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  Jordan123123 said:
Any idea why when i search the website in the search engine, it searches successfully????

You're not supposed to search it! You're supposed to directly go to it.

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  KeroseneZanchu said:
I'm having the same issue with opening the injectiondebug.bin Any solutions arise yet?

I somehow managed to do it. Well. Download the newest PKHeX, make a random Pokémon on it, inject and grab the injdebug. I actually didn't notice I was using a 'mon from an older version, or maybe it has to do with the fact it was my AS injdebug.. whatever. Good luck!


Hi, so i followed all the instructions, the only problem is that the load code website doesn't crash when i go to it, its just a continual load screen. Some people have gotten this problem before and i've cleared the cookies and deleted all settings, but i don't know where the begin initialization option is, it doesn't show up at all in my browser settings. I have the 'clear all data' option which i've already used, even when unconnected to the internet. Any thoughts or suggestions?


It worked like a charm! However, the only thing I notice is that the event code for the Prison Bottle doesn't activate, even after I got the dex entry.

  NetNavi said:
I somehow managed to do it. Well. Download the newest PKHeX, make a random Pokémon on it, inject and grab the injdebug. I actually didn't notice I was using a 'mon from an older version, or maybe it has to do with the fact it was my AS injdebug.. whatever. Good luck!

I tried this and it still doesn't work.



For anyone that it doesnt work, aka not show up after the browser crashes and the injdebug doesnt work either simply press L and R buttons at the same time and scan the code that dude posted before, I'll just repost it [ATTACH=CONFIG]12001[/ATTACH]

Also so many people wonder if it works on 9.4.0-21U.. YES it does. Read the OP's post.


Similar issue with injectiondebug.bin - I have attempted:

Latest version of PKHex with new pokemon

Latest version of PKHex with older pokemon

Older version of PKHex with new pokemon

Older version of PKHex with older pokemon

Ran as administrator

Dragging injectiondebug.bin

Open injectiondebug.bin

Copied the hex code into a new file and attempted to import

Had someone else check my injectiondebug.bin

No luck whatsoever. Can someone else attempt this? In Box 1 Slot 4 is a Trapinch (OT Mike 40584) - looking for SID. Thanks in advance.


  MJBurley said:
Similar issue with injectiondebug.bin - I have attempted:

Latest version of PKHex with new pokemon

Latest version of PKHex with older pokemon

Older version of PKHex with new pokemon

Older version of PKHex with older pokemon

Ran as administrator

Dragging injectiondebug.bin

Open injectiondebug.bin

Copied the hex code into a new file and attempted to import

Had someone else check my injectiondebug.bin

No luck whatsoever. Can someone else attempt this? In Box 1 Slot 4 is a Trapinch (OT Mike 40584) - looking for SID. Thanks in advance.


Try deleting your injectiondebug.bin and generate a new one by injecting a Pokemon into your game.


Okay, just wow, good work on this!

Been doing this for a few hours now on my 2ds 9.4.0 and it works magically!

Though I am curios as of generating a whole box? wouldn't it just be amatter of having the right amount of .ekx files and some tweaks in the code? Would make it easier than having to take out the sd card every time.

Thanks again!


What I do is import "injectiondebug.bin" (it seems don't work), then I activate "show boxes" and I'll have my boxes. I just have to select a Pokemon, right-clic on it, view and show the ID, SID ant OT :D

Hope it helps!

(sorry for my english)

  RainThunder said:
This method is basically RAM editing, so it is possible to inject multiple pokemon.
Interesting. I'd love to get the Shiny Charm but importing all 649 pre-X/Y Pokemon is... painful.

I have the code and pokemon files in my sd card, but when i load up my bookmarks and when i go to loadcode, they both do not work.

Help? I get communication errors and I also have tried deleting history and cookies multiple times.



Kaphotics..Hi. I have a regular 3ds European version..

The "pokemon.ekx" file saves as "pokemon.ekx" but File Type shows ".ek3"

Please help me Here is Proof and my file of the pokemon i want to inject.




EDIT: I Got An Egg From "Mystery Zone" but still no luck with an actual Pokemon :'(

What's this thing with the .bin ??

Also My Firmware is 9.4.0-21E

  MiniiGangster said:
The "pokemon.ekx" file saves as "pokemon.ekx" but File Type shows ".ek3"

Just change the file extension to ".ekx". I'm using the same hardware and software. Worked for me.

  saver said:
It worked like a charm! However, the only thing I notice is that the event code for the Prison Bottle doesn't activate, even after I got the dex entry.

1. The event is activated in the PokeMart with Hoopa in the party.

2. Try this Hoopa instead:

Hoopa - C9A14631.zip

3. Be sure to extract and rename it pokemon.ekx

Hoopa - C9A14631.zipFetching info...

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