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Include Missingno as a pokemon.

If you're up to it, code him so that depending on what his PID is, he evolves into one of the Kanto starters or less commonly a Mew at level 42.

Posted (edited)
  Enzo said:
Include Missingno as a pokemon.

If you're up to it, code him so that depending on what his PID is, he evolves into one of the Kanto starters or less commonly a Mew at level 42.

Missingno WILL be in my game, but only in case of a glitch to prevent the game from crashing. (Like ??? Arceus) He WILL NOT be obtainable any other way. EDIT: I actually changed my mind. Beta testers may get one as a prize.

---------- Post added at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

  soulsilver said:
i had never come up with a name it was just a work in progress and then i just stopped

OK.:biggrin: Just wondering.

Edited by Pokehacker
  Pokehacker said:
Missingno WILL be in my game, but only in case of a glitch to prevent the game from crashing. (Like ??? Arceus) He WILL NOT be obtainable any other way.

---------- Post added at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

OK.:biggrin: Just wondering.

well it is kind of cool you are putting missingno will be in the game also there will be more sprites coming tomorrow

  Enzo said:
Include Missingno as a pokemon.

If you're up to it, code him so that depending on what his PID is, he evolves into one of the Kanto starters or less commonly a Mew at level 42.

See, the problem with that idea, is that Missingno. is such a pathetic, overused, overstated internet joke that it would make the game even worse.

Question to the OP, how are you making this game? I don't understand, is it an edit of a 3rd gen game? Editing 4th gen games is virtually impossible, and thats assuming you can model in 3d for the DS to put it into the game...

If you're making this from scratch, no offense, this project is going to dissolve.

  soulsilver said:
here comes some more just post right after i do so that i dont get in trouble for double posting thanks

Those are so cool looking Soul! I really like that grogunk looking bug one. It made me giggle. And those Lapras looking ones, Are they new evolved forms or a new species related to Lapras?

  InuYouki said:
Those are so cool looking Soul! I really like that grogunk looking bug one. It made me giggle. And those Lapras looking ones, Are they new evolved forms or a new species related to Lapras?

they are just new pokemon not related to lapras and thanks

  kevin19980609 said:
Can I help too? I cann think of some ideas

Yes, of course you can!:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

  Illithian said:
See, the problem with that idea, is that Missingno. is such a pathetic, overused, overstated internet joke that it would make the game even worse.

Question to the OP, how are you making this game? I don't understand, is it an edit of a 3rd gen game? Editing 4th gen games is virtually impossible, and thats assuming you can model in 3d for the DS to put it into the game...

If you're making this from scratch, no offense, this project is going to dissolve.

Just to make this clear, it IS NOT an edit of another game, and it (hopefully) WILL NOT dissolve, Because its first versions WILL NOT be on the DS, but rather, the computer (Which will be a whole lot easier).

  Pokehacker said:
Yes, of course you can!:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Just to make this clear, it IS NOT an edit of another game, and it (hopefully) WILL NOT dissolve, Because its first versions WILL NOT be on the DS, but rather, the computer (Which will be a whole lot easier).

i agree with Pokehacker it will not dissolve because you can download it and play it right on your computer which is a lot easier and takes a lot less time which means more people will download it and play it and hopefully like it

  Illithian said:
Alright, you have plenty of artist support, but what about programmers?

I have friends who aren't on this site, who know alot about programming and will help me with that.


Everyone, I dunno about those sprites. They seem like other Pokemon squished together...


---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------

Also, it's ILLEGAL to use those sprites if they are edited, or a part is stolen. Its called copyright laws, people.

---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

Also everyone, USE THE SOCIAL GROUP! Sorry for shouting, but it seems like Kevin and I are the only ones using it...


Actually, with some looking over the pokemon sprites, I would be happy to design movepools for them.

By the way, bob, incase you hadn't noticed, the fact that this game is called POKEMON Amethyst is breaking the copyright law already, and the copyright law isn't stackable. And then you have to realize that if you really don't want to break copyright, you'll have to create all new attack animations for everything. And maps. And trainer sprites. And arenas. Etc. A project like this almost requires breaking the copyright law.

Also, I would suggest creating some new moves. Balanced ones but new moves. Perhaps each of the final evolution starter would get a special move (similar to in frlg). ex:

Inferno - Fire

95% Accuracy

10 PP

100 power

25% chance to burn.

Nature's Wrath - Grass

80% Accuracy

10 PP

120 power

Never misses in Sun, 60% accuracy in Hail

Torrential Blast - Water

75% accuracy

5 PP

150 power

No additional effects

Or some other fun stuff like that. I could have a field day creating new pokemon moves. =p

  bobtheedibleone said:
Everyone, I dunno about those sprites. They seem like other Pokemon squished together...


---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------

Also, it's ILLEGAL to use those sprites if they are edited, or a part is stolen. Its called copyright laws, people.

---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

Also everyone, USE THE SOCIAL GROUP! Sorry for shouting, but it seems like Kevin and I are the only ones using it...

Ok so even though he has said many times it that thread they are from scratch are you to say you have PROOF they are not? Unless you do, I would appreciate if you didn't accuse him of editing. It may not be my art, but I hate it when people jump to the OMG YOU STOLEZ crap.

And what Social Group? I have no idea what you are talking about, and unless it is a rule that we have to use it, i could care less.

  Illithian said:
Actually, with some looking over the pokemon sprites, I would be happy to design movepools for them.

By the way, bob, incase you hadn't noticed, the fact that this game is called POKEMON Amethyst is breaking the copyright law already, and the copyright law isn't stackable. And then you have to realize that if you really don't want to break copyright, you'll have to create all new attack animations for everything. And maps. And trainer sprites. And arenas. Etc. A project like this almost requires breaking the copyright law.

Also, I would suggest creating some new moves. Balanced ones but new moves. Perhaps each of the final evolution starter would get a special move (similar to in frlg). ex:

Inferno - Fire

95% Accuracy

10 PP

100 power

25% chance to burn.

Nature's Wrath - Grass

80% Accuracy

10 PP

120 power

Never misses in Sun, 60% accuracy in Hail

Torrential Blast - Water

75% accuracy

5 PP

150 power

No additional effects

Or some other fun stuff like that. I could have a field day creating new pokemon moves. =p

Seems like we have a new move developer!:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------

  InuYouki said:
Ok so even though he has said many times it that thread they are from scratch are you to say you have PROOF they are not? Unless you do, I would appreciate if you didn't accuse him of editing. It may not be my art, but I hate it when people jump to the OMG YOU STOLEZ crap.

And what Social Group? I have no idea what you are talking about, and unless it is a rule that we have to use it, i could care less.

He is talking about the Pokemon Amethyst Version Group. However, there is no rule about posting there instead of here, so you can post either way. (I check both of them regularly:biggrin:)


Ideas I came up with:

497: Emball (starter): Fireball Pokemon

Type: Fire

Ability: Blaze

Entry: A usually docile Pokemon. When attacked, it rolls into a ball and slams into its attacker.

498: Emberock (second form): Flame Boulder Pokemon

Type: Fire/Rock

Ability: Blaze

Entry: A Pokemon that likes to live in hot places. Shoots fire from its mouth when attacked.

499: Embiron (final form): Iron Shell Pokemon

Type: Fire/Rock

Ability: Blaze

Entry: A hot-tempered Pokemon that lives in volcanoes. Uses its hard shell to protect against enemies.

Fiery armadillos that look like fiery meteors maybe?

More ideas:

500:Watchick (starter):Hatchling Pokemon

Type: Water

Ability: Torrent

501:Hydrako (second form):Water Drake Pokemon

Type: Water/Dragon

Ability: Torrent

502:Hydron (third form):Hydro-Dragon Pokemon

Type: Water/Dragon

Ability: Torrent

Maybe kind of like leviathans or the Greek ythical beast Hydra? Typhon? Delphyne? Cetus? :confused:

  kevin19980609 said:

More ideas:

500:Watchick (starter):Hatchling Pokemon

Type: Water

Ability: Torrent

501:Hydrako (second form):Water Drake Pokemon

Type: Water/Dragon

Ability: Torrent

502:Hydron (third form):Hydro-Dragon Pokemon

Type: Water/Dragon

Ability: Torrent

Maybe kind of like leviathans or the Greek ythical beast Hydra? Typhon? Delphyne? Cetus? :confused:

I like the idea:smile: Funnily enough, I had an idea close to that a long time ago (before I was even on this site) for my dragon types (Hydron, Hydrox, Droxonous), but I like your version more!:biggrin:

  Loading said:
hey, if you want i could work on some artwork of the pokemon and/or make box art or somethinh:bidoof:

That would be great!:biggrin:


More ideas:

Elemental Ants:

503:Torrant:Water Ant Pokemon


Ability: ?

504:Firant: Fire Ant Pokemon


Ability: ?

505:Flant: Rock Ant Pokemon


Ability: ?

506:Joltant: Thunder Ant Pokemon

Type: Electric/Bug

Ability: ?


Heres a suggestion. You could bring back the old sprite of Missingno or something and other glitched pokemon and turn them to actual pokemon in the dex. Like maybe missingno or DPBox as pokedex #0 or something

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