Gengarca9tales Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 hey does anybody know if the Action Replay DSi is compatible with the new DSiXL????? I bought an AR DSi and I don't want to topen it if its not compatible so I can return it if not. Please let me know soon!! thanks guys!!!!
mbruno Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Dahon said: actually there is a Secret ID code that works Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFF30000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00000086 D6000000 00000088 D2000000 00000000 Actually, the Secret ID code has been updated since that was posted. From KazoWAR at the GBATemp Cheat Forum: Quote Revised SID code, it is not filling the money high bytes with 0x0000, so people with large amounts of money where getting values greater than 65535. Secret ID Finder (Start+Select) Changes Money into SID, press Start + Select. 94000130 FFF30000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 1000008A 00000000 DA000000 00000086 D7000000 00000088 D2000000 00000000
Okamifang99 Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 PokeFreak64 said: No the code for it isn't working as of now.I am trying to work on a PC version of the Shiny Code. I'm very close to breaking it. You are close to breaking it? That is news to me. Can you check to see if it will work on the dogs to? I will sit here and wait patiently till either you or Elixir breaks it. People have been telling me to use pokesav to edit the dogs after I catch them to turn them shiny. Thanks but no thanks. I can't find a version of pokesav that works on my Mac OS X. All the ones I have tried tell me I need Wine to run. I will wait for the code instead.
rockman Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Um did everyone ignore my post? I'd at least like a response to it even if its fruitless.
M@T Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 PokeFreak64 said: Same here my patience is about to run out for this code.Everyone converting these uneeded codes with IV and EV junk. I'm tired trading and using the TM mod in my diamond version. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US OUT AND CONTINUE AND FOCUS ON THE TM MODIFER FOR SOUL SILVER AND HEART GOLD!!!!!!!! For the love of god, I been waiting 2 weeks now. Lol, I made this code for French versions of HG/SS about 15 days ago, here is the US translation for you : TM 17 modifier : 94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 10000656 000001D3 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00000656 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 021000EC D2000000 00000000 Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467. Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17. Reveal hidden contents Absorb 71 Acid 51 Acid Armor 151 Acupressure 367 Aerial Ace 332 Aeroblast 177 Agility 97 Air Cutter 314 Air Slash 403 Amnesia 133 AncientPower 246 Aqua Jet 453 Aqua Ring 392 Aqua Tail 401 Arm Thrust 292 Aromatherapy 312 Assist 274 Assurance 372 Astonish 310 Attack Order 454 Attract 213 Aura Sphere 396 Aurora Beam 62 Avalanche 419 Barrage 140 Barrier 112 Baton Pass 226 Beat Up 251 Belly Drum 187 Bide 117 Bind 20 Bite 44 Blast Burn 307 Blaze Kick 299 Blizzard 59 Block 335 Body Slam 34 Bone Club 125 Bone Rush 198 Bonemerang 155 Bounce 340 Brave Bird 413 Brick Break 280 Brine 362 Bubble 145 BubbleBeam 61 Bug Bite 450 Bug Buzz 405 Bulk Up 339 Bullet Punch 418 Bullet Seed 331 Calm Mind 347 Camouflage 293 Captivate 445 Charge 268 Charge Beam 451 Charm 204 Chatter 448 Clamp 128 Close Combat 370 Comet Punch 4 Confuse Ray 109 Confusion 93 Constrict 132 Conversion 160 Conversion 2 176 Copycat 383 Cosmic Power 322 Cotton Spore 178 Counter 68 Covet 343 Crabhammer 152 Cross Chop 238 Cross Poison 440 Crunch 242 Crush Claw 306 Crush Grip 462 Curse 174 Cut 15 Dark Pulse 399 Dark Void 464 Defend Order 455 Defense Curl 111 Defog 432 Destiny Bond 194 Detect 197 Dig 91 Disable 50 Discharge 435 Dive 291 Dizzy Punch 146 Doom Desire 353 Double Hit 458 Double Kick 24 Double Team 104 Double-Edge 38 DoubleSlap 3 Draco Meteor 434 Dragon Claw 337 Dragon Dance 349 Dragon Pulse 406 Dragon Rage 82 Dragon Rush 407 DragonBreath 225 Drain Punch 409 Dream Eater 138 Drill Peck 65 DynamicPunch 223 Earth Power 414 Earthquake 89 Egg Bomb 121 Embargo 373 Ember 52 Encore 227 Endeavor 283 Endure 203 Energy Ball 412 Eruption 284 Explosion 153 Extrasensory 326 ExtremeSpeed 245 Facade 263 Faint Attack 185 Fake Out 252 Fake Tears 313 False Swipe 206 FeatherDance 297 Feint 364 Fire Blast 126 Fire Fang 424 Fire Punch 7 Fire Spin 83 Fissure 90 Flail 175 Flame Wheel 172 Flamethrower 53 Flare Blitz 394 Flash 148 Flash Cannon 430 Flatter 260 Fling 374 Fly 19 Focus Blast 411 Focus Energy 116 Focus Punch 264 Follow Me 266 Force Palm 395 Foresight 193 Frenzy Plant 338 Frustration 218 Fury Attack 31 Fury Cutter 210 Fury Swipes 154 Future Sight 248 Gastro Acid 380 Giga Drain 202 Giga Impact 416 Glare 137 Grass Knot 447 GrassWhistle 320 Gravity 356 Growl 45 Growth 74 Grudge 288 Guard Swap 385 Guillotine 12 Gunk Shot 441 Gust 16 Gyro Ball 360 Hail 258 Hammer Arm 359 Harden 106 Haze 114 Head Smash 457 Headbutt 29 Heal Bell 215 Heal Block 377 Heal Order 456 Healing Wish 361 Heart Swap 391 Heat Wave 257 Helping Hand 270 Hi Jump Kick 136 Hidden Power 237 Horn Attack 30 Horn Drill 32 Howl 336 Hydro Cannon 308 Hydro Pump 56 Hyper Beam 63 Hyper Fang 158 Hyper Voice 304 Hypnosis 95 Ice Ball 301 Ice Beam 58 Ice Fang 423 Ice Punch 8 Ice Shard 420 Icicle Spear 333 Icy Wind 196 Imprison 286 Ingrain 275 Iron Defense 334 Iron Head 442 Iron Tail 231 Judgment 449 Jump Kick 26 Karate Chop 2 Kinesis 134 Knock Off 282 Last Resort 387 Lava Plume 436 Leaf Blade 348 Leaf Storm 437 Leech Life 141 Leech Seed 73 Leer 43 Lick 122 Light Screen 113 Lock-On 199 Lovely Kiss 142 Low Kick 67 Lucky Chant 381 Lunar Dance 461 Luster Purge 295 Mach Punch 183 Magic Coat 277 Magical Leaf 345 Magma Storm 463 Magnet Bomb 443 Magnet Rise 393 Magnitude 222 Me First 382 Mean Look 212 Meditate 96 Mega Drain 72 Mega Kick 25 Mega Punch 5 Megahorn 224 Memento 262 Metal Burst 368 Metal Claw 232 Metal Sound 319 Meteor Mash 309 Metronome 118 Milk Drink 208 Mimic 102 Mind Reader 170 Minimize 107 Miracle Eye 357 Mirror Coat 243 Mirror Move 119 Mirror Shot 429 Mist 54 Mist Ball 296 Moonlight 236 Morning Sun 234 Mud Bomb 426 Mud Shot 341 Mud Sport 300 Mud-Slap 189 Muddy Water 330 Nasty Plot 417 Natural Gift 363 Nature Power 267 Needle Arm 302 Night Shade 101 Night Slash 400 Nightmare 171 Octazooka 190 Odor Sleuth 316 Ominous Wind 466 Outrage 200 Overheat 315 Pain Split 220 Pay Day 6 Payback 371 Peck 64 Perish Song 195 Petal Dance 80 Pin Missile 42 Pluck 365 Poison Fang 305 Poison Gas 139 Poison Jab 398 Poison Sting 40 Poison Tail 342 PoisonPowder 77 Pound 1 Powder Snow 181 Power Gem 408 Power Swap 384 Power Trick 379 Power Whip 438 Present 217 Protect 182 Psybeam 60 Psych Up 244 Psychic 94 Psycho Boost 354 Psycho Cut 427 Psycho Shift 375 Psywave 149 Punishment 386 Pursuit 228 Quick Attack 98 Rage 99 Rain Dance 240 Rapid Spin 229 Razor Leaf 75 Razor Wind 13 Recover 105 Recycle 278 Reflect 115 Refresh 287 Rest 156 Return 216 Revenge 279 Reversal 179 Roar 46 Roar of Time 459 Rock Blast 350 Rock Climb 431 Rock Polish 397 Rock Slide 157 Rock Smash 249 Rock Throw 88 Rock Tomb 317 Rock Wrecker 439 Role Play 272 Rolling Kick 27 Rollout 205 Roost 355 Sacred Fire 221 Safeguard 219 Sand Tomb 328 Sand-Attack 28 Sandstorm 201 Scary Face 184 Scratch 10 Screech 103 Secret Power 290 Seed Bomb 402 Seed Flare 465 Seismic Toss 69 Selfdestruct 120 Shadow Ball 247 Shadow Claw 421 Shadow Force 467 Shadow Punch 325 Shadow Sneak 425 Sharpen 159 Sheer Cold 329 Shock Wave 351 Signal Beam 324 Silver Wind 318 Sing 47 Sketch 166 Skill Swap 285 Skull Bash 130 Sky Attack 143 Sky Uppercut 327 Slack Off 303 Slam 21 Slash 163 Sleep Powder 79 Sleep Talk 214 Sludge 124 Sludge Bomb 188 SmellingSalt 265 Smog 123 SmokeScreen 108 Snatch 289 Snore 173 Softboiled 135 SolarBeam 76 SonicBoom 49 Spacial Rend 460 Spark 209 Spider Web 169 Spike Cannon 131 Spikes 191 Spit Up 255 Spite 180 Splash 150 Spore 147 Stealth Rock 446 Steel Wing 211 Stockpile 254 Stomp 23 Stone Edge 444 Strength 70 String Shot 81 Struggle 165 Stun Spore 78 Submission 66 Substitute 164 Sucker Punch 389 Sunny Day 241 Super Fang 162 Superpower 276 Supersonic 48 Surf 57 Swagger 207 Swallow 256 Sweet Kiss 186 Sweet Scent 230 Swift 129 Switcheroo 415 Swords Dance 14 Synthesis 235 Tackle 33 Tail Glow 294 Tail Whip 39 Tailwind 366 Take Down 36 Taunt 269 Teeter Dance 298 Teleport 100 Thief 168 Thrash 37 Thunder 87 Thunder Fang 422 Thunder Wave 86 Thunderbolt 85 ThunderPunch 9 ThunderShock 84 Tickle 321 Torment 259 Toxic 92 Toxic Spikes 390 Transform 144 Tri Attack 161 Trick 271 Trick Room 433 Triple Kick 167 Trump Card 376 Twineedle 41 Twister 239 U-turn 369 Uproar 253 Vacuum Wave 410 ViceGrip 11 Vine Whip 22 Vital Throw 233 Volt Tackle 344 Wake-Up Slap 358 Water Gun 55 Water Pulse 352 Water Sport 346 Water Spout 323 Waterfall 127 Weather Ball 311 Whirlpool 250 Whirlwind 18 Will-O-Wisp 261 Wing Attack 17 Wish 273 Withdraw 110 Wood Hammer 452 Worry Seed 388 Wrap 35 Wring Out 378 X-Scissor 404 Yawn 281 Zap Cannon 192 Zen Headbutt 428 I can make the US rebattle Red Gyarados code if you want too, as I saw it being requested many times in the forum. P.S. : Aren't there any [table], [tr] and [td] tags in this forum ? :\ It could be very useful...
SkullMuffinz Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Hi there people, I'm hoping for a code that will unlock the Yellow Forest pokewalker course. I found a code, which doesn't work for my US hard copy of Soul Silver. I have no idea if it's the Japanese code, or one that only works for the ROM, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make one that would be work for me. Thanks Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 62110dc0 00000000 b2110dc0 00000000 e0009e4c 00000104 0000000e 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000
KyoMcFizzle Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 SkullMuffinz said: Hi there people,I'm hoping for a code that will unlock the Yellow Forest pokewalker course. I found a code, which doesn't work for my US hard copy of Soul Silver. I have no idea if it's the Japanese code, or one that only works for the ROM, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make one that would be work for me. Thanks Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 62110dc0 00000000 b2110dc0 00000000 e0009e4c 00000104 0000000e 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Here: Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 62111880 00000000 b2111880 00000000 e0009e4c 00000104 0000000e 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000
Kupss Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Still checking for the Instant Egg + Instant Hatching Codes. -- No rush =]
DenarianLord Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 M@T: Nice, I'm going to try it out when I get the chance. Just idle curiousity here, but what codes are currently being work on? Also, when you all are finished with the codes, are you going to add them to the first page? Thanks.
KyoMcFizzle Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Okamifang99 said: Any luck on the shiny code KyoMcFizzle? Nothing yet. I'll keep at it though.
Yokushin Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Can someone tell me how to use those stupid cloning cheats? "Hold L while switching pokemon." Does it mean to another box? From party to box? With another pokemon? Nothing ever freaking works! >_>
PinkPhione101 Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 I was wondering if anyone has a working x4 exp code for SS? ive tried both version 1 and 2 on pokefreaks codelist and neither work for me. does anyone have one that has to be activated with maybe select after defeat or something like that? or even better, one that stays activated throughout the game without button activation during gameplay? Ive tried 6 or 7 variations of this code and ive looked through this forum but i havent had any luck at all please help!( BTW thank you Freespirit for the working pokemod! I have all three starters like i wanted at what levels i wanted.)
ViDeOmAnCiNi Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 (edited) Hello all. This is a very active and interesting thread. I have gotten myself into a jam with a few of these codes. To make a long story short, I used the 'all scenario items V2 code', I visited the power plant and talked to the manager and he automatically took the machine part from me before I knew he needed it. This all happened *before* I went to cerulean city and visited Misty's gym. When I got to the gym, the Team Rocket grunt "event" did not occur. When I walked into the gym he did not 'bump' into me, so when I go to route 25 (the cape), all of the trainers were there (which I fought), but Misty and her "friend" are never there. There seems to be no way to make the "Rocket Grunt" event occur again since the power plant guy already has the part. I have used the all badges code to get the badges and the pokegear all numbers code so I could 're-battle' Misty and I did that, but it does not make the badge valid in any way by doing this. i even used a code to re-battle Suicune to make him appear and to catch him to see if it would change things or a switch within the game. No luck. Is there any way to make a code to do one of the following: a) reset the 'machine part' event at the Power Plant so the guy no longer has the part and needs it again b) reset the 'rocket grunt' event or make him appear at the gym or on nugget bridge c) force Misty to appear at either route 25 or at her gym for the original badge battle d) make the 'all badges' code work so the game believes you actually *have* those badges (least desirable option) All of this might be moot if you anyone reading this knows of a code-less way to fix this and I would love to hear about it! I have been hacking at this for days. thanks in advance. -VM Edit: I am finding that this is not a completely uncommon occurrence in the game. I have found other posts on other sites of people who had this same issue with no resolution. If we could just get past the 7th badge or get the game to believe that we have the 7th badge (Misty) then we could get over this hump. Sigh. thx. Edit2: FYI - I was able to fix this thru a convoluted method of enabling both the add & remove all badges codes at the same time, holding start & select while entering the Cerulean gym (makes Misty appear) then activating the remove all badges code makes her battle you. You can then move on to Blue who will battle you also, then you can activate the add all badges code to get back your 8 Kanto badges and the game will continue as before. Whew. Edited April 1, 2010 by ViDeOmAnCiNi Fixed my issue
XiON Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 i've noticed the re-collect starters from oak code, and I was wondering if there's also re-collect codes for Elm & Steven's starters, thanks in advance.
FreeSpirit Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 M@T said: Lol, I made this code for French versions of HG/SS about 15 days ago, here is the US translation for you :TM 17 modifier : 94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 10000656 000001D3 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00000656 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 021000EC D2000000 00000000 Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467. Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17. Now a vast majority of the people can finally stop asking and shut up for updates/requests of this code. You deserve some reward or something seriously.
FreeSpirit Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Yokushin said: Can someone tell me how to use those stupid cloning cheats? "Hold L while switching pokemon." Does it mean to another box? From party to box? With another pokemon? Nothing ever freaking works! >_> Well, the code only works with Pokemon in your party. You have to switch your Pokemon with another Pokemon in your party to clone. Here's an example: You have an Eevee and a Pidgy in your party and want to clone the Eevee. So, you select Eevee and then Hold L followed by hitting "Switch". Then you choose the Pokemon you want to clone over which for this example be the Pidgy. After they switched places, release L and exit out of the party menu. Then go back to the party menu and you'll see that the Eevee has been cloned over the Pidgy.
Ensiger Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 *Gives Cookie to dude who made the Move Modifier* There ya go! Now, can someone make/finish the EV modifier code? (Proteins give 252 Atk EV's, etc.) AND get the Wild Pokemon Level Mod to work?
FreeSpirit Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Ensiger said: *Gives Cookie to dude who made the Move Modifier* There ya go!Now, can someone make/finish the EV modifier code? (Proteins give 252 Atk EV's, etc.) AND get the Wild Pokemon Level Mod to work? Have you tried looking in PokeFreak64 and my thread? I've posted a working Wild Pokemon + Level code. If the code still doesn't work for you, then tell me what's not working and I can make a quick fix for you.
PKMN Trainer RED Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Does anyone know a Pokerus code that is compatible with or doesn't mind fixing it for the ACTION REPLAY DS? The one that I used-- ::NO VIRUS INFECTION 1206F04A 00002000 1206F04E 00007688 ::VIRUS INFECTED 1206F04A 00002001 1206F04E 00007688 ::VIRUS INFECTION COMPLETE 1206F04A 00002002 1206F04E 00007688 --freezes up my game. I'm assuming that's because the code is only compatible with Action Replay DSi. I'd really appreciate the help since it's the only code I really care for.
Okamifang99 Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 KyoMcFizzle said: Nothing yet. I'll keep at it though. Thanks. I saw that pokefreak is close on a shiny code of some sort, but I am not sure what kind of code it is. I will wait to hear word.
Shadow_Steve Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 FreeSpirit said: Well, the code only works with Pokemon in your party. You have to switch your Pokemon with another Pokemon in your party to clone. Here's an example:You have an Eevee and a Pidgy in your party and want to clone the Eevee. So, you select Eevee and then Hold L followed by hitting "Switch". Then you choose the Pokemon you want to clone over which for this example be the Pidgy. After they switched places, release L and exit out of the party menu. Then go back to the party menu and you'll see that the Eevee has been cloned over the Pidgy. umm there was code up somewhere on GBAtemp that had this ones up, hope this one helps out, no credit to me: *DO NOT USE BOTH CODES AT ONCE* Hold [L] While Switching to Clone PKMN The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh 1207484C 0000231D 94000130 FDFF0000 1207484C 0000E008 D2000000 00000000 Hold [R] While Switching to Clone PKMN The first choice you choose will be the PKMN you clone! require screen refresh 1207484C 0000231D 94000130 FEFF0000 1207484C 0000E008 D2000000 00000000 how to use these codes - when your in your box, make sure you hit "move" down at the bottom first, then you go to the pokemon you want to clone, then hold down the butto with the code you inputted, while you hold the button down you can clone any of the pokemon you grab ahold of
KyoMcFizzle Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Okamifang99 said: Thanks. I saw that pokefreak is close on a shiny code of some sort, but I am not sure what kind of code it is. I will wait to hear word. Aye. Just don't go on every coding forum bumping for progress on the code, ya know? It'll be ready when it's ready, so just be patient, alright?
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