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  On 10/23/2019 at 4:07 AM, Ammako said:

This does not actually reflect any kind of data within your save file. It's complicated, but basically this is only a tool to aid in clearing trash bytes, or applying a Pokémon's name data as trash bytes to the current Pokémon.

Example, say you have a Weedle, this Pokémon's name takes up 7 characters, or 14 bytes, including the terminator bytes. If you select Charmeleon as the species, and English as the language, then press Apply Trash, it'll apply every byte of Charmeleon's name past the 14th byte as trash bytes. In layman's terms, the name would become "WEEDLE/FFFF/EON/FFFF", displayed as "WEEDLE" in-game.

This is relevant, because when a Pokémon evolves after being transferred, if the evolution has a shorter name, then name bytes from the previous evolution remain as trash bytes. This provides an easy way to do this, for someone who wants to mimic this type of behavior in PKHeX, without having to edit every byte manually.

(Also, as for why that is, it's because Japanese is the first and default language in that list.)


Very interesting! I don't even need that, then, but still super cool to know how it works and what it does. Thank you once again! :)


It's ya duck, back at it again with another question:


Are Cute Charme shinies legitimate? I am not talking about sentimental legitimacy, I mean: Is their coding and data any different to a shiny you'd naturally encounter?


They are, yes. It's just the result of a quirk in the game's programming that the devs overlooked.

  • 4 weeks later...

Anybody know what has to be changed for a transferred pokemon from another gen to show up as legal in swsh? trading pokemon from oras lists as incorrectly transferred. Im assuming no sice Home hasnt come out yet but still wanted to ask

  On 11/18/2019 at 5:08 AM, Masamune3210 said:

Anybody know what has to be changed for a transferred pokemon from another gen to show up as legal in swsh? trading pokemon from oras lists as incorrectly transferred. Im assuming no sice Home hasnt come out yet but still wanted to ask


Don't send up Pokémon when the function is not officially available. Don't risk your save.

Besides, no one knows since it's not officially available.

Posted (edited)

Figured, just wanted to make sure. Thanks! I keep backups of my saves when I mod them, and I have my prodinfo modified, so i cant actually connect to nintys servers right now anyway

Was just playing around with moving over some of my earlier pokemon so i didnt have to catch them again

Edited by Masamune3210
  • 2 weeks later...

Will it be possible to edit Game Start date and time on pokemon LGPE?

cuz i used the pokeball mew dump (pk7 & wondercard record) here at project pokemon with caught date of 16th nov 2018...

but i started my game on dec 5 2018... it seems not legit save if i have mew on nov16 while i strted my game on dec 5...

  On 12/3/2019 at 12:15 PM, marvinstrife said:

but i already finished the game...

or is there any method to change the date on .wr7 file?


Wr7 doesn’t apply to SWSH (gen 8 )


also so what I was saying was that one can change their Switch date while playing the game. You can argue that you started your gameplay on a nonsensical Switch date. People do all kinds of things like this all the time.


anyhow, if you wanna edit the Mew received date, wait for wr8 dumping and injecting to be implemented.



I am new to use pkhex
i don't understand why I can't put ferrothorn with spikes move. the error message is invalid mov. How to create a pokemon to be able to give him a egg move in pkhex

Thank you in advance for your assistance



hello, it's me again!
When I want to do Japanese ditto, in the tab language, I select jpn but then it means that the pokemon is no longer legal. it puts me: invalid: OT name too long.
Thanks for your help

Posted (edited)


thank you for your response. Actually I had to shorten the OT name, but never mind.
Do you know where I can find dracovish with hidden abilitie sand rush because pkhex tells me: invalid hidden abilitie missmatch for encounter type

Thank you for your help

I just saw that the hidden abilitie sand rush is not available at the moment



Edited by mineiro45
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

hello, i don't understand why refresh is incompatible with Seismitoad in pkhex: invalid move error.

thanks for your help

Edited by pauletinho

Hey guys, I've been having some problems with my Cursola in pkhex. The only error I'm getting is that the "Hidden Ability isn't released", but Serebii says its available, and I've seen people trading HA corsolas on on places like Reddit. Could someone check out my file and see if there is something else wrong with it? Maybe its some other setting that would make the HA unavailable, but I'm really not sure. 

Thank you.

Cursola.pk8Fetching info...

  On 12/26/2019 at 10:59 PM, theSLAYER said:

@J3Xtrom Your Cursola looks like it's met in the wild (presumably as a Corsola). Only Cursola (evolved from) bred or caught in Max Raids can have HA.


Thanks a bunch. I just changed it to a hatched mon instead and that passed the check.

For future reference is there a way of telling pkhex that it was a max raid encounter? I tried messing with the locations and levels of where you'd be able to find cursola raids and it kept telling me there was no encounter that matched. I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious lol. 

  On 12/27/2019 at 12:45 AM, theSLAYER said:

Location, caught level, dynamax level, IVs, to name a few that I could think of off the top of my head.


Ahh, I totally forgot about the guaranteed IVs and didn't even think of dynamax level. Got one to pass the check by tweaking those. Thanks a ton.

  • Like 1

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