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  jariesuicune said:
Are you using a Japanese game cartridge?

Can you read japanese? if you can, can you tell me what the 2nd message on the announcement is saying? The message that starts with this: 日頃よりセーブエディターをご使用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。I noticed on the show all list Alpha sapphire is listed as ECLA and the back of my card says ECLJ is this why mine doesnt work?


@Seoulstice: That message basically translates as "Thank you for using Save Editor daily".

Looking at the announcement page (first thing that comes up when loading Save Editor), it lists OR as ECRJ and AS as ECLJ... interesting. Yes, it does list them as ECRA/ECLA in the actual Game List... but every other game listed ends in J. Since that is the indicator of Region, if I recall correctly, they may have messed up when setting it up, so it will recognize English-region instead... Could anyone check this?

If that's the case, I'm sure it'll be fixed up soon (since their main user base is not non-Japanese importers, but Japanese users).

Kinda makes me glad I don't get mine until another 2 weeks, so all the bugs and game updates as well as PKHeX and Cyber Editor should already be working fine by then. ^_^

@eatscookies: What makes you think you can? This isn't X/Y, with custom outfits. The game is programmed with set designs for set situations. Even if you could edit it for something (say, wearing the Contest Outfit somehow), it would just re-check after the first screen reloading and go back to defaults. Kalos is the only place you get alternate outfits.


@jariesuicune I was wondering what it says saying below what I previously posted. I translated it with google, but its still unclear to me. It says there is a possibility of other versions of the game that arent confirmable(i guess recognizable) by them & I was wondering if it said anything about updating to include these other versions. Here is the 11/26 message: " 本日セーブエディターに対応致しました「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア」でございますが、弊社にて確認がとれていない別バージョンが複数存在する可能性がございます。



バージョンとはプログラムのシリアルナンバーのようなもので、バージョンが異なると全く同じゲームタイトルでもプログラムの一部に修正が加えられている可能性があり、セーブエディターのパッチコードが使用できなかったり、ゲームカードを認識しない場合があります。" Thanks!


That's what I said, the translation from your previous post, and is again the first line in this one.

My translation follows:


Thank you for the use of Save Editor daily.

We have received feedback about Omega Rube/Alpha Sapphire, confirming that our company has supported a different version.

That if you connect the Game Card into the Card Reader you get the message "Cannot get information from the server, this game is not supported" about the game, so we are working and ask you to please wait.

※Different versions:

Versions are like a program's Serial Number, when a Version is modified and added to the program, even though having the same game title, then Save Editor's Patch Codes may not be usable, and the game card may not be recognized.


Basically a standard generic statement of "Thanks for being our customers. We have heard of a problem and are working to fix it. Here is some info to hopefully keep you pacified long enough for us to make sure we fix it right, regardless of that info being part of the reason of this case's issue but it is a common enough problem that we'll mention it anyways since it is related".

As to the Version statement (ie: Game Updates), that is quite true, though not the case here. They set in the program to recognize the wrong game. As it is... you may be able to use Cyber Editor with an American copy of the game. (or you may just corrupt your data since other than recognizing the game ID, it's writing for the Japanese data, which while almost exactly the same is likely not quite).


It seem I can't restore backed up save file. The modified english version can't do right click on the backup list.

btw I can use with PokeHex normally, but it's annoy me every time swapping to original Japanese .exe when I need to restore the save file.


@niisama: They don't 'support' any console at all. They support the games. If you want to imply using Cyber Editor for any New 3DS-only games (such as the new Monster Hunter), then the answer is Yes.

@pannatatm: Are you sure you are doing it right? You aren't supposed to right-click at all. You double-click the save you want to restore.

As to the having to restore to Japanese... so? The program IS Japanese. Either learn some basic Japanese (WAY easy, seriously; people are such whiners), or just simply memorize what the mere 3 buttons you have to push to do anything do.


I have a quick question.. I searched EVERYWHERE for this but i couldnt find an answer.. Omega Ruby has 30 cheats preinstalled.. could someone please translate the cheats for me and possibly many others who don't know Japanese?

Thanks :)

Here are the screenshots of the Cheats.



Thanks. :)

  jariesuicune said:
It would be much easier to just link to their cheat list on their site...:


Then you can just Google Translate most of them. Considering that you are using Cyber though, anything it can do you can just set via PKHeX in the first place.

Well.. I tried translating.. I understood like 5-6 of them..for the rest even the translation is a bit fumbled.. so i dont understand that.


i understand I can do majority of them on PKHex but i still would like to know what I have preloaded and plus one of the cheats are secret base items.. but PKHex doesnt have that yet :(

  lvlann said:
Well.. I tried translating.. I understood like 5-6 of them..for the rest even the translation is a bit fumbled.. so i dont understand that.


i understand I can do majority of them on PKHex but i still would like to know what I have preloaded and plus one of the cheats are secret base items.. but PKHex doesnt have that yet :(

PKHeX has secret base item cheats; click the give all decorations button... You can only have 25 decorations in your base, so PKHeX only gives you 25.

  Kaphotics said:
PKHeX has secret base item cheats; click the give all decorations button... You can only have 25 decorations in your base, so PKHeX only gives you 25.

where is it located??? n can v choose which 25 items v can have?

  Kaphotics said:
Secret Base editor. You get 25 of every item.

Well when i go to the "other" tab, there is a "secret base" button.. I press it n i get a popup error saying the following:

"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit the application will close immediately.

Value of "-1" is not valid for "Value". "Value" should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'.

Parameter Name: Value."

Posted (edited)
Are you sure you are doing it right? You aren't supposed to right-click at all. You double-click the save you want to restore.

As to the having to restore to Japanese... so? The program IS Japanese. Either learn some basic Japanese (WAY easy, seriously; people are such whiners), or just simply memorize what the mere 3 buttons you have to push to do anything do.

I didn't have problem with Japanese. I took Jap class while I was in high school.

But the problem here is "modification version" can't restore save file properly. (not only English version also Jap one) Have you ever trying double-click on them yet?

Double-clicking only allow you to edit a savefile's name. And you NEED to right-click for restore a save file. Try it before you answer.


Original exe


I have no problem with swapping between original program. But wouldn't it be better to fix it ?

Edited by pannatatm
  jariesuicune said:
@niisama: They don't 'support' any console at all. They support the games. If you want to imply using Cyber Editor for any New 3DS-only games (such as the new Monster Hunter), then the answer is Yes.

Thanks for your help!


Ah, I'd forgotten about the difference for that part. I don't waste my time with it, so got it mixed up. I can't figure out why you'd want to waste time with it in the first place...

But if you already understand Japanese, why care? Other than people who use PKHeX, non-Japanese-readers would hardly likely have this (since it'd be cheaper & easier to get Powersaves), and there isn't really any point to restoring saves when you can just save any Pokemon and such to your PC and insert them whenever you want, without risking losing something you had done later by restoring a save.


Hey guys, quick question. Was just wondering if CyberGadget can interact with digital saves or not? So that I know whether I need to buy myself a JP cart or otherwise. (I already have a JP unit) 'Digital' doesn't seem to return any search results on this thread. Thanks.

  jariesuicune said:
Ah, I'd forgotten about the difference for that part. I don't waste my time with it, so got it mixed up. I can't figure out why you'd want to waste time with it in the first place...

But if you already understand Japanese, why care? Other than people who use PKHeX, non-Japanese-readers would hardly likely have this (since it'd be cheaper & easier to get Powersaves), and there isn't really any point to restoring saves when you can just save any Pokemon and such to your PC and insert them whenever you want, without risking losing something you had done later by restoring a save.

Yeah, you're right. I did some manual Hex-Editing as well not just PKHex. So sometime it's ruined up, and I need to restore.

This problem not only occur on English-version but Japanese one as well. The modified saveEditor have function to pause while writing save file right?

So I use it with HxD to manual hex edit the others Japanese game (the built-in one is suck).

Like Youkai Watch they don't have program like PKHeX, that's why I'm using it. (sry for off-topic)

The previous version just work perfectly, so I think it wouldn't take so much problem to fix this one. Thx :)

@ZGD : The answer is NO :P

  ZGD said:
Hey guys, quick question. Was just wondering if CyberGadget can interact with digital saves or not? So that I know whether I need to buy myself a JP cart or otherwise. (I already have a JP unit) 'Digital' doesn't seem to return any search results on this thread. Thanks.

Nope, unfortunately not, it only works with physical copies. It's nothing to do with the console, you plug your cartridge into the save editor dongle that connects to your computer.



With the new modified update of CyberSave i can't restore backups because once i right click on a save game it doesn't show the options "Backup" and "Update"

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