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Hello. For some odd reason, I can't get the fast egg hatch code to work

Code: 12028EA4 000020FE

Is there something to activate it? Because it won't work :/

I'm using a DSTTi flash card and Pokemon Heart Gold ROM with KazoWAR's patch.

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could any one post the AR codes for me

-wild shiny pokemon

-Event pokemon (movie arceus/pichu)

-Walk through walls


thank you if you post them

  ProSwordZ said:
could any one post the AR codes for me

-wild shiny pokemon

-Event pokemon (movie arceus/pichu)

-Walk through walls


thank you if you post them

These codes are already on the thread, search for them.

You should search before post

Posted (edited)
  byronj said:
I'm confused what exactly does the different color egg do??? because i does the same thing as the fast egg code, or am i missing something??

I'm having a problem with this code too. I was trying to breed a shiny Charmander with this code, but I'm only getting normal Charmander...

Am I doing something wrong?

BTW I'm using this code:

Walk a Step to obtain a different colored Egg [Hold R]:

02028e84 00892176

02028e88 28005840

94000130 feff0000

02028e84 47084900

02028e88 02000231

e2000230 00000030

00892176 68124a08

189a238c 88538816

40562207 1c8a4053

52835246 46c05840

47104a00 02028e8d

02110dc0 46c046c0

d0000000 00000000

Edited by howelllawson
Added the code I'm using.

umm... i cant get the pokedex codes to work, the game freezes, and is there a way for me to let my spikey ear pichu into the union rooms and such? (the alt forems code dont work with pichu)

and is there a code for walking through wals without L or R buttons being used? (my L and R dont work... TT_TT)

  ProSwordZ said:
how do you use the event codes i just don't know how to use them(i activate it then nothing happens) can any 1 help me

If you mean the pichu and arceus codes, then just activate them, and talk to the man in green at any pokemart, look online for instructions on how to use the pokemon after you get them. hope that helps

also, ive decided to compile my cheats for pokemon soul silver, i've only tested a few of the codes, however, some of them dont work at all! also, these are the most updated cheats i could find, if there are more that arent on my list, i'd be more than graceous to have them.

also, this include some extra info on some of the codes that i've expirimented with. the info is included with the cheats themselves.


if i should remove the file, just say so and i will. sorry for any problems it may cause.

SOUL SILVER CHEATS.rarFetching info...

  ProSwordZ said:
thank you dude

i assume the mods dont want petty coversations flooding their forums, so take a tip, and thank people in PMs

Sorry mods, back to business... :creep:


hmm... wierd, i got an email saying there was a reply, but i dont see it here... whatever... the post i received an email was:

cheatscalore; i just got the english version but need codes the ones i got wont come up on the r4 and people say im a master at getting cheats

and my answer to that is simply, search the thread... but im nice, so here's the simple way. get a program called "r4cce" (google it or email me)

ive compiled a visual guide to doing this, follow the link to see it.

R4cce Tutorials.rar

(to use the file, you need winrar, if you dont have that, then Arceus have mercy on your Soul Silver! :P)


Hey mods, after looking this over... i think it should be stickied... it could become rather useful!

R4cce Tutorials.rarFetching info...


Pokewalker is incompatable with roms dude, but if you do have a legal game, then you activate them by accesing the event, finding the man at the pokemart, save your game. restart the game and go to the pokewalke menu, the new couse (the event) will be listed. tadah


Pikachu-Colored Pichu code

94000130 FCFF0000

62110DC0 00000000

B2110DC0 00000000

E0018678 00000088


30A4409D A14135E3

1D6150D0 C983A6E1

A19B72CF B74BE702

34E71A8D 2BFE795C

63F68436 681A8C46


84C46BA2 470DB45E

2131E2F4 E610CBA0

1D508C19 2E9BF3D3

D51D098C 9EC4D347

A8EDBD97 376A8127

322A5D78 31877EC8

5E098FF1 2D069E9C

BE581EC0 5777FEB5


54BCC0F3 1FF4E035

D2000000 00000000

in box 9 last pokemon

it does activate the event in heart gold and soul silver for the spiked eared pichu!!


The following is a Hp Bar Speed code for Platinum:

12268178 00001C20

12268186 00001C20

12085734 00001C21

It disables the HP bar animations, which makes battles a lot faster. Does anyone have this code for HGSS?


can any one post the wild level code like *wild encounter!*you encounter a pikachu level 100 or 50 or what ever level...*runs away* like that can any one post that?

Posted (edited)

I missed the Yellow Forest and other PokeWalker Courses Wi-Fi Event. Can anyone make a AR code to make a green man appearing in thr PokeMart delivering these Courses? Also, I would like someone to make or find a code that enables all Pokemon in Battle Frontier. Please give a hand to me.

Edited by mmwsfz
Re: Action Replay Codes For Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver


Originally Posted by derrick

is there any codes to get shiny pokemon to appear?

like the one for dp?

This one works for me:


5206DB68 4284FE81

E2000080 00000060

021D0AE8 41C64E6D

00006073 02110DC0

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206DB56 0000F792

E206DB58 00000010

F7B1EA9C 1C05FF49

FF46F7B1 43050400

0206DB68 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000

Sorry for double post. When I run my SoulSilver with this code switched on, it turns white but nothing. I use AK2i. Is there any solution for me?


lol i've basically just read through EVERYTHING xD It's a lot! Anyways, thanks guys for all the code uploads! I'm just wondering though, my EXP mod codes dont work? :S And i'm quite confused, can someone post all available WORKING EXP mod codes here please? It would be very apprieciated (<dunno how to spell that xD) :kikkoman:

  Shiny-Collector-Fishy said:
lol i've basically just read through EVERYTHING xD It's a lot! Anyways, thanks guys for all the code uploads! I'm just wondering though, my EXP mod codes dont work? :S And i'm quite confused, can someone post all available WORKING EXP mod codes here please? It would be very apprieciated (<dunno how to spell that xD) :kikkoman:

well here it is but i don't know if they will work for you but they did for me though here you go

:After Battle Exp Multiplier Codes


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080040

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080080

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 600800C0

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080100

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080140

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080180

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 600801C0

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080200

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


9223DD32 0000319C

0223DD34 60080240

0223DD38 309C1C28

D0000000 00000000


Thanx man, great help, haven't tested them yet, just wondering if I have to hold down the R button or something when using them? Or do they work automatically?

Sorry if I sound like an idiot :S

---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 AM ----------

Well.... i kiinda just wrote in all EXP codes and none of them work..? I tried for 3 different pokemon, my shiny charizard Lv89, my event Celebi Lv10 and then my Feraligatr Lv91, yet, yeah, none worked :S I have an R4 card and all my other cheats do work :( I'm just confused as to why it works for everyone but me? :confused: :confused: :confused: :bidoof:

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