Animal3D Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Why rotom have the same stats in all forms? What is Encryption Constant? What is relean moves? PkHeX go to be compatible with ORAS?
theSLAYER Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Animal3D said: Why rotom have the same stats in all forms?What is Encryption Constant? What is relean moves? PkHeX go to be compatible with ORAS? 1. Normal has one set of stats, and other forms share same stats. 2. just the key used to encrypt and decrypt the pokemon. (in previous gen, its the checksum) 3. Egg moves are now stored in a separate slot, so that you can reteach those moves, if deleted, rather than rebreed for the move. 4. I don't know, probably. I was told elsewhere that in the demo, the save seems to be similar. ________________________ Other question time: How to get Japanese text to show? I can see Korean, but not japanese, and that's weird, since I only installed both language packs.
Animal3D Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 theSLAYER said: 1. Normal has one set of stats, and other forms share same stats.2. just the key used to encrypt and decrypt the pokemon. (in previous gen, its the checksum) 3. Egg moves are now stored in a separate slot, so that you can reteach those moves, if deleted, rather than rebreed for the move. 4. I don't know, probably. I was told elsewhere that in the demo, the save seems to be similar. ________________________ Other question time: How to get Japanese text to show? I can see Korean, but not japanese, and that's weird, since I only installed both language packs. 1.But in the PKHeX, the normal form and the other forms, have the same stats 2.I have to change this for each Pokémon? 3.I have put the egg moves in the relearn moves o,o? What if I don't ? It's illegal or what? ... I don't know what is this ... Why my rotom have this moves in relearn moves when these moves aren't eggmoves? 4.Ok thanks
theSLAYER Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Animal3D said: 1.But in the PKHeX, the normal form and the other forms, have the same stats2.I have to change this for each Pokémon? 3.I have put the egg moves in the relearn moves o,o? What if I don't ? It's illegal or what? ... I don't know what is this ... Why my rotom have this moves in relearn moves when these moves aren't eggmoves? 4.Ok thanks 1. in that case, the app needs to be updated. anyway the stats will probably be correct in game. pkhex only use it for visual representation. (i think) 2. no you don't, just use the existing one (I think) 3. if it's hatched, it must have egg moves, whether is it default moves or the ones it inherited. edit: those are the default egg moves it gets, since it is bred.
Animal3D Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 theSLAYER said: 1. in that case, the app needs to be updated. anyway the stats will probably be correct in game. pkhex only use it for visual representation. (i think) 2. no you don't, just use the existing one (I think) 3. if it's hatched, it must have egg moves, whether is it default moves or the ones it inherited. edit: those are the default egg moves it gets, since it is bred. Im idiot but i don't know what i have to do with the relearn moves. I create a Pokémon of the Daycare, and now? What i have to do in the relearn moves? And I have not quite understood what is the Encryption Constant... And the pid are sucesfully created? I say, the pid created for PKHeX is good?
theSLAYER Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Animal3D said: Im idiot but i don't know what i have to do with the relearn moves. I create a Pokémon of the Daycare, and now? What i have to do in the relearn moves?And I have not quite understood what is the Encryption Constant... And the pid are sucesfully created? I say, the pid created for PKHeX is good? 1. Example > Rotom on Bulbapedia. ( The moves that are listed as Start are the default egg moves. (also the ones you showed in the screenshot ) If you scroll down to you see that it doesn't learn any special egg moves (well, because it breeds with ditto) 2. you don't really need to know that. 3. PIDs are good. because PID/IV no longer tied. Pkhex is good. period.
Orcamania5 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) Can ESV of an egg be editted using PKHeX? and although, there is KeySav and I know how to use it, does PKHeX display your or pokemon's TSV? Edited November 14, 2014 by Orcamania5
XerneusGuy Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Finally got my JP game today after over a month wait. Time to make myself a floating hat . Btw I have a question, Sleepy Jirachi has Cyber and stuff and he used an Egg against HoodlumScrafty, anyone know how to get a battlable egg?
Favna Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Orcamania5 said: Can ESV of an egg be editted using PKHeX? and although, there is KeySav and I know how to use it, does PKHeX display your or pokemon's TSV? First of all I'd like to clarify that technically a pokemon never has a TSV since the T = Trainer (TSV = Trainer Shiny Value). PKHeX does show the ESV of eggs, but I never looked into changing them. Then again, for as far as I know (anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, and if I am please do) there is no need to really. If you would edit the ESV you would have to edit the PID (Pokemon ID). This, in theory, would come down to the exact same as hatching the egg non-shiny then editing the PID to be a shiny PID through PKHeX. The latter method even saving the entire hassle of that the egg has to be hatched by someone and therefore saving a lot of time in the worst case scenario.
Animal3D Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 theSLAYER said: 1. Example > Rotom on Bulbapedia. ( The moves that are listed as Start are the default egg moves. (also the ones you showed in the screenshot ) If you scroll down to you see that it doesn't learn any special egg moves (well, because it breeds with ditto) 2. you don't really need to know that. 3. PIDs are good. because PID/IV no longer tied. Pkhex is good. period. And why the rotom have Astonish, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock and Confuse Ray, and not Discharge, Charge and Trick? I change the Encryption Constant for all my Pokemon, this is good? What can happen if I do not put relearn moves?
theSLAYER Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Animal3D said: And why the rotom have Astonish, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock and Confuse Ray, and not Discharge, Charge and Trick?I change the Encryption Constant for all my Pokemon, this is good? What can happen if I do not put relearn moves? You know, some questions can probably be answered by the miracles of the internet: 1. "By default, the baby Pokémon will start with any moves that it learns at level 1" Where do you think I found that statement from? Hint, you can google that entire exact line 2. Encryption constant. See, this I do not know how is it generated. You want to mess with it, by all means, on your own. 3. Relearn moves, I don't know, banned from online, or wifi gameplay? Hatched pokemon MUST HAVE RELEARN MOVES. No matter how basic. Captured probably doesn't need.
Animal3D Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 theSLAYER said: You know, some questions can probably be answered by the miracles of the internet:1. "By default, the baby Pokémon will start with any moves that it learns at level 1" Where do you think I found that statement from? Hint, you can google that entire exact line 2. Encryption constant. See, this I do not know how is it generated. You want to mess with it, by all means, on your own. 3. Relearn moves, I don't know, banned from online, or wifi gameplay? Hatched pokemon MUST HAVE RELEARN MOVES. No matter how basic. Captured probably doesn't need. How do I check the legality of my Pokemon?
jariesuicune Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 To check legality, trade it online with your second game. Or a friends. Or whatever. If it trades, good, if not, bad. Or just build it right the first time. If you do the research, it's perfectly obvious what a legal Pokemon will end up, since there are NO kind of things like "secret combos" or whatever. The rules are extremely simple and strict, so as to allow for so many possibilities.
Animal3D Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 jariesuicune said: To check legality, trade it online with your second game. Or a friends. Or whatever. If it trades, good, if not, bad.Or just build it right the first time. If you do the research, it's perfectly obvious what a legal Pokemon will end up, since there are NO kind of things like "secret combos" or whatever. The rules are extremely simple and strict, so as to allow for so many possibilities. Can't check with the GTS?
Animal3D Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 A bug with this: I create a Furfrou with a form, and when i put him in the PC (of the game) he back to the normal form.
Orcamania5 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Favna said: First of all I'd like to clarify that technically a pokemon never has a TSV since the T = Trainer (TSV = Trainer Shiny Value). PKHeX does show the ESV of eggs, but I never looked into changing them. Then again, for as far as I know (anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, and if I am please do) there is no need to really. If you would edit the ESV you would have to edit the PID (Pokemon ID). This, in theory, would come down to the exact same as hatching the egg non-shiny then editing the PID to be a shiny PID through PKHeX. The latter method even saving the entire hassle of that the egg has to be hatched by someone and therefore saving a lot of time in the worst case scenario. Actually, I was going to change ESV to match my TSV so that I don't have to trade. But I think the latter method would work too. I haven't thought about it to do it in latter method.
Sandblast Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Animal3D said: A bug with this:I create a Furfrou with a form, and when i put him in the PC (of the game) he back to the normal form. It's not a bug, but the game mechanics
Animal3D Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Sandblast said: It's not a bug, but the game mechanics What.
jariesuicune Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Just because you edit something, doesn't necessarily mean it is RIGHT in the game. Just like how you have to deal with legal checks, in-game has specific set things too. Basically, if you want something you edit to be guaranteed no altered by any in-game check, you can't move it's location or use it at all. (naturally, that's only for things that might change, such as impossibly-set changeable-forms, stats that don't match what they are really, etc.) Anyways, not all forms apply to everywhere. Just like Pokemon aren't meant to be Mega-evolved anytime outside of battle, certain forms have other restrictions (Arceus needs a Plate, Shaymin can't be in night or in the PC, etc) That's common knowledge that you really should understand before you start to mess with data you're not meant to mess with in the first place (as well as a lot of other basics, really).
Animal3D Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 jariesuicune said: To check legality, trade it online with your second game. Or a friends. Or whatever. If it trades, good, if not, bad.Or just build it right the first time. If you do the research, it's perfectly obvious what a legal Pokemon will end up, since there are NO kind of things like "secret combos" or whatever. The rules are extremely simple and strict, so as to allow for so many possibilities. I can trade a Hatched Pokemon without relearn moves
CharlemagneXVI Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 Is it possible to use PowerSaves 3DS with Pokemon X and Y, and PKHeX?
Kaphotics Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 CharlemagneXVI said: Is it possible to use PowerSaves 3DS with Pokemon X and Y, and PKHeX? Still no. The OP lists what it is compatible with. To other posters: please keep legality discussion out of this thread and only post questions/suggestions pertaining to the program.
XerneusGuy Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 (edited) I think I've found a problem with PKHeX, I set an ordinary Volcanion, ordinary Xerneas and a shiny Therian Landorus to my game but the Pokédex entrys were shiny Volcanion and Xerneas and shiny Incarnate Landorus oh yeah and the met and hatched locations for eggs are flipped in game Edited November 15, 2014 by XerneusGuy
pannatatm Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 The program act strange everytime I tried to edit an egg. language ruin ,flashy , egg condition for every pokemon. hatch count show instead of Happiness for normal pokemon. check it please
Kaphotics Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 pannatatm said: The program act strange everytime I tried to edit an egg. language ruin ,flashy , egg condition for every pokemon. hatch count show instead of Happiness for normal pokemon. check it please Ah that's a problem with how I refactored the code. I've fixed it; for now you can just press the "Continue" button when the error message comes up. When ORAS comes out (and I add support for the game) the fix will be included. Eggs don't have a friendship/happiness; they instead use that byte for storing how many step-cycles (n*256) are needed before it hatches.
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