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Hi. I was wandering if anybody could help me in altering a code. I already have the Wild Pokemon Modifier Code and it works perfectly. The problem is my DS. The L button on my DS goes in an out sometimes. Pressing L+R to get the 493 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls works just fine. But when I hold L to encounter the wild pokemon it doesn't always work.

I know that changing the second line of the code to FFF30000 makes the code activate with Start + Select, but is there anything I can change to allow me to hold any button other than L to encounter the wild pokemon?


Hey im looking for a few codes >_>

seen all pokemon code - one that wont make it so that pokemon you have already caught show up as just seen

pokemon never run away code ... this would really help with roaming legendaries


Has anyone made an AR code that lets the name rater change the name of traded or event pokemon? Or anyway at all to change the name of my Celebi?


Sorry if I'm asking for something that's already been done, but I have dial-up and can't wade through all the pages. Is there a code to max out your casino coins?

Also the EXP codes aren't working for me. I changed the game ID on my AR but still have the same problem.

  Interface said:
Sorry if I'm asking for something that's already been done, but I have dial-up and can't wade through all the pages. Is there a code to max out your casino coins?

Also the EXP codes aren't working for me. I changed the game ID on my AR but still have the same problem.

Collected 50000 Coins (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10000094 0000C350

D2000000 00000000

  Zirico said:
Has anyone made an AR code that lets the name rater change the name of traded or event pokemon? Or anyway at all to change the name of my Celebi?

Rename Traded Pokemon

1204D240 00002000

  • 2 weeks later...
  DarkraiFan999 said:
Collected 50000 Coins (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10000094 0000C350

D2000000 00000000

Thanks, and I know this may be off-topic but can someone check the EXP codes? None of them are working and I'm pretty sure its not my AR because other codes work on it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone willing to test this code for me? It's my first one, so I want to make sure I didn't mess it up. I made it in Pokesav. (Please excuse how much of a nub I am)

This code should replace the first pokemon in your party with a Shiny Sableye with the Wonder Guard Ability. It's level 100 with Max IVs, EVs, and stats, and all that nonsense that makes it look like an obvious cheat. The code is activated with L+R.

Thanks :)

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Hey, I've looked around for certain codes all over the internet and this site as well, using the search engin here best I could, and I still need help.

I want an action replay code for reobtaining the hoenn starters from Steven in Sliph Co. in Soul Silver, US version.

I found codes all over online but they're all for the EU version. The ones that say they're the US version are identical to the EU version and never work.

I have codes from reobtaining the Johto and Kanto starters as well, but I haven't tested them and assume they probably won't work either. I believe I got them from the same locations as I got the hoenn starter codes. So I'd like those codes for the US version too.

Please help if you can. I know the person who made the infinite hoenn starters code for the EU version made it so the game though the event never too place.

PS: I did the event where you trade a fortress for "iron" with Steven. I think that event comes after you get a hoenn starter from him. I don't know if that will impact whether or not the code will work, or not.


that seems not to be the problem....you must have beaten the League....recieved a National Dex get the item to copycat girl....talk to steven in Vermillion city and at least beat all kanto gyms and RED!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I'm looking for a code (For HG) to max a pokemon's EVs - all EVs to 252. However, as the mark and deposit codes have stopped wirking for me, I was wondering if someone code create a code that functions like this;

Press L+R, and then the first pokemon in the party will then have all EVs set to 252.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone help me get this code to work. Every time I use it my soul silver game

freezes when I go to look at my party.:mad:

Shiny Egg (hold select move one step)

02028328 00892176

0202832C 28005840

94000130 FCFFB000

02028328 47084900

E2000230 00000030

00892176 68124A08

189A238C 88538816

40562207 1C8A4053

52835246 46C05840

47104A00 02028331

02111880 46C046C0

D0000000 00000000


hey people im new here can someone make a code for a shiny maxed evd gastrodon for pokemon soulsilver of action replay dsi adamant nature and with moves hydro pump hydro cannon blizzard and hyper beam thx :):):)

  pavak said:
hey people im new here can someone make a code for a shiny maxed evd gastrodon for pokemon soulsilver of action replay dsi adamant nature and with moves hydro pump hydro cannon blizzard and hyper beam thx :):):)

Please be more specific, by posting a complete version of this:


  Reveal hidden contents


[Edit] I have a feeling this should have gone here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Pokémon-Requests , but I'll leave that up to this forum's moderator.

  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have a code that makes the first pokemon in the party have the pokerus? Also a gender mod code for shiny pokemon would be good too. Thanks!

Posted (edited)


  murdrax said:
i was wondering if i can please get a code for the special event shiny raikou,entei,suicine and ash's pikachu thanks alot for whoever sets me upw ith all 4 event pokemon!!

ohh and i have diamong,pearl,platinum,heartgold, and soul silver!!

im after the pokemon for all 5 titles thank you very much!!


ok you can rebattle red and have the capture trainers pokemon from the action replay catch his pikachu and it is ash's it knows volt tackle thunderbolt quick attack and iron tail it has 186 hp its lvl 88 and goto page 1 of this topic and srool through the codes

Edited by CyberMc
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Maybe there's something wrong with my AR, but the Shiny code doesn't work for me... I've tried turning off all the other codes (in case some of them clash) and nothing happens. If anybody could help me out, it would be appreciated.

Edited by Elphus

can you help me with a problem?

i started a new game on ss and had a good pokemon so left in my poke walker, but i cant get to a stroll... can someone help me out please?

Posted (edited)
  guyt11 said:
can you help me with a problem?

i started a new game on ss and had a good pokemon so left in my poke walker, but i cant get to a stroll... can someone help me out please?

If you left the Pokemon on the PokeWalker before you started a new game then you can't get the Pokemon back since it belonged to the previous save.

  Elphus said:
Maybe there's something wrong with my AR, but the Shiny code doesn't work for me... I've tried turning off all the other codes (in case some of them clash) and nothing happens. If anybody could help me out, it would be appreciated.

Try this one. This is to battle wild Shiny Pokemon

HeartGold first:

  Reveal hidden contents

Now SoulSilver:

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Credits to gbaTemp

Edited by codem8kr
additional post
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Action replay code for team rocket outfit:


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Be MewTwo(glitchy):



  1. Use the Pokemon Center
  2. Go to the Pokeathalon dome
  3. Surf
  4. Fly
  5. Rock Climb
  6. Do anything that requires a special animation

Anything mentioned above will crash the game.

An alternative to the Pokemon center can be found in prof. elm's lab.

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by ILOVEPIE
Posted (edited)
  Champloo said:
The Healing Items codes doesn't work.

Anyone know what's up with that? I REALLY need that code =\

I have a different Healing item code.

See if this works for you.

94000130 fcff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

d5000000 03840011

c0000000 00000025

d6000000 00000b74

d4000000 00000001

d2000000 00000000

Also, what version are you using?

Edited by Matt the Pokemaniac

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