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hey does anybody know if the Action Replay DSi is compatible with the new DSiXL????? I bought an AR DSi and I don't want to topen it if its not compatible so I can return it if not. Please let me know soon!! thanks guys!!!!

  Dahon said:
actually there is a Secret ID code that works
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Actually, the Secret ID code has been updated since that was posted.

From KazoWAR at the GBATemp Cheat Forum:


Revised SID code, it is not filling the money high bytes with 0x0000, so people with large amounts of money where getting values greater than 65535.

Secret ID Finder (Start+Select)
Changes Money into SID, press Start + Select.
94000130 FFF30000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
1000008A 00000000
DA000000 00000086
D7000000 00000088
D2000000 00000000

  PokeFreak64 said:
No the code for it isn't working as of now.

I am trying to work on a PC version of the Shiny Code.

I'm very close to breaking it.

You are close to breaking it? That is news to me. Can you check to see if it will work on the dogs to? I will sit here and wait patiently till either you or Elixir breaks it. People have been telling me to use pokesav to edit the dogs after I catch them to turn them shiny. Thanks but no thanks. I can't find a version of pokesav that works on my Mac OS X. All the ones I have tried tell me I need Wine to run. I will wait for the code instead.

  PokeFreak64 said:
Same here my patience is about to run out for this code.

Everyone converting these uneeded codes with IV and EV junk.

I'm tired trading and using the TM mod in my diamond version.


For the love of god, I been waiting 2 weeks now.

Lol, I made this code for French versions of HG/SS about 15 days ago, here is the US translation for you :

TM 17 modifier :

94000130 FCFF0000

B2111880 00000000

10000656 000001D3

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FEFF0000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000656

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 021000EC

D2000000 00000000

Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467.

Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17.

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I can make the US rebattle Red Gyarados code if you want too, as I saw it being requested many times in the forum.

P.S. : Aren't there any [table], [tr] and [td] tags in this forum ? :\

It could be very useful...


Hi there people,

I'm hoping for a code that will unlock the Yellow Forest pokewalker course. I found a code, which doesn't work for my US hard copy of Soul Silver. I have no idea if it's the Japanese code, or one that only works for the ROM, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make one that would be work for me. Thanks

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  SkullMuffinz said:
Hi there people,

I'm hoping for a code that will unlock the Yellow Forest pokewalker course. I found a code, which doesn't work for my US hard copy of Soul Silver. I have no idea if it's the Japanese code, or one that only works for the ROM, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make one that would be work for me. Thanks

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M@T: Nice, I'm going to try it out when I get the chance. Just idle curiousity here, but what codes are currently being work on? Also, when you all are finished with the codes, are you going to add them to the first page? Thanks.


Can someone tell me how to use those stupid cloning cheats? "Hold L while switching pokemon." Does it mean to another box? From party to box? With another pokemon? Nothing ever freaking works! >_>


I was wondering if anyone has a working x4 exp code for SS? ive tried both version 1 and 2 on pokefreaks codelist and neither work for me. does anyone have one that has to be activated with maybe select after defeat or something like that? or even better, one that stays activated throughout the game without button activation during gameplay? Ive tried 6 or 7 variations of this code and ive looked through this forum but i havent had any luck at all :( please help!( BTW thank you Freespirit for the working pokemod! I have all three starters like i wanted at what levels i wanted.)

Posted (edited)

Hello all. This is a very active and interesting thread.

I have gotten myself into a jam with a few of these codes. To make a long story short, I used the 'all scenario items V2 code', I visited the power plant and talked to the manager and he automatically took the machine part from me before I knew he needed it. This all happened *before* I went to cerulean city and visited Misty's gym. When I got to the gym, the Team Rocket grunt "event" did not occur. When I walked into the gym he did not 'bump' into me, so when I go to route 25 (the cape), all of the trainers were there (which I fought), but Misty and her "friend" are never there. There seems to be no way to make the "Rocket Grunt" event occur again since the power plant guy already has the part.

I have used the all badges code to get the badges and the pokegear all numbers code so I could 're-battle' Misty and I did that, but it does not make the badge valid in any way by doing this. i even used a code to re-battle Suicune to make him appear and to catch him to see if it would change things or a switch within the game. No luck.

Is there any way to make a code to do one of the following:

a) reset the 'machine part' event at the Power Plant so the guy no longer has the part and needs it again

b) reset the 'rocket grunt' event or make him appear at the gym or on nugget bridge

c) force Misty to appear at either route 25 or at her gym for the original badge battle

d) make the 'all badges' code work so the game believes you actually *have* those badges (least desirable option)

All of this might be moot if you anyone reading this knows of a code-less way to fix this and I would love to hear about it! I have been hacking at this for days.

thanks in advance.


Edit: I am finding that this is not a completely uncommon occurrence in the game. I have found other posts on other sites of people who had this same issue with no resolution. If we could just get past the 7th badge or get the game to believe that we have the 7th badge (Misty) then we could get over this hump. Sigh. thx.

Edit2: FYI - I was able to fix this thru a convoluted method of enabling both the add & remove all badges codes at the same time, holding start & select while entering the Cerulean gym (makes Misty appear) then activating the remove all badges code makes her battle you. You can then move on to Blue who will battle you also, then you can activate the add all badges code to get back your 8 Kanto badges and the game will continue as before. Whew.

Edited by ViDeOmAnCiNi
Fixed my issue

i've noticed the re-collect starters from oak code, and I was wondering if there's also re-collect codes for Elm & Steven's starters, thanks in advance.

  M@T said:
Lol, I made this code for French versions of HG/SS about 15 days ago, here is the US translation for you :

TM 17 modifier :

94000130 FCFF0000

B2111880 00000000

10000656 000001D3

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FEFF0000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000656

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 021000EC

D2000000 00000000

Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467.

Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17.

Now a vast majority of the people can finally stop asking and shut up for updates/requests of this code. You deserve some reward or something seriously.

  Yokushin said:
Can someone tell me how to use those stupid cloning cheats? "Hold L while switching pokemon." Does it mean to another box? From party to box? With another pokemon? Nothing ever freaking works! >_>

Well, the code only works with Pokemon in your party. You have to switch your Pokemon with another Pokemon in your party to clone. Here's an example:

You have an Eevee and a Pidgy in your party and want to clone the Eevee. So, you select Eevee and then Hold L followed by hitting "Switch". Then you choose the Pokemon you want to clone over which for this example be the Pidgy. After they switched places, release L and exit out of the party menu. Then go back to the party menu and you'll see that the Eevee has been cloned over the Pidgy.


*Gives Cookie to dude who made the Move Modifier* There ya go!

Now, can someone make/finish the EV modifier code? (Proteins give 252 Atk EV's, etc.)

AND get the Wild Pokemon Level Mod to work?

  Ensiger said:
*Gives Cookie to dude who made the Move Modifier* There ya go!

Now, can someone make/finish the EV modifier code? (Proteins give 252 Atk EV's, etc.)

AND get the Wild Pokemon Level Mod to work?

Have you tried looking in PokeFreak64 and my thread? I've posted a working Wild Pokemon + Level code. If the code still doesn't work for you, then tell me what's not working and I can make a quick fix for you.


Does anyone know a Pokerus code that is compatible with or doesn't mind fixing it for the ACTION REPLAY DS? The one that I used--


1206F04A 00002000

1206F04E 00007688


1206F04A 00002001

1206F04E 00007688


1206F04A 00002002

1206F04E 00007688

--freezes up my game. I'm assuming that's because the code is only compatible with Action Replay DSi. I'd really appreciate the help since it's the only code I really care for.

  KyoMcFizzle said:
Nothing yet. :/ I'll keep at it though.

Thanks. I saw that pokefreak is close on a shiny code of some sort, but I am not sure what kind of code it is. I will wait to hear word.

  FreeSpirit said:
Well, the code only works with Pokemon in your party. You have to switch your Pokemon with another Pokemon in your party to clone. Here's an example:

You have an Eevee and a Pidgy in your party and want to clone the Eevee. So, you select Eevee and then Hold L followed by hitting "Switch". Then you choose the Pokemon you want to clone over which for this example be the Pidgy. After they switched places, release L and exit out of the party menu. Then go back to the party menu and you'll see that the Eevee has been cloned over the Pidgy.

umm there was code up somewhere on GBAtemp that had this ones up, hope this one helps out, no credit to me:


Hold [L] While Switching to Clone PKMN

The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh

1207484C 0000231D

94000130 FDFF0000

1207484C 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

Hold [R] While Switching to Clone PKMN

The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh

1207484C 0000231D

94000130 FEFF0000

1207484C 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

how to use these codes -

when your in your box, make sure you hit "move" down at the bottom first, then you go to the pokemon you want to clone, then hold down the butto with the code you inputted, while you hold the button down you can clone any of the pokemon you grab ahold of

  Okamifang99 said:
Thanks. I saw that pokefreak is close on a shiny code of some sort, but I am not sure what kind of code it is. I will wait to hear word.

Aye. Just don't go on every coding forum bumping for progress on the code, ya know? It'll be ready when it's ready, so just be patient, alright?

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