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  wraith89 said:
Shinies are hard to come across, what do you expect? The chance of getting a shiny is like 1/8000ish...

Remember, absence of evidence != evidence of absence. Besides, there'd be no reason to create a shiny Dialga/Palkia sprite then, don't you think?

True, I guess I was wrong and I admit I was wrong.

Still I've never came across one throughout my entire time playing all the generations. I guess I have the worst luck when it comes to finding shiny legendaries.

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  Deities said:
True, I guess I was wrong and I admit I was wrong.

Still I've never came across one throughout my entire time playing all the generations. I guess I have the worst luck when it comes to finding shiny legendaries.

Don't worry. You and I are at the same boat... among with many others.

  wraith89 said:
Don't worry. You and I are at the same boat... among with many others.

Yeah, knowing me if I did ever come across one I'll just give it away. I only catch Ubers to get its data in the 'dex.


Well the first time i saw i shiny poekmon was in my birther's saphire, a brown cacnea came out, and i killed it but i didnt know it was shinycause it was the first time i played the game

Since the in all my pokemon games i have caught wormple, zubat, tentacool, uxie and a shroomish shiny


Thats cool, I didn't even know you could get shiny starters. My first wild one was a geodude. I tried chaining for a while with no luck so I gave up on the whole deal then about a week later I just happened to be walking through some where and here comes a shiny geodude.

I'm in the same boat as those who have never caught a shiny legendary too. I have heard that shaymin can be shiny in platinum so maybe I'll soft reset for that but probably not. I don't think I have the patience to be a true shiny hunter.

  randomspot555 said:
Shiny Pokeon didn't exist in Gen I.

oh i guessed i looked at it wrong whoops but i do have a shiny giratina

---------- Post added at 06:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------

  Umbreon said:
Thats cool, I didn't even know you could get shiny starters. My first wild one was a geodude. I tried chaining for a while with no luck so I gave up on the whole deal then about a week later I just happened to be walking through some where and here comes a shiny geodude.

I'm in the same boat as those who have never caught a shiny legendary too. I have heard that shaymin can be shiny in platinum so maybe I'll soft reset for that but probably not. I don't think I have the patience to be a true shiny hunter.

shaymin can be shiny cause i have one no hack

  dragonmaster005 said:
Well the first time i saw i shiny poekmon was in my birther's saphire, a brown cacnea came out, and i killed it but i didnt know it was shinycause it was the first time i played the game

Since the in all my pokemon games i have caught wormple, zubat, tentacool, uxie and a shroomish shiny

Shiny shroomish...that means a shiny breloom! I wish...

Anyways I was playing my sapphire game (that I'd restarted) and I was training before petalburg and guess what...a shiny poochyena popped out! I was frozen in excitement and fear I'd lose it being I had 3 pokeballs on me and I didn't want to kill it. I got it down as low as I could (in the yellow) with my silcoon then I chucked a ball at it. 3 wobbles almost had it, then I used harden and string shot a couple of times to prolong the battle..one more turn and silcoon was dead so I tossed the pokeball and caught it. I named it after my dog, it looks so much like him :)

  pokemonfan said:
Shiny shroomish...that means a shiny breloom! I wish...

it will be, PF. my shiny geoguy is now a shiny graveler and my shiny staravia is now a shiny staraptor :) Haven't catch/encounter any shiny since then :(

  pokemonfan said:

Anyways I was playing my sapphire game (that I'd restarted) and I was training before petalburg and guess what...a shiny poochyena popped out! I was frozen in excitement and fear I'd lose it being I had 3 pokeballs on me and I didn't want to kill it. I got it down as low as I could (in the yellow) with my silcoon then I chucked a ball at it. 3 wobbles almost had it, then I used harden and string shot a couple of times to prolong the battle..one more turn and silcoon was dead so I tossed the pokeball and caught it. I named it after my dog, it looks so much like him :)

wow! congrats. it will soon be a shiny mightyena :grog:

  pokemonfan said:
Shiny shroomish...that means a shiny breloom! I wish...

Anyways I was playing my sapphire game (that I'd restarted) and I was training before petalburg and guess what...a shiny poochyena popped out! I was frozen in excitement and fear I'd lose it being I had 3 pokeballs on me and I didn't want to kill it. I got it down as low as I could (in the yellow) with my silcoon then I chucked a ball at it. 3 wobbles almost had it, then I used harden and string shot a couple of times to prolong the battle..one more turn and silcoon was dead so I tossed the pokeball and caught it. I named it after my dog, it looks so much like him :)

nice job dude!

  pokemonfan said:
Shiny shroomish...that means a shiny breloom! I wish...

Anyways I was playing my sapphire game (that I'd restarted) and I was training before petalburg and guess what...a shiny poochyena popped out! I was frozen in excitement and fear I'd lose it being I had 3 pokeballs on me and I didn't want to kill it. I got it down as low as I could (in the yellow) with my silcoon then I chucked a ball at it. 3 wobbles almost had it, then I used harden and string shot a couple of times to prolong the battle..one more turn and silcoon was dead so I tossed the pokeball and caught it. I named it after my dog, it looks so much like him :)

Oh, how Okami would kill for this... >.>

Yeah. You can even catch Deoxys in the game too. I caught a shiny Deoxys in that game but I cheated. It's legal though.

Sup, emerald RNG abuse? :P

  wraith89 said:
Oh, how Okami would kill for this... >.>

I would too ... <_<

My first shiny was Makuhita in Sapphire ... I used him until finally I got a replacement for him (I don't really like Makuhita :P).

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