Lt. Lynx Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 On 1/29/2018 at 10:09 PM, Holla! said: Cool, nice find. Forgot that PKHeX can check for Crystal Event Flags. As for your problem, I don't think there were separate logs per game from what I've seen. (tho I haven't touched upon Mystery Gift stuff for some months now as you can see, so I'm not really sure.) And these may be the flags for each decoration item(s) for Crystal if they're consistent with each other, but I'm not 100% certain: 676 = Feathery Bed 677 = Pink Bed 678 = Polka Dot Bed 679 = Pikachu Bed 680 = Red Carpet 681 = Blue Carpet 682 = Yellow Carpet 683 = Green Carpet 684 = MagnaPlant 685 = TropicPlant 686 = JumboPlant 687 = Town Map 688 = Pikachu Poster 689 = Clefairy Poster 690 = Jigglypuff Poster 691 = NES 692 = Super NES 693 = Nintendo64 694 = Virtual Boy 695 = Pikachu Doll 696 = Surf Pikachu Doll 697 = Clefairy Doll 698 = Jigglypuff Doll 699 = Bulbasaur Doll 700 = Charmander Doll 701 = Squirtle Doll 702 = Poliwag Doll 703 = Diglett Doll 704 = Staryu Doll 705 = Magikarp Doll 706 = Oddish Doll 707 = Gengar Doll 708 = Shellder Doll 709 = Grimer Doll 710 = Voltorb Doll 711 = Weedle Doll 712 = Unown Doll 713 = Geodude* Doll 714 = Machop Doll 715 = Tentacool Doll 716 = Gold Trophy 717 = Silver Trophy 718 = Big Snorlax Doll 719 = Big Onix Doll 720 = Big Lapras Doll Expand Now I don't think that there are two separate log lists, it may just be a faulty one (second generation games were so unstable). However, there must be another missing list that checks the items received through IR and prevent them from being deleted if you uncheck the flags from 676 to 720. Did you try to unckeck that flags? And yes, that's the complete list
ZST Posted February 23, 2019 Posted February 23, 2019 On 1/29/2018 at 10:29 PM, Lt. Lynx said: Now I don't think that there are two separate log lists, it may just be a faulty one (second generation games were so unstable). However, there must be another missing list that checks the items received through IR and prevent them from being deleted if you uncheck the flags from 676 to 720. Did you try to unckeck that flags? And yes, that's the complete list Expand Reading this reminds that when I generate a Pokémon, even though I have the correct name, gender, and ID, the Name Changer detects it as a trade (or something) and does not allow a name change however if I generate the exact same Pokémon but turn it into an egg, and hatch it in the same area, level, and time, I can change the nickname through the Name Rater, so on top of this undiscovered IR flag issue, it seems there’s also a flag for caught/hatched Pokémon that is not yet implemented in PkHex when generating pokemon
Kaphotics Posted February 23, 2019 Posted February 23, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 3:44 AM, OldYoungMan said: Reading this reminds that when I generate a Pokémon, even though I have the correct name, gender, and ID, the Name Changer detects it as a trade (or something) and does not allow a name change however if I generate the exact same Pokémon but turn it into an egg, and hatch it in the same area, level, and time, I can change the nickname through the Name Rater, so on top of this undiscovered IR flag issue, it seems there’s also a flag for caught/hatched Pokémon that is not yet implemented in PkHex when generating pokemon Expand Trash Bytes for Nickname/OT the game compares the full sequence for the OT name (including trash bytes) 1
ZST Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 3:59 AM, Kaphotics said: Trash Bytes for Nickname/OT the game compares the full sequence for the OT name (including trash bytes) Expand Ahh, and Gen 2 trash bytes were so insane (and easily Nuked iirc) that it was not even worth trying to implement, right?
Kaphotics Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 4:42 AM, OldYoungMan said: Ahh, and Gen 2 trash bytes were so insane (and easily Nuked iirc) that it was not even worth trying to implement, right? Expand If you click the OT label and have it apply OT details, it'll slap on the savefile's OT trash bytes in addition to the relevant trainer details (gender, geolocation). To bring up the trash byte editor for a given field (nickname/OT), hold control and click on the textbox. 1
ZST Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 4:49 AM, Kaphotics said: If you click the OT label and have it apply OT details, it'll slap on the savefile's OT trash bytes in addition to the relevant trainer details (gender, geolocation). To bring up the trash byte editor for a given field (nickname/OT), hold control and click on the textbox. Expand Nice! is there anywhere else I can read about it instead of just badgering you with questions? Now I’m interested in learning why the language is Japanese among other things
Kaphotics Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 5:42 AM, OldYoungMan said: Nice! is there anywhere else I can read about it instead of just badgering you with questions? Now I’m interested in learning why the language is Japanese among other things Expand Options->About PKHeX->Shortcuts Gen1/2 don't store language; PKHeX tries to detect a language if there's any. If there isn't, the combobox's value doesn't change. It's only really there to help you switch a species' language-nickname. 2
ZST Posted March 7, 2019 Posted March 7, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 4:49 AM, Kaphotics said: If you click the OT label and have it apply OT details, it'll slap on the savefile's OT trash bytes in addition to the relevant trainer details (gender, geolocation). To bring up the trash byte editor for a given field (nickname/OT), hold control and click on the textbox. Expand Whenever I tried to apply trash bytes it says "Trash byte layer is hidden by current text Current bytes 6 Layer Bytes 1" and when I try to do the Nickname trash bytes the Current Bytes is 10, and Layer remains 1 Do you know what the deal is?
Kaphotics Posted March 7, 2019 Posted March 7, 2019 On 3/7/2019 at 11:26 PM, OldYoungMan said: Whenever I tried to apply trash bytes it says "Trash byte layer is hidden by current text Current bytes 6 Layer Bytes 1" and when I try to do the Nickname trash bytes the Current Bytes is 10, and Layer remains 1 Do you know what the deal is? Expand If the bottom layer is 1 bytes, anything longer than 0 bytes will overwrite the bottom layer. AAAA{terminator} B{terminator} results in AAAA{terminator}. AA{terminator} BBBB{terminator} results in AA{terminator}B
ZST Posted March 8, 2019 Posted March 8, 2019 On 3/7/2019 at 11:28 PM, Kaphotics said: If the bottom layer is 1 bytes, anything longer than 0 bytes will overwrite the bottom layer. AAAA{terminator} B{terminator} results in AAAA{terminator}. AA{terminator} BBBB{terminator} results in AA{terminator}B Expand How would I fix this? There’s almost nothing available on GSC trash bytes
Kaphotics Posted March 8, 2019 Posted March 8, 2019 On 3/8/2019 at 12:10 AM, OldYoungMan said: How would I fix this? There’s almost nothing available on GSC trash bytes Expand -- has already been fixed, and will be available in the next release (in the next few days).
ZST Posted March 8, 2019 Posted March 8, 2019 On 3/8/2019 at 1:29 AM, Kaphotics said: -- has already been fixed, and will be available in the next release (in the next few days). Expand Ahh, thanks a ton. I saw that while Googling but since I didn’t see any reply to it, I figured it wouldn’t be fixed. As you can tell I’m not too familiar with how all this works. Hey man I downloaded and installed the new firmware but I still get the same error message Bump //==mod edit: please don’t double post, just edit into your latest unanswered post==/ Hey 2 patches later and it still doesn’t work for me - I think it’s safe to assume the issue is on my end? Ive been playing on gen 2 and 3 and it doesn’t work on either
theSLAYER Posted July 4, 2019 Posted July 4, 2019 I found the flag to reactivate the Roamers from the basement of the Burned Tower, in Pokémon GS. For GS, tested to work on INTL, KOR and JPN version, and for C, tested on INTL version. [JPN version of event flags doesn't seem to work properly on PKHeX right now] For GS, Both of these has to be done: Unset Flag 1867 Event Constant 41: set to 0 For Crystal, Both of these has to be done: Unset Flag 1867 Event Constant 54: set to 0 3
Johto Champion Posted March 8, 2020 Posted March 8, 2020 Hello everyone. Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for your diligent research. You guys are truly amazing! Secondly, I was wondering if I could get some help locating the offsets related to Unown encounters in both the regular PokeDex and the Unown Dex for Crystal Version. I'm trying to change the PokeDex entry image displayed for Unown to the first one that I caught as opposed to the first one seen. I'm also trying to find away to reset the Unown registered in the Unknown Dex. I'd greatly appreciate any help. 1
randomdice101 Posted February 4, 2021 Posted February 4, 2021 Hey, I've been digging into the hall of fame data and I think I have a pretty good handle on JPN and NA offsets. can't test for KOR however sorry. What I can find online says the game stores 30 of these. I only tested up to 8 however. For JPN offsets, GSC use the exact same offsets, a repeating 136 byte chunk for each HoF clear. Pokemon are stored in 22 bytes. 0x32B0 will be the HoF clear number. Each subsequent clear will shift the older HoF clear 136 bytes down the line. 0x32B1 first pokemon's dex number 0x32B2-0x32B3 is the pokemon's trainer ID. trainer name is not stored however. 0x32B4-0x32B5 is the pokemon's IVs. 0x32B6 is the pokemon's level. 0x32B7-0x32BB is the pokemon's name (5 digits for JPN names). repeat up to 5 more times. 0x32F3 FF terminator byte. 0x32F4 will be the previous HoF clear and it repeats in descending order. For NA offsets Gold-Silver start at 321A while crystal starts at 32C0. Each HoF clear is stored in 196 bytes. The Pokemon are stored in 32 bytes. Crystal will be in parentheses. 0x321A (0x32C0) will be the HoF clear number. Each subsequent clear will shift the older HoF clear 196 bytes down the line. 0x321B (0x32C1) first pokemon's dex number 0x321C-0x321D (0x32C2-0x32C3) is the pokemon's trainer ID. trainer name is not stored however. 0x321E-0x321F (0x32C4-0x32C5) is the pokemon's IVs. 0x3220 (0x32C6) is the pokemon's level. 0x3221-0x322A (0x32C7-0x32D0) is the pokemon's name (10 digits for NA names). repeat up to 5 more times. 0x327B (0x3321) FF terminator byte. 0x327C (0x3322) will be the previous HoF clear and it repeats in descending order. 2
BlueGold Posted April 16, 2021 Posted April 16, 2021 (edited) Hi, first of all, thanks a lot for this research, it's very helpful ! I do have a question regarding this. Trainer House Set offset C09 to 01 and offset C2E to FF to properly activate! Is offset C09 used to specify if the default trainer shall be replaced by another trainer (the latest one having done a mistery gift) and is C2E offset used to specify if the trainer has already been battle during the say (if I remember correctly, the trainer at the trainer house can only be battled once per day, right ?). Hi, Still related to the trainer house, it seems that the offsets of the data of the 6th pokemon moves are not correct in this thread. See here : Trainer House data: ABFD = Custom trainer? (00 = NO [CAL], 01 = YES) ABFE = Letter 1 ABFF = Letter 2 AC00 = Letter 3 AC01 = Letter 4 AC02 = Letter 5 AC03 = Letter 6 AC04 = Letter 7 AC05 = Letter 8 AC06 = Letter 9 AC07 = Letter 10 AC08 = END letter AC09 = ? AC0A = First enemy level AC0B = First enemy species [Cannot be 00, FC, FE, FF. You can battle Eggs without a freeze, as long as they don't have glitch moves, except FD which works here as Substitute but for some reason they won't be at maximum HP] AC0C = First Pokémon Move 1 AC0D = First Pokémon Move 2 AC0E = First Pokémon Move 3 AC0F = First Pokémon Move 4 AC10 = Second Pokémon level AC11 = Second Pokémon species AC12 = Second Pokémon Move 1 AC13 = Second Pokémon Move 2 AC14 = Second Pokémon Move 3 AC15 = Second Pokémon Move 4 AC16 = Third Pokémon level AC17 = Third Pokémon species AC18 = Third Pokémon Move 1 AC19 = Third Pokémon Move 2 AC1A = Third Pokémon Move 3 AC1B = Third Pokémon Move 4 AC1C = Fourth Pokémon level AC1D = Fourth Pokémon species AC1E = Fourth Pokémon Move 1 AC1F = Fourth Pokémon Move 2 AC20 = Fourth Pokémon Move 3 AC21 = Fourth Pokémon Move 4 AC22 = Fifth Pokémon level AC23 = Fifth Pokémon species AC24 = Fifth Pokémon Move 1 AC25 = Fifth Pokémon Move 2 AC26 = Fifth Pokémon Move 3 AC27 = Fifth Pokémon Move 4 AC28 = Sixth Pokémon level AC29 = Sixth Pokémon species For some reason, there is a large gap here, where the sixth Pokémon's move begins at AC72 instead of AC2A. AC72 = Sixth Pokémon Move 1 AC73 = Sixth Pokémon Move 2 AC74 = Sixth Pokémon Move 3 AC75 = Sixth Pokémon Move 4 (Gold and Silver only; unsure of Crystal Pokémon 6 move addresses) ACB2 (however, now when I test it modifying this address has no effect) = Money (hundreds) [Cannot be in the FC-FF range] Edited April 16, 2021 by BlueGold 1
Canoe Posted May 15, 2021 Posted May 15, 2021 On 4/16/2021 at 7:40 AM, BlueGold said: it seems that the offsets of the data of the 6th pokemon moves are not correct in this thread. Expand They worked with no problem on my end. The OP's data is meant to be done through using a hex editor, while the data you've posted is about SRAM editing. 1
BlueGold Posted May 19, 2021 Posted May 19, 2021 On 5/15/2021 at 7:17 PM, Canoe said: They worked with no problem on my end. The OP's data is meant to be done through using a hex editor, while the data you've posted is about SRAM editing. Expand OK, thanks a lot for the precision. I missed that important point !
pharohzeke Posted June 2, 2022 Posted June 2, 2022 On 8/23/2017 at 9:02 PM, Holla! said: Hey all! This thread will be used to preserve and figure out how data works for the Gen II games. Here is what has been documented. Pokemon Gold/Silver: (International) Reveal hidden contents Mom's savings: 23DE (max $999999) Starter Ball at Lab 26E7: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Rival Starter 2622: 14: Chikorita 24: Cyndaquil 0C: Totodile Sudowoodo 26FE: A2: Battleable A3: Battled Shiny Gyarados 2709: 00: Battleable 02: Battled Red 270B: 64: Not there 6A: Battleable Eevee 2628: 00: Unclaimed 80: Claimed Snorlax 270D: CA: Battleable CB: Battled Lugia 2682: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Ho-Oh 2681: 03: Battleable 83: Battled Randy Quest: 2629 00: Not accepted 01: Accepted 0B: Spearow delivered 0F: Quest complete Mania Quest: 2627 01: Not interacted 21: Shuckle obtained 61: Shuckle returned Mystery Gift BE3: Byte of 05 is stored here redundantly once the max of 5 communications is hit BE4 (also stored in BE2 but irrelevant): Item to receive BE5: Mystery Gift Option: FF = Inaccessible / 00 = Accessible + # of communications (max 5) BE6: Communicated Player #1's TID BE8: Communicated Player #2's TID BEA: Communicated Player #3's TID BEC: Communicated Player #4's TID BEE: Communicated Player #5's TID Phone Numbers 282E: #1 282F: #2 2830: #3 2831: #4 2832: #5 2833: #6 2834: #7 2835: #8 2836: #9 2837: #10 Phone Number values: 00 - Empty Slot 01 - Mom 02 - Bike Shop 03 - Bill 04 - Prof. Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokéfan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A - Blank Callable Number (unused) 0B - Gaven: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank Callable Number (unused) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokémaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker Unown Dex Order of Unown form encounters by offset: 2A8C: #1 2A8D: #2 2A8E: #3 2A8F: #4 2A90: #5 2A91: #6 2A92: #7 2A93: #8 2A94: #9 2A95: #10 2A96: #11 2A97: #12 2A98: #13 2A99: #14 2A9A: #15 2A9B: #16 2A9C: #17 2A9D: #18 2A9E: #19 2A9F: #20 2AA0: #21 2AA1: #22 2AA2: #23 2AA3: #24 2AA4: #25 2AA5: #26 Forms by value: 01: A 02: B 03: C 04: D 05: E 06: F 07: G 08: H 09: I 0A: J 0B: K 0C: L 0D: M 0E: N 0F: O 10: P 11: Q 12: R 13: S 14: T 15: U 16: V 17: W 18: X 19: Y 1A: Z Trainer House Set offset C09 to 01 and offset C2E to FF to properly activate! BFE: Opponent's Name Pokemon #1: C0A: Level C0B: Pokedex # COC: Move #1 C0D: Move #2 C0E: Move #3 C0F: Move #4 Pokemon #2: C10: Level C11: Pokedex # C12: Move #1 C13: Move #2 C14: Move #3 C15: Move #4 Pokemon #3: C16: Level C17: Pokedex # C18: Move #1 C19: Move #2 C1A: Move #3 C1B: Move #4 Pokemon #4: C1C: Level C1D: Pokedex # C1E: Move #1 C1F: Move #2 C20: Move #3 C21: Move #4 Pokemon #5: C22: Level C23: Pokedex # C24: Move #1 C25: Move #2 C26: Move #3 C27: Move #4 Pokemon #6: C28: Level C29: Pokedex # C2A: Move #1 C2B: Move #2 C2C: Move #3 C2D: Move #4 Link Battle Colosseum Records 31BB: Total Wins (max 9999) 31BD: Total Losses (max 9999) 31BF: Total Draws (max 9999) Opponent #1 Details: 31C0: Opponent's TID 31C2: Opponent's Name 31CD: Wins (max 9999) 31CF: Losses (max 9999) 31D1: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #2 Details: 31D2: Opponent's TID 31D4: Opponent's Name 31DF: Wins (max 9999) 31E1: Losses (max 9999) 31E3: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #3 Details: 31E4: Opponent's TID 31E6: Opponent's Name 31F1: Wins (max 9999) 31F3: Losses (max 9999) 31F5: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #4 Details: 31F6: Opponent's TID 31F8: Opponent's Name 3203: Wins (max 9999) 3205: Losses (max 9999) 3207: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #5 Details: 3208: Opponent's TID 320A: Opponent's Name 3215: Wins (max 9999) 3217: Losses (max 9999) 3219: Draws (max 9999) (Japanese) Reveal hidden contents Mom's savings: 23C1 (max $999999) Starter Ball at Lab 26E7: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Starter Ball at Lab 26C8: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Rival Starter 2603: 14: Chikorita 24: Cyndaquil 0C: Totodile Sudowoodo 26DF: A2: Battleable A3: Battled Shiny Gyarados 26EA: 00: Battleable 02: Battled Red 26EC: 64: Not there 6A: Battleable 6E: Battled Eevee 2609: 00: Unclaimed 80: Claimed Snorlax 26EE: CA: Battleable CB: Battled Lugia 2663: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Ho-Oh 2662: 03: Battleable 83: Battled Randy Quest: 2608 00: Not accepted 01: Accepted 0B: Spearow delivered 0F: Quest complete Mania Quest: 260A 01: Not interacted 21: Shuckle obtained 61: Shuckle returned Mystery Gift B51: Byte of 05 is stored here redundantly once the max of 5 communications is hit B52: (possibly also stored in B50 but irrelevant): Item to receive B53: Mystery Gift Option: FF = Inaccessible / 00 = Accessible + # of communications (max 5) B54: Communicated Player #1's TID B56: Communicated Player #2's TID B58: Communicated Player #3's TID B5A: Communicated Player #4's TID B5C: Communicated Player #5's TID Phone Numbers 27E2: #1 27E3: #2 27E4: #3 27E5: #4 27E6: #5 27E7: #6 27E8: #7 27E9: #8 27EA: #9 27EB: #10 Phone Number values: 00 - Empty Slot 01 - Mom 02 - Bike Shop 03 - Bill 04 - Prof. Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokéfan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A - Blank Callable Number (unused) 0B - Gaven: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank Callable Number (unused) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokémaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker Unown Dex Order of Unown form encounters by offset: 2A0E: #1 2A0F: #2 2A10: #3 2A11: #4 2A12: #5 2A13: #6 2A14: #7 2A15: #8 2A16: #9 2A17: #10 2A18: #11 2A19: #12 2A1A: #13 2A1B: #14 2A1C: #15 2A1D: #16 2A1E: #17 2A1F: #18 2A20: #19 2A21: #20 2A22: #21 2A23: #22 2A24: #23 2A25: #24 2A26: #25 2A27: #26 Forms by value: 01: A 02: B 03: C 04: D 05: E 06: F 07: G 08: H 09: I 0A: J 0B: K 0C: L 0D: M 0E: N 0F: O 10: P 11: Q 12: R 13: S 14: T 15: U 16: V 17: W 18: X 19: Y 1A: Z Trainer House Set offset B6B to 01 and offset B97 to FF to properly activate! B6C: Opponent's Name Pokemon #1: B73: Level B74: Pokedex # B75: Move #1 B76: Move #2 B77: Move #3 B78: Move #4 Pokemon #2: B79: Level B7A: Pokedex # B7B: Move #1 B7C: Move #2 B7D: Move #3 B7E: Move #4 Pokemon #3: B7F: Level B80: Pokedex # B81: Move #1 B82: Move #2 B83: Move #3 B84: Move #4 Pokemon #4: B85: Level B86: Pokedex # B87: Move #1 B88: Move #2 B89: Move #3 B8A: Move #4 Pokemon #5: B8B: Level B8C: Pokedex # B8D: Move #1 B8E: Move #2 B8F: Move #3 B90: Move #4 Pokemon #6: B91: Level B92: Pokedex # B93: Move #1 B94: Move #2 B95: Move #3 B96: Move #4 Link Battle Colosseum Records 3261: Total Wins (max 9999) 3263: Total Losses (max 9999) 3265: Total Draws (max 9999) Opponent #1 Details: 3266: Opponent's TID 3168: Opponent's Name 326E: Wins (max 9999) 3270: Losses (max 9999) 3272: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #2 Details: 3273: Opponent's TID 3275: Opponent's Name 327B: Wins (max 9999) 327D: Losses (max 9999) 327F: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #3 Details: 3280: Opponent's TID 3282: Opponent's Name 3288: Wins (max 9999) 328A: Losses (max 9999) 328C: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #4 Details: 328D: Opponent's TID 328F: Opponent's Name 3295: Wins (max 9999) 3297: Losses (max 9999) 3299: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #5 Details: 329A: Opponent's TID 329C: Opponent's Name 32A2: Wins (max 9999) 32A4: Losses (max 9999) 32A6: Draws (max 9999) (Korean) Reveal hidden contents Mom's savings: 23DE (max $999999) Starter Ball at Lab 26E7: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Starter Ball at Lab 26BF: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Rival Starter 25FA: 14: Chikorita 24: Cyndaquil 0C: Totodile Sudowoodo 26D6: A2: Battleable A3: Battled Shiny Gyarados 26E1: 00: Battleable 02: Battled Red 26E3: 64: Not there 6A: Battleable 6E: Battled Eevee 2600: 00: Unclaimed 80: Claimed Snorlax 26E5: CA: Battleable CB: Battled Lugia 265A: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Ho-Oh 2659: 03: Battleable 83: Battled Randy Quest: 25FF 00: Not accepted 01: Accepted 0B: Spearow delivered 0F: Quest complete Mania Quest: 2601 01: Not interacted 21: Shuckle obtained 61: Shuckle returned Mystery Gift FE3: Byte of 05 is stored here redundantly once the max of 5 communications is hit FE4: (possibly also stored in FE1 but irrelevent): Item to receive FE5: Mystery Gift Option: FF = Inaccessible / 00 = Accessible + # of communications (max 5) FE6: Communicated Player #1's TID FE8: Communicated Player #2's TID FEA: Communicated Player #3's TID FEC: Communicated Player #4's TID FEE: Communicated Player #5's TID Phone Numbers 2875: #1 2876: #2 2877: #3 2878: #4 2879: #5 287A: #6 287B: #7 287C: #8 287D: #9 287E: #10 Phone Number values: 00 - Empty Slot 01 - Mom 02 - Bike Shop 03 - Bill 04 - Prof. Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokéfan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A - Blank Callable Number (unused) 0B - Gaven: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank Callable Number (unused) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokémaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker Unown Dex Order of Unown form encounters by offset: 2ACE: #1 2ACF: #2 2AD0: #3 2AD1: #4 2AD2: #5 2AD3: #6 2AD4: #7 2AD5: #8 2AD6: #9 2AD7: #10 2AD8: #11 2AD9: #12 2ADA: #13 2ADB: #14 2ADC: #15 2ADD: #16 2ADE: #17 2ADF: #18 2AE0: #19 2AE1: #20 2AE2: #21 2AE3: #22 2AE4: #23 2AE5: #24 2AE6: #25 2AE7: #26 Forms by value: 01: A 02: B 03: C 04: D 05: E 06: F 07: G 08: H 09: I 0A: J 0B: K 0C: L 0D: M 0E: N 0F: O 10: P 11: Q 12: R 13: S 14: T 15: U 16: V 17: W 18: X 19: Y 1A: Z Trainer House Set offset FFD to 01 and offset 102E to FF to properly activate! FFE: Opponent's Name Pokemon #1: 100A: Level 100B: Pokedex # 100C: Move #1 100D: Move #2 100E: Move #3 100F: Move #4 Pokemon #2: 1010: Level 1011: Pokedex # 1012: Move #1 1013: Move #2 1014: Move #3 1015: Move #4 Pokemon #3: 1016: Level 1017: Pokedex # 1018: Move #1 1019: Move #2 101A: Move #3 101B: Move #4 Pokemon #4: 101C: Level 101D: Pokedex # 101E: Move #1 101F: Move #2 1020: Move #3 1021: Move #4 Pokemon #5: 1022: Level 1023: Pokedex # 1024: Move #1 1025: Move #2 1026: Move #3 1027: Move #4 Pokemon #6: 1028: Level 1029: Pokedex # 102A: Move #1 102B: Move #2 102C: Move #3 102D: Move #4 Link Battle Colosseum Records 31FD: Total Wins (max 9999) 31FF: Total Losses (max 9999) 3201: Total Draws (max 9999) Opponent #1 Details: 3202: Opponent's TID 3204: Opponent's Name 320F: Wins (max 9999) 3211: Losses (max 9999) 3213: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #2 Details: 3214: Opponent's TID 3216: Opponent's Name 3221: Wins (max 9999) 3223: Losses (max 9999) 3225: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #3 Details: 3226: Opponent's TID 3228: Opponent's Name 3245: Wins (max 9999) 3247: Losses (max 9999) 3249: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #4 Details: 3238: Opponent's TID 323A: Opponent's Name 3245: Wins (max 9999) 3247: Losses (max 9999) 3249: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #5 Details: 324A: Opponent's TID 324C: Opponent's Name 3257: Wins (max 9999) 3259: Losses (max 9999) 325B: Draws (max 9999) Pokemon Crystal: (International) Reveal hidden contents Mom's savings: 23DF (max $999999) Blue Card points (max 30): 27D9 (NOTE: Set byte as 1E (29) then win once to get Buena's phone number) Starter Ball at Lab 26C8: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Rival Starter 2603: 14: Chikorita 24: Cyndaquil 0C: Totodile Sudowoodo 26DF: A2: Battleable A3: Battled Shiny Gyarados 26EA: 00: Battleable 02: Battled Red 26EC: 64: Not there 6A: Battleable 6E: Battled Eevee 2609: 00: Unclaimed 80: Claimed Snorlax 26EE: CA: Battleable CB: Battled Lugia 2663: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Ho-Oh 2662: 03: Battleable 83: Battled Randy Quest: 260A 00: Not accepted 01: Accepted 0B: Spearow delivered 0F: Quest complete Mania Quest: 2608 01: Not interacted 21: Shuckle obtained 61: Shuckle returned Odd Egg 2667: 00: Not obtained 40: Obtained Dratini Gift Status 2617: 00: Unclaimed 20: Claimed Dratini Gift to Receive 2618: 00: Extremespeed 02: Leer Suicune 2534: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Mystery Gift BE2: Byte of 05 is stored here redundantly once the max of 5 communications is hit BE4: Item to receive BE5: Mystery Gift Option: FF = Inaccessible / 00 = Accessible + # of communications (max 5) BE6: Communicated Player #1's TID BE8: Communicated Player #2's TID BEA: Communicated Player #3's TID BEC: Communicated Player #4's TID BEE: Communicated Player #5's TID Unown Dex Order of Unown form encounters by offset: 2A67: #1 2A68: #2 2A69: #3 2A6A: #4 2A6B: #5 2A6C: #6 2A6D: #7 2A6E: #8 2A6F: #9 2A70: #10 2A71: #11 2A72: #12 2A73: #13 2A74: #14 2A75: #15 2A76: #16 2A77: #17 2A78: #18 2A79: #19 2A7A: #20 2A7B: #21 2A7C: #22 2A7D: #23 2A7E: #24 2A7F: #25 2A80: #26 Forms by value: 01: A 02: B 03: C 04: D 05: E 06: F 07: G 08: H 09: I 0A: J 0B: K 0C: L 0D: M 0E: N 0F: O 10: P 11: Q 12: R 13: S 14: T 15: U 16: V 17: W 18: X 19: Y 1A: Z Phone Numbers 280A: #1 280B: #2 280C: #3 280D: #4 280E: #5 280F: #6 2810: #7 2811: #8 2812: #9 2813: #10 Phone Number values: 00 - Empty Slot 01 - Mom 02 - Bike Shop 03 - Bill 04 - Prof. Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokéfan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A - Blank Callable Number (unused) 0B - Gaven: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank Callable Number (unused) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokémaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker 25 - Buena: Disc Jockey Trainer House Set offset C09 to 01 and offset C2E to FF to properly activate! BFE: Opponent's Name Pokemon #1: C0A: Level C0B: Pokedex # COC: Move #1 C0D: Move #2 C0E: Move #3 C0F: Move #4 Pokemon #2: C10: Level C11: Pokedex # C12: Move #1 C13: Move #2 C14: Move #3 C15: Move #4 Pokemon #3: C16: Level C17: Pokedex # C18: Move #1 C19: Move #2 C1A: Move #3 C1B: Move #4 Pokemon #4: C1C: Level C1D: Pokedex # C1E: Move #1 C1F: Move #2 C20: Move #3 C21: Move #4 Pokemon #5: C22: Level C23: Pokedex # C24: Move #1 C25: Move #2 C26: Move #3 C27: Move #4 Pokemon #6: C28: Level C29: Pokedex # C2A: Move #1 C2B: Move #2 C2C: Move #3 C2D: Move #4 Link Battle Colosseum Records 3261: Total Wins (max 9999) 3263: Total Losses (max 9999) 3265: Total Draws (max 9999) Opponent #1 Details: 3266: Opponent's TID 3268: Opponent's Name 3273: Wins (max 9999) 3275: Losses (max 9999) 3277: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #2 Details: 3278: Opponent's TID 327A: Opponent's Name 3285: Wins (max 9999) 3287: Losses (max 9999) 3289: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #3 Details: 328A: Opponent's TID 328C: Opponent's Name 3297: Wins (max 9999) 3299: Losses (max 9999) 329B: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #4 Details: 329C: Opponent's TID 329E: Opponent's Name 32A9: Wins (max 9999) 32AB: Losses (max 9999) 32AD: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #5 Details: 32AE: Opponent's TID 32B0: Opponent's Name 32BB: Wins (max 9999) 32BD: Losses (max 9999) 32BF: Draws (max 9999) (Japanese) Reveal hidden contents Mom's savings: 23C2 (max $999999) Blue Card points (max 30): 278E (NOTE: Set byte as 1E (29) then win once to get Buena's phone number) Starter Ball at Lab 26AA: FD: Chickorita F3: Cyndaquil FE: Totodile Rival Starter 25E5: 14: Chikorita 24: Cyndaquil 0C: Totodile Sudowoodo 26C1: A2: Battleable A3: Battled Shiny Gyarados 26CC: 00: Battleable 02: Battled Red 26CE: 64: Not there 6A: Battleable 6E: Battled Eevee 25EB: 00: Unclaimed 80: Claimed Snorlax 26D0: CA: Battleable CB: Battled Lugia 2645: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Ho-Oh 2644: 03: Battleable 83: Battled Randy Quest: 25EC 00: Not accepted 01: Accepted 0B: Spearow delivered 0F: Quest complete Mania Quest: 25EA 01: Not interacted 21: Shuckle obtained 61: Shuckle returned Dratini Gift Status 25F9: 00: Unclaimed 20: Claimed Dratini Gift to Receive 25FA: 00: Extremespeed 02: Leer Suicune 2516: 00: Battleable 01: Battled Mystery Gift B50: Byte of 05 is stored here redundantly once the max of 5 communications is hit B52: (possibly also stored in B50 but irrelevent): Item to receive B53: Mystery Gift Option: FF = Inaccessible / 00 = Accessible + # of communications (max 5) B54: Communicated Player #1's TID B56: Communicated Player #2's TID B58: Communicated Player #3's TID B5A: Communicated Player #4's TID B5C: Communicated Player #5's TID Phone Numbers 27BF: #1 27C0: #2 27C1: #3 27C2: #4 27C3: #5 27C4: #6 27C5: #7 27C6: #8 27C7: #9 27C8: #10 Phone Number values: 00 - Empty Slot 01 - Mom 02 - Bike Shop 03 - Bill 04 - Prof. Elm: 05 - Jack: Schoolboy 06 - Beverly: Pokéfan 07 - Huey: Sailor 08 - 0A - Blank Callable Number (unused) 0B - Gaven: Cooltrainer 0C - Beth: Cooltrainer 0D - Jose: Bird Keeper 0E - Reena: Cooltrainer 0F - Joey: Youngster 10 - Wade: Bugcatcher 11 - Ralph: Fisher 12 - Liz: Picknicker 13 - Anthony: Hiker 14 - Todd: Camper 15 - Gina: Picknicker 16 - Irwin: Juggler 17 - Arnie: Bug Catcher 18 - Alan: Schoolboy 19 - Blank Callable Number (unused) 1A - Dana: Lass 1B - Chad: Schoolboy 1C - Derek: Pokefan 1D - Chris: Fisher 1E - Brent: Pokémaniac 1F - Tiffany: Picknicker 20 - Vance: Bird Keeper 21 - Wilton: Fisher 22 - Kenji: Blackbelt 23 - Parry: Hiker 24 - Erin: Picnicker 25 - Buena: Disc Jockey Unown Dex Order of Unown form encounters by offset: 29EA: #1 29EB: #2 29EC: #3 29ED: #4 29EE: #5 29EF: #6 29F0: #7 29F1: #8 29F2: #9 29F3: #10 29F4: #11 29F5: #12 29F6: #13 29F7: #14 29F8: #15 29F9: #16 29FA: #17 29FB: #18 29FC: #19 29FD: #20 29FE: #21 29FF: #22 2A00: #23 2A01: #24 2A02: #25 2A03: #26 Forms by value: 01: A 02: B 03: C 04: D 05: E 06: F 07: G 08: H 09: I 0A: J 0B: K 0C: L 0D: M 0E: N 0F: O 10: P 11: Q 12: R 13: S 14: T 15: U 16: V 17: W 18: X 19: Y 1A: Z Trainer House Set offset B6B to 01 and offset B97 to FF to properly activate! B6C: Opponent's Name Pokemon #1: B73: Level B74: Pokedex # B75: Move #1 B76: Move #2 B77: Move #3 B78: Move #4 Pokemon #2: B79: Level B7A: Pokedex # B7B: Move #1 B7C: Move #2 B7D: Move #3 B7E: Move #4 Pokemon #3: B7F: Level B80: Pokedex # B81: Move #1 B82: Move #2 B83: Move #3 B84: Move #4 Pokemon #4: B85: Level B86: Pokedex # B87: Move #1 B88: Move #2 B89: Move #3 B8A: Move #4 Pokemon #5: B8B: Level B8C: Pokedex # B8D: Move #1 B8E: Move #2 B8F: Move #3 B90: Move #4 Pokemon #6: B91: Level B92: Pokedex # B93: Move #1 B94: Move #2 B95: Move #3 B96: Move #4 Link Battle Colosseum Records 3261: Total Wins (max 9999) 3263: Total Losses (max 9999) 3265: Total Draws (max 9999) Opponent #1 Details: 3266: Opponent's TID 3268: Opponent's Name 326E: Wins (max 9999) 3270: Losses (max 9999) 3272: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #2 Details: 3273: Opponent's TID 3275: Opponent's Name 327B: Wins (max 9999) 327D: Losses (max 9999) 327F: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #3 Details: 3280: Opponent's TID 3282: Opponent's Name 3288: Wins (max 9999) 328A: Losses (max 9999) 328C: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #4 Details: 328D: Opponent's TID 328F: Opponent's Name 3295: Wins (max 9999) 3297: Losses (max 9999) 3299: Draws (max 9999) Opponent #5 Details: 329A: Opponent's TID 329C: Opponent's Name 32A2: Wins (max 9999) 32A4: Losses (max 9999) 32A6: Draws (max 9999) Expand So did you also document the opponents Pokemon as well???
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