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  theSLAYER said:
sure load the wc6, the images and the source here and I'll check it out!

edit: Official Release of Hoopa: http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/circle-back-for-a-second-chance-to-get-hoopa/

Hoopa Distribution ends on October 9, 2016, and Volcanion event will start the next day.

I'm outside right now so you might want to check the url yourself or I'll post it later when I can

File: http://m.blog.naver.com/kelly990612/220787964657

Video: http://m.blog.naver.com/kelly990612/220787862007

  theSLAYER said:
Previously for Singapore's distribution, the OT was this Manesh dude, who seems to be one of the admins of Singapore's distribution channel for nintendo products

(as seen here: http://www.maxsoftonline.com/authors/Manesh.html )

So in all likelihood, if Helen and Alexander aren't movie characters, it's probably a similar situation with these OTs

Helen is a reference to Mount St. Helens active Volcano

Alexander might be a reference to Alexander the Magician

Anyways... Did the Event Villian Leaders pokemon ever release? Like Nidoqueen, Pyroar, and friends?

  heavymetallamb said:
Helen is a reference to Mount St. Helens active Volcano

Alexander might be a reference to Alexander the Magician

Anyways... Did the Event Villian Leaders pokemon ever release? Like Nidoqueen, Pyroar, and friends?

I guess Volcanion + Helen the Volcanio and Hoopa + Alexander the Magician does make sense!

Those events were released in Japan for wireless distribution.

Since they're not serial code events, I won't be able to share them, as I'm not in Japan :(


It has yet to be publicly announced,

But Singapore will likely be receiving a serial code Volcanion event on the 3rd of November,

Which will be redeemable on both US and JP systems (EU and KO units will definitely not be able to redeem them)

Serial codes are usually region locked, but this distinction goes to the fact that people in Singapore can buy either US or JP units in their retail outlets, and it isn't the first time they received wondercards that are double regioned.

(The only other double-region-events I know are HKTW events, using EU+JP)

I'll upload the event when the time comes, or when the serial codes are released early.



hello guys this is the Weavile evil team event, I got this at the Kansai airport poketmon center on 01/10/2016,

i didnt motify any data of this event, i hope someone can share rest of the series pocketmon events, enjoy!


XY&Z Korean serial Gengar "pokemon94" and Mawile "pokemon4u" w6c and dump for wc6full (I'm sure someone will be able to extract the wc6full from the dump I have provided as I don't know how to)

I will upload the XY&Z Tyranitar as soon as the code has been released if someone has not beaten me to it :)

extracted using ntr (for the dump) and (pkhex for the wc6)

  Johnwraight said:
XY&Z Korean serial Gengar "pokemon94" and Mawile "pokemon4u" w6c and dump for wc6full (I'm sure someone will be able to extract the wc6full from the dump I have provided as I don't know how to)

I will upload the XY&Z Tyranitar as soon as the code has been released if someone has not beaten me to it :)

extracted using ntr (for the dump) and (pkhex for the wc6)

I'll be able to extract.

I'll review and upload all the files later.

  • 2 weeks later...

Archive Updated!

Added: All Languages available for US and EU Genesect!

Differences in text for EU and US, respectively:



To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,you have received Genesect!Genesect, which can change the typeof its Techno Blast move using Drives,was originally distributed toPokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2.




To celebrate 20 years of Pokémon,you have received Genesect!Genesect, which can change the typeof its Techno Blast move using Drives,was originally distributed toPokémon Black and Pokémon White.



Hi,I know about Taiwan M19 Volcanion distributed to players who inserted a serial code on Nov 8,2016,But I didn't find out about it on Table inside (missing wondercards),So, I would like to know if you know about the Volcanion distributions

  Grass Dragon said:
Hi,I know about Taiwan M19 Volcanion distributed to players who inserted a serial code on Nov 8,2016,But I didn't find out about it on Table inside (missing wondercards),So, I would like to know if you know about the Volcanion distributions

do you have link/source to said event?

edit: seems like you're referring to this: http://www.pokemon.com.tw/Movie19/tc.html

Right now, the page isn't give me enough information to determine if they are reusing existing wondercards, or it'll be a new event entirely.

  Grass Dragon said:
Yes,I know about the Volcanion distributions from this site. But I think it will be a new event.

Might not necessarily be.

There has been an EU_ENG 161 Volcanion online for quite a while, (and while it was dedicated only for ENG system, the text is JPN),

but it is exactly the same as the Japanese one,

which is typically a sign of a Taiwanese event, but none for Volcanion has been announced (until now),

Hence, the 161 EU_ENG has been unused, since the actual EU distributed is the 588 ENG, GER, FRE, ITA, SPA.

I'll continue to monitor the situation, and by 8th we should know if it is a new wondercard or the unused 161 EU_ENG (that's really in JPN)



Year 2014: Summer 2014 Poke Ball Pattern Vivillon	Vivillon	UK Pokeball Forme	0511	08134	Online+Serial	SPA


marc_max had this wondercard in his savefile. It is used though.

Also, what's the deal with these two diancies?


Year 2014: October 2014 Pokemon	Diancie	3 Set Ivs (Oct)	0525	10274	Serial Code	FREYear 2014: October 2014 Pokemon	Diancie	No Set Ivs	0525	10274	Serial Code	FRE & SPA


They seem to be the same one, even the serial for the wondercard is the same, so how come some came with 3 fixed IVs and some didn't? Did nintendo mess up and fixed the wondercard later?

EDIT: I was checking the event file and luckily a friend's savegame has the SPA wondercard for the female spooky pumkaboo that seems to be still missing from the file.

  suloku said:
Also, what's the deal with these two diancies?


Year 2014: October 2014 Pokemon	Diancie	3 Set Ivs (Oct)	0525	10274	Serial Code	FREYear 2014: October 2014 Pokemon	Diancie	No Set Ivs	0525	10274	Serial Code	FRE & SPA


They seem to be the same one, even the serial for the wondercard is the same, so how come some came with 3 fixed IVs and some didn't? Did nintendo mess up and fixed the wondercard later?

Not the best thread to reference, but this is the headache that people suffered: https://www.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/2l07g9/my_diancie_from_my_event_doesnt_have_3_ivs_at_31/?st=iv7u3yiw&sh=e725983b

Apparently the initial US October Diancie launch provided absolutely no Perfect IVs.

It seems like this was only rectified towards the end of October

(date on the set IVs wondercard is 29th October 2014, though it may not be accurate, but theory also follows @MicroChip's Post and date mentioned).

For those who wants a fixed one and already collected the wondercard, they'll need another code, a new save/cart in order to grab the fixed one.

No IV posts:



IV posts:



EU Diancie (OT variations of NOV2014) all contained 3 Set Perfect IVs.

Archive updated!


In this post I've talked about Singapore getting Volcanion.

Its proven: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/59fehe/sg_volcanion_movie_code/?st=iv7vou0l&sh=1aec2d06

Since sneak previews are on the 18th of November (coincidence much), I'll upload the event then.

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