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About Seoulstice

  • Birthday 08/28/1992
  1. Normal codes work I think, but did you try going into advanced mode? that still doesnt work for me
  2. Hey there again. Can you help me translate this page as I cant using google translate(cant highlight the words) Im trying to redeem my super smash greninja and I already made an account and added the 2 codes. What else do I need to do? Im trying to determine what it is saying but it seem like you have to download something on your 3ds? like a questionaire? or you have to add your 3ds ID onto your website account but I dont see that option. Here is the link: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/campaign/smapoke/index.html
  3. thanks once again for your translation help! also I am glad to inform you that my copy of Alpha sapphire works with cyber save now! so yours should work when you get it
  4. @jariesuicune or anyone else that has japanese 3ds did you guys buy the corocoro november edition for the demo back then? if so do you know what the 2nd code in the magazine under the one for the demo one was? I was assuming it was an eon ticket code but it wasnt. Could you tell me what it is for?
  5. ahh thanks for great translation! so I just got to wait hopefully its not as long as it took them to fix the new versions of x/y
  6. @jariesuicune I was wondering what it says saying below what I previously posted. I translated it with google, but its still unclear to me. It says there is a possibility of other versions of the game that arent confirmable(i guess recognizable) by them & I was wondering if it said anything about updating to include these other versions. Here is the 11/26 message: " 本日セーブエディターに対応致しました「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア」でございますが、弊社にて確認がとれていない別バージョンが複数存在する可能性がございます。 ゲームカードをカードリーダーに接続しても「サーバーからゲームの情報を取得できないか、未対応のゲームです。」と言うメッセージが表示されて認識しないゲームカードに関しましては随時対応作業を進めておりますので、もし使用できないときは、対応まで今しばらくお待ち頂けますと幸いです。 ※別バージョン: バージョンとはプログラムのシリアルナンバーのようなもので、バージョンが異なると全く同じゲームタイトルでもプログラムの一部に修正が加えられている可能性があり、セーブエディターのパッチコードが使用できなかったり、ゲームカードを認識しない場合があります。" Thanks!
  7. Can you read japanese? if you can, can you tell me what the 2nd message on the announcement is saying? The message that starts with this: 日頃よりセーブエディターをご使用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。I noticed on the show all list Alpha sapphire is listed as ECLA and the back of my card says ECLJ is this why mine doesnt work?
  8. yes and japanese ds, i have been using cse for a game called monster hunter
  9. How are you guys getting it to be able to read the game? I updated to saveeditor 2 and replaced the old exe with the new one in first page but it still says cannot recognize game on server
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