wraith89 Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 I like the original Lugia though. Red Lugia looks a bit odd to me. Speaking of overused: [sprite]139[/sprite] [shinysprite]139[/shinysprite] [sprite]131[/sprite] [shinysprite]131[/shinysprite] [sprite]134[/sprite] [shinysprite]134[/shinysprite] [sprite]148[/sprite] [shinysprite]148[/shinysprite] [sprite]171[/sprite] [shinysprite]171[/shinysprite] [sprite]195[/sprite] [shinysprite]195[/shinysprite] [sprite]202[/sprite] [shinysprite]202[/shinysprite] [sprite]211[/sprite] [shinysprite]211[/shinysprite] [sprite]214[/sprite] [shinysprite]214[/shinysprite] [sprite]223[/sprite] [shinysprite]223[/shinysprite] [sprite]260[/sprite] [shinysprite]260[/shinysprite] [sprite]295[/sprite] [shinysprite]295[/shinysprite] [sprite]321[/sprite] [shinysprite]321[/shinysprite] [sprite]365[/sprite] [shinysprite]365[/shinysprite] [sprite]382[/sprite] [shinysprite]382[/shinysprite] ... I don't want to bother going on at all. :-/
Skyblade Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 I don't think Exploud really fits in that set, but you're right, Purple is also overused. And not red Lugia, Shadow Lugia, from Pokemon . Go look for a pic of it online.
wraith89 Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Skyblade said: I don't think Exploud really fits in that set, but you're right, Purple is also overused.And not red Lugia, Shadow Lugia, from Pokemon . Go look for a pic of it online. Exploud was blue and his shiny was purple, so I just picked him out. Eh, why not? Ah. The one in Neodraven's avatar? That one looks... so evil! That's so cool Although I don't think it's ever going to be allowed in-game though aside from ROM hacking to change a Lugia's color or whatnot. BTW why did Articuno's beak and talons turn brown all of a sudden? It looked cooler when it was all blue.
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 wraith89 said: BTW why did Articuno's beak and talons turn brown all of a sudden? It looked cooler when it was all blue. I did not notice that. Nice work detective.
FLOOTENKERP Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 The best shiny Pokémon have to be the shiny Magikarp, Gyarados, Mew, Rayquaza, and Shaymin. The color schemes just fit them.
gab7dcc Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 I'm from the Philippines so I can't cheat, we don't have cheating devices here. ^^ I have shiny Lotad, Marril, Tentacool, and Kyogre in Pokemon Emerald, yup, I'm kinda lucky because I encountered a shiny legendary pokemon. ^^ My friend caught shiny Whismur (male and female), Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull and Murkrow, also in Pokemon Emerald. He gave me those Pokemon (duplicated) I also got a shiny Swellow by chaining in Pokeradar. ^^
empoleonmikel Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 gab7dcc said: I'm from the Philippines so I can't cheat, we don't have cheating devices here. ^^I have shiny Lotad, Marril, Tentacool, and Kyogre in Pokemon Emerald, yup, I'm kinda lucky because I encountered a shiny legendary pokemon. ^^ My friend caught shiny Whismur (male and female), Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wingull and Murkrow, also in Pokemon Emerald. He gave me those Pokemon (duplicated) I also got a shiny Swellow by chaining in Pokeradar. ^^ you must be very lucky in catching those shinies and i do believe that you did not cheat. me too, i got my shiny geoguy (now a graveler ) and staravia out of luck (Platinum) and BTW, cheating can be done anywhere, pokesav & AR can be done wherever you are
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 I have a real legendary to. Can you guess what Pokemon it is?
ZMaster Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 wraith89 said: I like the original Lugia though. Red Lugia looks a bit odd to me.Speaking of overused: Reveal hidden contents [sprite]139[/sprite] [shinysprite]139[/shinysprite] [sprite]131[/sprite] [shinysprite]131[/shinysprite] [sprite]134[/sprite] [shinysprite]134[/shinysprite] [sprite]148[/sprite] [shinysprite]148[/shinysprite] [sprite]171[/sprite] [shinysprite]171[/shinysprite] [sprite]195[/sprite] [shinysprite]195[/shinysprite] [sprite]202[/sprite] [shinysprite]202[/shinysprite] [sprite]211[/sprite] [shinysprite]211[/shinysprite] [sprite]214[/sprite] [shinysprite]214[/shinysprite] [sprite]223[/sprite] [shinysprite]223[/shinysprite] [sprite]260[/sprite] [shinysprite]260[/shinysprite] [sprite]295[/sprite] [shinysprite]295[/shinysprite] [sprite]321[/sprite] [shinysprite]321[/shinysprite] [sprite]365[/sprite] [shinysprite]365[/shinysprite] [sprite]382[/sprite] [shinysprite]382[/shinysprite] ... I don't want to bother going on at all. :-/ Continuing wraith89's post~ Alot more Yellow than you think x.x [sprite]004[/sprite][shinysprite]004[/shinysprite][sprite]005[/sprite][shinysprite]005[/shinysprite][sprite]017[/sprite][shinysprite]017[/shinysprite] [sprite]018[/sprite][shinysprite]018[/shinysprite][sprite]021[/sprite][shinysprite]021[/shinysprite][sprite]022[/sprite][shinysprite]022[/shinysprite][sprite]037[/sprite][shinysprite]037[/shinysprite][sprite]047[/sprite][shinysprite]047[/shinysprite][sprite]058[/sprite][shinysprite]058[/shinysprite] [sprite]059[/sprite][shinysprite]059[/shinysprite][sprite]098[/sprite][shinysprite]098[/shinysprite][sprite]102[/sprite][shinysprite]102[/shinysprite] [sprite]108[/sprite][shinysprite]108[/shinysprite][sprite]118[/sprite][shinysprite]118[/shinysprite][sprite]129[/sprite][shinysprite]129[/shinysprite] [sprite]165[/sprite][shinysprite]165[/shinysprite][sprite]166[/sprite][shinysprite]166[/shinysprite][sprite]224[/sprite][shinysprite]224[/shinysprite] [sprite]240[/sprite][shinysprite]240[/shinysprite][sprite]250[/sprite][shinysprite]250[/shinysprite][sprite]255[/sprite][shinysprite]255[/shinysprite] [sprite]256[/sprite][shinysprite]256[/shinysprite][sprite]342[/sprite][shinysprite]342[/shinysprite][sprite]350[/sprite][shinysprite]350[/shinysprite] [sprite]370[/sprite][shinysprite]370[/shinysprite][sprite]368[/sprite][shinysprite]368[/shinysprite][sprite]380[/sprite][shinysprite]380[/shinysprite] [sprite]383[/sprite][shinysprite]383[/shinysprite][sprite]401[/sprite][shinysprite]401[/shinysprite][sprite]402[/sprite][shinysprite]402[/shinysprite] [sprite]418[/sprite][shinysprite]418[/shinysprite][sprite]419[/sprite][shinysprite]419[/shinysprite][sprite]463[/sprite][shinysprite]463[/shinysprite] [sprite]464[/sprite][shinysprite]464[/shinysprite]
FLOOTENKERP Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 What a masterpiece. But I love the Exxegcute and Magikarp. It's more gold then yellow.
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 i don't know if i'm a color-blind person or not, but for me, it looks like that Groudon is "yellow green", isn't it?
wraith89 Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 It's... yellow. Even then, Z-master showed that red pokes mostly become yellow, like I have shown that blue pokes become purple.
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 ^ i'm not really sure, but even fearow's color looks "yellow green" for me, i really might have a problem, hahaha! and BTW, very good compilation job for both of you and Z-master. a helpful guide and keen observation
wraith89 Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 Yeah, Fearow is DEFINITELY yellow-green. We were having this discussion about shinies over MSN, can you believe that? >.< I just told him to post it and I had no idea how big the list would go Notice I didn't put pre-evolved forms in. I got lazy
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 wraith89 said: Yeah, Fearow is DEFINITELY yellow-green. We were having this discussion about shinies over MSN, can you believe that? >.<I just told him to post it and I had no idea how big the list would go Notice I didn't put pre-evolved forms in. I got lazy yes, i guess the "purple/violet" pallette is the most abused color 'though and oh, i have encountered another shiny, a level 4 Abra, got so excited then, my singing cricket was ready and i used False Swipe, unfortunately, that precious Abra "teleported" i'm so stupid of not using either a quick ball or sing, my bad,
wraith89 Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 o_O OH NO! That's terrible. Oh well, at least you encountered one @_@
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 ^excitement sometimes ruin the fun and worst, i have a master ball, i could have used it yeah, i'm a little luckier than "others" of seeing one.
wraith89 Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 That's it. I'm going on a streak to see if I'll find a shiny eventually. Hey, theoretically it's around every 8000 Pokes you see one is bound to be a shiny. Time to go shiny hunting. ANd no, I'm not chaining. Bidoof always ruins the chain.
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 ^hahaha!! good luck then "others", hahaha! @T: still, i have that geoguy (now a graveler) and staraptor in my gold chest
wraith89 Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 Wait, what?! Staraptor too? You DO have other shinies. Wow. :eek:
empoleonmikel Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 ^yup! you missed my post here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=375&page=14 post no. 205. it was a courtesy of Mr. Backlot, hahaha!!! it's now a staraptor
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