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Your first shiny Pokemon?

Sir Xero

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My very first shiny was a pink whopper in my Gold version. *named the little bugger Pinky* It took me 30 mins to catch him since he was like a level 7 or something and i had all level 40's xD Was horrid. I had been looking for Raiko at the time, but I was like Pink Whopper? So mine. I was almost afraid to evolve him since I thought he would loose his pretty pink color. Needless to say I forgot about Raiko for a while haha.

Since then I have chained a bunch of shinies using the PokeRadar in Platinum, but I don't count them since I use the unlimited battery cheat. However, while my AR was on the fritz I did chain a Shiny Buneary with out the use of unlimited radar. Took forever xD.

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well if you've been playing pokemon for a long time like some of us, then most of us had a gyarados frm S/G/C but if that dosen't count then my first shiny ever was a smoochum in gold. got it from an egg i was like wtf. i had never seen one before the red gyarados

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my first one was a shiny mewtwo in pokemon leaf green i about shit my pants and i did pee my pants a lil that was about a year ago my friend saved right b4 he got to mewtwo and turned it off then i turned it back on walked to him and my friend said i had a shiny and i said umm doi turn it off or sumtin then i relized what it was!

and after that i caught a shiny starly the

and the last shiny i cause was the almighty


i just about cried it was like 10 days ago on platinum! :confused::confused::confused:

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you must be very lucky in catching those shinies :) and i do believe that you did not cheat. me too, i got my shiny geoguy (now a graveler :( ) and staravia out of luck (Platinum)

and BTW, cheating can be done anywhere, pokesav & AR can be done wherever you are :)

haha thanks. :)

i did use pokesav, because I can't have event pokemon (you know, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus) here. :)

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man, i'm 198 hours into platinum, beaten every last generation pokemon game with over 500 hours, and i encounter a shiny pokemon in the wild for the first time today, i was laying on my bed training some pokemon at the survival area, and then i ran into a wild shiny pidgey, at first i was like "hmm something is different.." then i realize it's a shiney pokemon and choked and swallowed the gum i was chewing on.

man, it was about time i see one. which bring up this question

what are the chances of a wild legendary pokemon? is it 0%? or 0.00000000000001? i figure it can't be absolute 0 since there is sprites for it

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My first shiny was the red Gyarados in Pokemon Gold. But, my first "wild" shiny, was an Electrike in Ruby. That one is quite a story.

I enter Route 110 for the first time ever. Now, the first Pokemon I saw there, was a shiny Electrike, which I immediately caught, of course. Then, the next one was a non-shiny one, I caught that one, too and released the shiny one, since I thought green would be its shiny color. A stupid mistake. I hate myself for that until today.

Even funnier: I recently played through Ruby again. Guess what? The first Pokemon on Route 110 was again a shiny Electrike and it's still safe and sound in its box.

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i wasted one of my 2 master ball on a regular chatot, this morning, thinking it's native color should be something else, got excited until i looked it up to see what it can learn

thanks God for pokesav, made up for that 1 master ball with 10 other

on second note, God didn't do this, thanks COM, Cadaguti, and coolbho3k

Edited by wraith89
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