferred from gen 1 VC should not be flagged as illegal because there was a small window of time between when Poke Transfer worked with RGBY and when GSC released where gender was calculated randomly and shininess was calculated incorrectly. This means that shiny female VC Bulbasaur, Eevee, etc. should all be considered legal. This issue has been around for a while though, so I don't expect that you'll change it, but it would be nice if you did ;)

  On 12/29/2023 at 4:50 AM, JeongJeong said:

Archaludon evolved from a Duraludon caught in Galar is flagged as invalid. This also marks Galar ribbons, HOME transfer moves, and OT memories as invalid.

Also shiny female 1/8 Pokemon transferred from gen 1 VC should not be flagged as illegal because there was a small window of time between when Poke Transfer worked with RGBY and when GSC released where gender was calculated randomly and shininess was calculated incorrectly. This means that shiny female VC Bulbasaur, Eevee, etc. should all be considered legal. This issue has been around for a while though, so I don't expect that you'll change it, but it would be nice if you did ;)


Unable to replicate Archaludon. Ensure it has a HOME Tracker to indicate it has actually traversed from Galar to S/V.


The VC gender thing has been broken for the past two years; thanks for bringing it to my attention. Will be fixed in the next commit.


  • 3 weeks later...

Grimer and Lapras from the HGSS Safari are flagged as illegal in version 20240112. Both are water encounters, one from Marshland area and the other from Rocky Beach area. Grimers caught on grass seem to be fine.

The first two have been sitting in the PC since I've caught them and the rest are freshly caught for the sake of testing. None of them have been edited.

The dates are in DD/MM/YY format, by the way.







I don't know if this counts as a "legality" issue because PKHeX is flagging them legal on boxes alright. But I didn't know where else to post this.

As you probably already know, every coach trade from SV has 0000 as SID, and TID differs for everyone but Grusha and Clavell (Not 100% sure, I'm still missing Carmine's trade). So, when you click "Verify All PKMs", you get Invalid: TID sharing across different trainer names detected. It is a really tiny thing but it may get some people confused.


  On 12/31/2023 at 3:37 AM, phongphan95 said:


  On 1/15/2024 at 8:09 PM, DouglasPS said:

Grimer and Lapras from the HGSS Safari are flagged as illegal in version 20240112. Both are water encounters, one from Marshland area and the other from Rocky Beach area. Grimers caught on grass seem to be fine.



  On 1/16/2024 at 12:05 AM, jacksonf said:

As you probably already know, every coach trade from SV has 0000 as SID, and TID differs for everyone but Grusha and Clavell (Not 100% sure, I'm still missing Carmine's trade). So, when you click "Verify All PKMs", you get Invalid: TID sharing across different trainer names detected. It is a really tiny thing but it may get some people confused.


All 3 fixed/addressed as of latest commit; thanks for reporting.


Posted (edited)

PKHeX (20240112) Legality issue:
Shiny deerling from ORAS, when transferred to SV and switched seasonal forms turn illegal.

Deerling whose form stayed as Spring (legal, for comparison):
0585 ★ - Deerling - 2565E28F12A2.pk9

Deerling whose form was changed in SV (illegal, encounter type became invalid, memory)
0585-01 ★ - Deerling - 11D0C90A7F2F.pk90585-02 ★ - Deerling - 87B1DE229DDC.pk90585-03 ★ - Deerling - A50B4DFA5F78.pk9

The same issue is present in Sawsbuck. Spring forms are legal, other three forms are illegal.
Event starters obtained from HOME are flagged as illegal but when checked they are flagged as legal.


0906 - Sprigatito - E3201FE864A5.pk9Fetching info... 0909 - Fuecoco - 8A1EFC980518.pk9Fetching info... 0912 - Quaxly - 763B4892D588.pk9Fetching info... 0585-02 ★ - Deerling - 87B1DE229DDC.pk9Fetching info...

None were genned through PKHeX, though the Deerling/Sawsbuck were obtained through a shiny hack on the 3DS.

Edited by tdlz
Posted (edited)

PKHeX (20240112) Legality issue:
Araquanid with Stormy mark found illegal. Pokemon was obtained legitimately in Pokemon Sword without any cheats.
0752 - Araquanid - 1C05C36EC94F.pk8

Farfetch'd transferred legally to Pokemon HOME through Pokemon Bank apparently does not get treated as nicknamed by Pokemon HOME. Issue stems from the apostrophe being ' as opposed to ’. Issue was seen in a Pokemon Brilliant Diamond save file.
Farfetch'd was obtained in Pokemon X, though with a shiny cheat on. Will test with a legitimate one that wasn't obtained with cheats on to see if its an issue caused by the 3DS cheat, but I doubt the issue is caused by that. See follow-up post. Issue is present in legitimate Farfetch'd transferred to Pokemon HOME via Pokemon Bank.

0083 ★ - Farfetch'd - B70CA5922607.pb8Fetching info...

Edited by tdlz
Posted (edited)
  On 1/22/2024 at 8:18 PM, Kaphotics said:

Araquanid doesn't spawn wild encounters in Stony Wilderness, only has a Static Encounter, which can't have any marks.


Gotcha. I'll just assume its a weird bug in the game and go catch another one.

Following up on the previous posts, legitimate Farfetch'd and Deerling/Sawsbuck are still marked as illegal and the shiny cheat had nothing to do with the issue. Farfetch'd issue is also present in Pokemon Sword.
0083 - Farfetch'd - 654D2AE1FF10.pk8

0585-01 - Deerling - E7FAEB02C2DD.pk9Fetching info... 0585-02 - Deerling - 938CE221D313.pk9Fetching info... 0585-03 - Deerling - D72A5E69815D.pk9Fetching info... 0586-01 - Sawsbuck - 7DBDC2B92716.pk9Fetching info... 0586-02 - Sawsbuck - 150273F7DF7E.pk9Fetching info... 0586-03 - Sawsbuck - 555C97185B6C.pk9Fetching info...


Spring Deerling/Sawsbuck caught at the same time marked as legal for comparison
0585 - Deerling - B8F0D8ECD586.pk9Fetching info... 0586 - Sawsbuck - 2118FA45082D.pk9Fetching info...

Edited by tdlz
Posted (edited)

PKHeX (20240112) Legality issue:
Pokemon moved to Brilliant Diamond through Pokemon HOME is flagged as illegal. Originally caught legitimately in Pokemon Sword.

0059 - Arcanine - 3A2F50070721.pb8Fetching info... 0113 - Chansey - 5AC9B15F6BDF.pb8Fetching info... 0225 - Delibird - 3E44DED11539.pb8Fetching info... 0230 - Kingdra - DDA34F0D3EC1.pb8Fetching info... 0321 - Wailord - 2F262DEC7BA6.pb8Fetching info... 0403 - Shinx - 18AF34669E45.pb8Fetching info...


I moved it to another profile save using Pokemon HOME and traded it to my back-up on another switch, and it returned to being flagged as legal. Interestingly, the OT Memory got changed to being met in a link trade.
0059 - Arcanine - 1FF950070721.pk8Fetching info... 0113 - Chansey - 5BC5B15F6BDF.pk8Fetching info... 0225 - Delibird - 3A89DED11539.pk8Fetching info... 0230 - Kingdra - E03B4F0D3EC1.pk8Fetching info... 0321 - Wailord - 2D952DEC7BA6.pk8Fetching info... 0403 - Shinx - 22B434669E45.pk8Fetching info...

They were flagged as legal when moved to Pokemon Scarlet so it looks to be a BDSP/Pokemon Brilliant Diamond issue.

All files were moved around with in-game trades and back-ups. No modifications were done using PKHeX. Same goes for the earlier posts regarding the Deerlings./Sawsbucks, Farfetch'd, Araquanid, and the SV starters.

Edited by tdlz
  On 1/22/2024 at 10:20 PM, tdlz said:

Gotcha. I'll just assume its a weird bug in the game and go catch another one.

Following up on the previous posts, legitimate Farfetch'd and Deerling/Sawsbuck are still marked as illegal and the shiny cheat had nothing to do with the issue. Farfetch'd issue is also present in Pokemon Sword.
0083 - Farfetch'd - 654D2AE1FF10.pk8

0585-01 - Deerling - E7FAEB02C2DD.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0585-02 - Deerling - 938CE221D313.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0585-03 - Deerling - D72A5E69815D.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0586-01 - Sawsbuck - 7DBDC2B92716.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0586-02 - Sawsbuck - 150273F7DF7E.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0586-03 - Sawsbuck - 555C97185B6C.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads


Spring Deerling/Sawsbuck caught at the same time marked as legal for comparison
0585 - Deerling - B8F0D8ECD586.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads 0586 - Sawsbuck - 2118FA45082D.pk9 344 B · 0 downloads


Deerling & Sawsbuck fixed on latest commits:



Not fixing Farfetch'd; have known for quite a while that Bank mishandles it. Prefer to flag it as a Bank bug for now.

  • Amazed 1
  On 1/23/2024 at 1:39 AM, tdlz said:

PKHeX (20240112) Legality issue:
Pokemon moved to Brilliant Diamond through Pokemon HOME is flagged as illegal. Originally caught legitimately in Pokemon Sword.

0059 - Arcanine - 3A2F50070721.pb8 344 B · 1 download 0113 - Chansey - 5AC9B15F6BDF.pb8 344 B · 0 downloads 0225 - Delibird - 3E44DED11539.pb8 344 B · 0 downloads 0230 - Kingdra - DDA34F0D3EC1.pb8 344 B · 0 downloads 0321 - Wailord - 2F262DEC7BA6.pb8 344 B · 0 downloads 0403 - Shinx - 18AF34669E45.pb8 344 B · 0 downloads


I moved it to another profile save using Pokemon HOME and traded it to my back-up on another switch, and it returned to being flagged as legal. Interestingly, the OT Memory got changed to being met in a link trade.
0059 - Arcanine - 1FF950070721.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads 0113 - Chansey - 5BC5B15F6BDF.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads 0225 - Delibird - 3A89DED11539.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads 0230 - Kingdra - E03B4F0D3EC1.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads 0321 - Wailord - 2D952DEC7BA6.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads 0403 - Shinx - 22B434669E45.pk8 344 B · 0 downloads

They were flagged as legal when moved to Pokemon Scarlet so it looks to be a BDSP/Pokemon Brilliant Diamond issue.

All files were moved around with in-game trades and back-ups. No modifications were done using PKHeX. Same goes for the earlier posts regarding the Deerlings./Sawsbucks, Farfetch'd, Araquanid, and the SV starters.


Fixed on latest, thanks again for reporting ;)


It's usually small things that need to be tweaked; cross-game transfers are annoying to determine all the gotchas!

  • Amazed 1
Posted (edited)

Since OT can be easily changed by changing the Pokemon HOME username prior to moving GO mons into HOME, GO Pokemon can have different OTs but the same TID.
(Mark vs Marc, in this example)
It's not necessarily a legality issue but flagging GO Pokemon that share the same TID but different OT as having an invalid checksum are intentional, yes?

Also, two legitimately caught shiny Milceries during the 2020 GMax Milcery event that were evolved to Alcremies also have invalid checksums

I just remembered that I think I joined a shiny den being hosted for that one so nevermind the Alcremie one.

Sorry for the post spam, trying to clean up my living dex and just noticing these as I go 😂



Edited by tdlz
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Legitimately obtained Tornadus Therian Forme caught in Pokemon Legends: Arceus is flagged as illegal after being transferred to and from Pokemon Sword. The transfer was done through Pokemon HOME for both ways.
Tornadus Therian Forme after returning to Pokemon Legends: Arceus

0641-01 - Tornadus - 0647D23BB6D8.pa8Fetching info...


Tornadus Therian Forme in Pokemon Sword prior to returning to Pokemon Legends: Arceus (obtained from a previous backup)

0641-01 - Tornadus - 2633D23BB6D8.pk8Fetching info...

The transformation to Therian Forme was done in Pokemon Sword, which I assume is the reason why it is being flagged.

Edit: Interestingly, using the Reveal Glass in Pokemon Legends: Arceus twice fixes it.

0641-01 - Tornadus - 0935D23BB6D8.pa8Fetching info...


It seems there's a difference in Pokemon Sword and Legend: Arceus' Height's AV value calculations.

Edited by tdlz

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