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PKHeX Legacy Discussion

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Iv ordered a jap used copy of pokemon y on ebay, the seller told me it definitely had the origanal save file still on, because of that i know it will work on my European ds with pokemin bank, i was wondering if the origanal cyber save editor is good enoufh to use pkhex or if i need to get cyber save editor 2

  lacrima08 said:
Just received mine. i'll receive my jpn game this week. Hope it has a save and i don't need à Japanese 3ds

Even if it doesn't have a sav, im sure that it's cheaper to get anorher copy rather than a jap 3ds, either way, i hope you get lucky

  MichiS97 said:
Cyber Save Editor and Cyber Save Editor 2 are pretty much the same, the second one just has a newer software bundled with it but the first one's software is updateable so it's really no difference

If thats the case ill save myself 20 bucks by buying the origanal save editor, thanx for helping


A youtuber called isleep2late found a program called xyeditor that allows edit pokemon even more when your finnished with pkhex, he gives a guide on how to use it but its not the best just because the exe file is jap only, the link he left has loads of advertisment for dodgy things and since its a jap site its hard to find the link so i uploaded the exe file in a more easy to manage and less dodgy place

here it is: http://www.4shared.com/file/rvBxpIpzba/xyeditor.html

also here is the video:

Volcanion Hoopa Hacked! Tutorial on how to edit/i…:

My request is that one of the hackers here makes it english if possible


So, wondering: Is it possible to extract Trainer Promo videos from the save? That would be the best thing since Shiny Mega Gardevoir! (I doubt it, since it seems only rendered when you view it in action at the building or when viewed by someone else...)

About that XY editor: I just downloaded that program... it does blatantly less than PKHeX, unless it's got hidden options I couldn't make appear. Not worth translating. (nor hard to do so, from anything I found; it's got less that 30 words in that window, just re-used a lot).

  jariesuicune said:
So, wondering: Is it possible to extract Trainer Promo videos from the save? That would be the best thing since Shiny Mega Gardevoir! (I doubt it, since it seems only rendered when you view it in action at the building or when viewed by someone else...)

About that XY editor: I just downloaded that program... it does blatantly less than PKHeX, unless it's got hidden options I couldn't make appear. Not worth translating. (nor hard to do so, from anything I found; it's got less that 30 words in that window, just re-used a lot).

The main main reason forgetting it translated was just to know what ability you are giving your chosen pokemon without having to check bulbapedia then find a match in the abilities list, when i saw the guy do it in the video it looked pretty hard, thats honestly the only reason

Posted (edited)

Just got a reply messege from isleep2late to a question i asked him

Basically he posted a picture of a mega latias with perental bond that he got by modding pkhex, this is how he did it:

You can permanently mega evolve pokemon using PKHeX, but it must be stored in your PC Box to work (will turn into normal form if set in your party). To edit the ability of megas, using the Japanese xyeditor won't work b/c megas were not implemented in that program (I don't think), so you have to download source code (https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX), open in Visual Studio 2010/13, find the mega-form's "pokedex number" under the "speciesability" chart in f1-Main.cs, edit one of the 3 numbers to the designated number of the ability you want, run the program, and proceed to use your modified PKHeX program from there.

My question was:

Cant this method be applyed to every pokemon and not just megas? Is so theres no point of xyeditor and that is good because theres no need to try and read Japanese

And he replyed:

Correct. xyeditor is not necessary if you want a hacked pokemon w/ hacked abilities and you know how to change the source code. If you want to give every pokemon 252 EVs in every stat, you could STILL change those parameters in PKHeX, but xyeditor is a "free for all" program that lets you do that.

Dont know how helpfull this is to ppl but its basically a guide to change hacked abilities without xyeditor

Also heres a link to visual sudios express 2013 for windows (its free from Microsoft, there a also a free trial to visual sudios ultimate for 30day if you would rather do that)


You will need a microsoft accout, your hotmail email address counts if you have 1

Edit: i tryed this today, only the visual studio's ultimate version eorks so yake the free trial

Edited by Blackness

Sigh, more overly-modding than was ever needed... Which will probably cause Cyber to go for the Server-side region lock on their system (since they seem to be open-minded for cheating, but not to the point of breaking things). Such I've heard is already starting to happen.

More importantly than stupid over-hacks, what about Trainer Promo vids? Possible to extract?

  jariesuicune said:
Sigh, more overly-modding than was ever needed... Which will probably cause Cyber to go for the Server-side region lock on their system (since they seem to be open-minded for cheating, but not to the point of breaking things). Such I've heard is already starting to happen.

More importantly than stupid over-hacks, what about Trainer Promo vids? Possible to extract?

If you don't like "stupid over-hacks" then leave this site.

  MimiNeko said:
Quick question, is there any way to make pokes with illegal abilities? Every time I try it forces me to change the ability to something legal before I can "Set" it to a box slot

look in the source code, f1-main.cs on lines 2520 and 2521


I really wish it's possible to edit the decrypted Powersave save file :/

Since I used the Save Editor to transfer all the Pokemon to my English cart to complete it, I found out that it records the first form of the Spinda you encountered into the wild only. However, as I have OCD Perfectionism, I can't stand the thought of the recorded Spinda being DIFFERENT than the one from the official art. I got a Spinda Spot Generator and made the spots in the same place as the official Spinda art. The only thing bothering me is the Pokedex entry because of the pattern it recorded and so I want to remove that entry in order to record it again with the PROPER Spinda pattern.

I know I'm crazy, but I really want to do that. Since PKHex can't be used with Powersave, it really puts me in despair that I can't change the Pokedex entry lol. This is really stupid, but I'm just wondering if there is any way to edit the Pokedex entries only with Powersave. Maybe time will tell...

Curse you Spinda!

Another thing that irks me is the bag space xD I suppose it's not possible to change that unless you hack the rom itself sigh. I just never thought that the Key Items would have space limit because the other bags didn't have any limits at all. I transferred all the hacked Berries/Items (even using the xyeditor to obtain the God Stone and "???" items like 0x007A) to my English cartridge and have over 100 different items in the normal bag. :/ I only needed a few more slots for the Key Items in order to get all the items, but meh...Gamefreaks decided to put a limit just on THAT specific space in the bag. That and having both of the bicycles doesn't work well. I tried getting both the Yellow and Green bicycles, but the color of the bicycle - when used - will always be green. I tried receiving the bikes in different order, but it always have the same result. I guess it's because the Green Bicycle's hex number is above the Yellow Bicycle's, and due to game only expecting you to own one bicycle, it only uses the data of the first bicycle you receive. I was hoping to get to interchange between the Bicycles, but the Yellow one is pretty much candy for the eye now. It's only Yellow in bag, and Green when used. Sad.


I don't know if this is the place to post this, if it's not can someone guide me to the correct place, I need this Heracross sent to my game. I need it for the Battle Maison, the AI in Super Multi Battles aren't really intelligent and it's the last trophy I need. So thanks to anyone that can help me out & sorry if I posted in the wrong place





Nest Ball



HP - 80

Atk - 148

Def - 60

SpAtk - 2

SpD - 60

Spd - 160

Bullet Seed

Arm Thrust

Water Shuriken

Pin Missle

  Dran said:
I don't know if this is the place to post this, if it's not can someone guide me to the correct place, I need this Heracross sent to my game. I need it for the Battle Maison, the AI in Super Multi Battles aren't really intelligent and it's the last trophy I need. So thanks to anyone that can help me out & sorry if I posted in the wrong place





Nest Ball



HP - 80

Atk - 148

Def - 60

SpAtk - 2

SpD - 60

Spd - 160

Bullet Seed

Arm Thrust

Water Shuriken

Pin Missle

Even if someone would create that; it would not be trade-able in-game. Other than that; you could also go for stuff found here: pastebin link


Since "Egg" is just a cover over the Pokemon visual for players until it hatches... No. The Pokemon is there, no different, just "in" an egg. (Look at the data in the Generator; the difference is only a flag that says "Currently in an egg".)

If you are looking for help Genning things, there are numerous places that specialize in help with that (I help with a couple groups on Facebook that are for helping with PokeGen, but we are moving on to PKHeX, despite it being called a PokeGen group).

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