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  On 10/5/2017 at 2:41 PM, jojo12100 said:

Did you notice that the 3 New UBs are also weak to Landorus/Zygarde?

Any link to the Japanese trailer? Thanks in advance


@theSLAYER Satochi saw Lunala/Solgaleo first in a dream in anime episode 44


From the official channel:

Yeah, he dreamt that they told him to go and find and look after Nebby right? XD
And here I was thinking Zygarde is taking a back seat.

There's too much chaos brewing in USUM, and it feels like we've seen nothing to indicate Zygarde will be back.

  On 10/5/2017 at 2:53 PM, jojo12100 said:

Thanks, yep it seems that dreams are another dimension in Pokemon World.

Time to see again DreamBall?


Well, the Ultra Space Traverse does seem to use the Pokemon Dream Radar sound effects (picking up the light orbs sounds similar to picking up the Dream Orbs),
so maybe the system/mechanic is discovered/pioneered by Professor Burnet? (She is in Alola, plus Kukui's Wife)

Ah DreamBall, I've missed you so.


Mind Blown sounds like a Special Fire-Type variant of Head Smash.

And Recon Squad members remind me of Cipher from Colosseum/XD. The Ultra Sun primary admins look slightly nicer to me tbh.

Posted (edited)

I have to share you a very interesting french theory about the UBs.

As you know they are "based" on prime numbers (7 in SM all their level attacks are prime numbers).

On 14/09/2017 2 New UBs were revealed (and guess what 1409 and 2017 are prime numbers!).

Then recently a new one.


So what can we expect?

2 Things: 1,3 or 7 New Ubs in order to get 11,13 or 17 (prime numbers) or according to the new Motisma Dex Marshadow number is 402 that means the 3rd new UB can be a Mythical Pokemon (number 403 in that case).


Edited by jojo12100
  On 10/6/2017 at 8:31 PM, jojo12100 said:

I have to share you a very interesting french theory about the UBs.

As you know they are "based" on prime numbers (7 in SM all their level attacks are prime numbers).

On 14/09/2017 2 New UBs were revealed (and guess what 1409 and 2017 are prime numbers!).

Then recently a new one.


So what can we expect?

2 Things: 1,3 or 7 New Ubs in order to get 11,13 or 17 (prime numbers) or according to the new Motisma Dex Marshadow number is 402 that means the 3rd new UB can be a Mythical Pokemon (number 403 in that case).




I like the prime number connection.

though in previous Alolan dex, Ultra beasts came before necrozma and Marshadow :/

Posted (edited)

So with that new Alola Rotomdex advertisement/toy(or whatever it was) showing Cosmog at 387 and Marshadow at 402, (implying Cosmoem 388, Solgaleo 489, Lunala 490, Necrozma 400, Magearna 401), which only leaves room for 9 UBs in between. We now have 10 UBs, so either that Rotomdex thing is somehow incorrect, or there will be UBs after Marshadow. A new mythical is almost guaranteed at this point since we get one every single year and the Switch game won't be out until 2019/2020. Though I find it odd if they'd add just two new UBs before Marshadow, and one(or more) after.

The possible scenario I can see here is that UB Adhesive is only seen used during the story by the URS, and not obtainable in-game, only to get distributed later on. Sort of like AZ's Floette, but actually being distributed this time. -_-

Either that, or a clustercrap of pokedex organization. Though that still has me thinking about the National Dex in general. Whether or not it will be in USUM this time(hopefully), but rather the NatDex in PokeBank. Will all three(or more) UBs be after Marshadow (803, 804, 805), or will they shift Necrozma, Magearna, and Marshadow upward to place the new UBs with the others? It seams a logical reason why there was no NatDex in SM (and PokeBank can easily be updated), but someone had said the TCG has Marshadow at 802, so I don't know if that'll actually be used in consideration with the new NatDex arrangement or not.

I'm definitely very curious about all of this though. And I hope the NatDex is back in USUM, because filling the dex has always been my favorite part of post-game, and the 302 in SM was too easy, and if only 402 in USUM, that's only marginally better.

Edit: I also noticed how UB Adhesive looks somewhat different from the other UBs, and actually resembles "pixie" mythicals in general.

Edited by Deoxyz
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Posted (edited)

Necrozma-Solgaleo will get Prism Armor (Psychic/Steel) (totally broken!!!) and a new Z-Move called Sunshine Smasher.

Necrozma-Lunala will also get Prism Armor (Psychic/Ghost) and a new Z-Move called Moonlight Blaster.

For strategic players Mold Breaker doesn't work on Prism Armor that means Mega Gyarados or Excadrill are useless against them!

RotomDex will allow yo to use a 2nd Z-Move in Battle (totally broken!!!) and RotoPon will allow you to find hidden item.

Edited by jojo12100
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Posted (edited)
  On 10/10/2017 at 12:42 PM, jojo12100 said:

RotomDex will allow yo to use a 2nd Z-Move in Battle (totally broken!!!)


I feel like this will only be usable outside of PvP battles like Amie/Refresh effects until officially confirmed.

Also this:


In The Games Department

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

The Pokémon Global Link is to go down for maintenance on November 10th 2017 at 00:00 UTC until some point on November 17th 2017 where it opens up for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon connectivity. During this period, all functions that require the Pokémon Global Link will not work in Pokémon Sun & Moon. Afterwards, the Global Link will open up and, according to the English Global Link, you will receive a special gift when you register Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon to your account



Edited by Holla!
  On 10/14/2017 at 8:49 AM, Holla! said:

Now that Mimikyu is confirmed to have a Z-Move and the image on the right of the box is identical from the footage in the initial reveal trailer, I expect Togedemaru to get one since it had a cutscene in the initial reveal trailer along with Lycanroc Midday and Necrozma (Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings), who also got Z-Moves. There's no way it wouldn't at this point.



Yeah, Togedemaru, z power chooses you!

Posted (edited)

Famitsu gave us new informations like the fact you can encounter Legendaries like Mewtwo in other Ultra Dimensions.

New post league content was annonced too.


Pray for the end of shinylock of Zygarde ^^ And if possible Mythical Pokemon encounters via DLC.

Source: Pokebip

Edited by jojo12100
  • Like 3
  On 10/17/2017 at 2:20 PM, jojo12100 said:

Famitsu gave us new informations like the fact you can encounter Legendaries like Mewtwo in other Ultra Dimensions.

New post league content was annonced too.


Pray for the end of shinylock of Zygarde ^^ And if possible Mythical Pokemon encounters via DLC.

Source: Pokebip


Right, there was indicated on Serebii's page as well!

Posted (edited)

I had a feeling they'd do that with Ultra Space like they did with the Hoopa portals in ORAS, since they usually seem to make all pokemon available one way or another per generation.

And with ORAS they didn't shiny-lock any of the portal legends, allowing the first shiny Reshiram and Zekrom. I don't think Zygarde will be obtainable through Ultra Space though, but maybe. Other than Zygarde, I think only UBs, Tapus, and certain mythicals are still shiny locked. Depending on how the UB ultra spaces work, hopefully we can catch them as shiny this time. Otherwise we'd still have way too many shiny locked pokemon that'll likely not all get distributions.

Edited by Deoxyz
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  On 10/17/2017 at 2:35 PM, Deoxyz said:

I had a feeling they'd do that with Ultra Space like they did with the Hoopa portals in ORAS, since they usually seem to make all pokemon available one way or another per generation.

And with ORAS they didn't shiny-lock any of the portal legends, allowing the first shiny Reshiram and Zekrom. I don't think Zygarde will be obtainable through Ultra Space though, but maybe. Other than Zygarde, I think only UBs, Tapus, and certain mythicals are still shiny locked. Depending on how the UB ultra spaces work, hopefully we can catch them as shiny this time. Otherwise we'd still have way to many shiny locked pokemon that'll likely not all get distributions.


At least we'll be able to shinyhunt Xerneas/Yveltal

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

This is pretty interesting; quote from Serebii: "It confirms that the game is further detailed than people believe with there being further post-game story content than before, saying it is far more in-depth than Pokémon Platinum and that the story is twice that of Pokémon Sun & Moon's."




  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Deoxyz
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