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I like the original Lugia though. Red Lugia looks a bit odd to me.

Speaking of overused:

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... I don't want to bother going on at all. :-/

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I don't think Exploud really fits in that set, but you're right, Purple is also overused.

And not red Lugia, Shadow Lugia, from Pokemon xD. Go look for a pic of it online. :)

  Skyblade said:
I don't think Exploud really fits in that set, but you're right, Purple is also overused.

And not red Lugia, Shadow Lugia, from Pokemon xD. Go look for a pic of it online. :)

Exploud was blue and his shiny was purple, so I just picked him out. Eh, why not?

Ah. The one in Neodraven's avatar? That one looks... so evil! That's so cool :D

Although I don't think it's ever going to be allowed in-game though aside from ROM hacking to change a Lugia's color or whatnot.

BTW why did Articuno's beak and talons turn brown all of a sudden? It looked cooler when it was all blue.


I'm from the Philippines so I can't cheat, we don't have cheating devices here. ^^

I have shiny Lotad, Marril, Tentacool, and Kyogre in Pokemon Emerald, yup, I'm kinda lucky because I encountered a shiny legendary pokemon. ^^

My friend caught shiny Whismur (male and female), Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull and Murkrow, also in Pokemon Emerald. He gave me those Pokemon (duplicated)

I also got a shiny Swellow by chaining in Pokeradar. ^^

  gab7dcc said:
I'm from the Philippines so I can't cheat, we don't have cheating devices here. ^^

I have shiny Lotad, Marril, Tentacool, and Kyogre in Pokemon Emerald, yup, I'm kinda lucky because I encountered a shiny legendary pokemon. ^^

My friend caught shiny Whismur (male and female), Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull and Murkrow, also in Pokemon Emerald. He gave me those Pokemon (duplicated)

I also got a shiny Swellow by chaining in Pokeradar. ^^

you must be very lucky in catching those shinies :) and i do believe that you did not cheat. me too, i got my shiny geoguy (now a graveler :( ) and staravia out of luck (Platinum)

and BTW, cheating can be done anywhere, pokesav & AR can be done wherever you are :)

  wraith89 said:
I like the original Lugia though. Red Lugia looks a bit odd to me.

Speaking of overused:

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... I don't want to bother going on at all. :-/

Continuing wraith89's post~

Alot more Yellow than you think x.x













^ i'm not really sure, but even fearow's color looks "yellow green" for me, i really might have a problem, hahaha! and BTW, very good compilation job for both of you and Z-master. a helpful guide and keen observation :)


Yeah, Fearow is DEFINITELY yellow-green. We were having this discussion about shinies over MSN, can you believe that? >.<

I just told him to post it and I had no idea how big the list would go :D

Notice I didn't put pre-evolved forms in. I got lazy :P

  wraith89 said:
Yeah, Fearow is DEFINITELY yellow-green. We were having this discussion about shinies over MSN, can you believe that? >.<

I just told him to post it and I had no idea how big the list would go :D

Notice I didn't put pre-evolved forms in. I got lazy :P

yes, i guess the "purple/violet" pallette is the most abused color 'though :(

and oh, i have encountered another shiny, a level 4 Abra, got so excited then, my singing cricket was ready and i used False Swipe, unfortunately, that precious Abra "teleported" :( i'm so stupid of not using either a quick ball or sing, my bad, :(


That's it. I'm going on a streak to see if I'll find a shiny eventually. Hey, theoretically it's around every 8000 Pokes you see one is bound to be a shiny. Time to go shiny hunting. ANd no, I'm not chaining. Bidoof always ruins the chain.

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