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Posted (edited)


KeyBV is a tool I wrote to decrypt portions of the X/Y extdata from the SD card.

With this tool you can view IVs/Nature/ESV/TSV of Hatched Pokémon that are in your party during a battle.

If you want to check eggs and their SV, hatch them first and battle without saving - the video will save to your SD anyways!

It is not required to back up the save file - only battle videos!



You must use your own data from your SD card, not someone else's.

Non Windows users: KeyBV runs fine with Wine.

Thanks to OmegaDonut for dumps, testing, and original concept.

Basic Tutorial:

  Reveal hidden contents


If you have any problems with the program, please see /r/SVExchange's documentation.

Source code available on my GitHub.

Want auto-loading when you plug in your SD card? Try KeySAV2 - it has all the features of KeyBV and more!


KeyBV.zipFetching info...

Edited by Kaphotics

test again ask my friend first time only 1 Pokemon,second time 2 Pokemon 2nd is the first one

then dump BV Key - Opponent's Team can see Opponent's Team


Excuse me, if you're on a digital copy of the game, how does one transfer the battle video without saving and turning off the game (The game and video are both stored on the SD card)? Does the video stay on the SD card if the game is just shut off?

EDIT: I can see this

"If you want to check eggs and their SV, hatch them first and battle without saving - the video will save to your SD anyways!

It is not required to back up the save file - only battle videos!"

I only want to be sure.

  RNP said:
Excuse me, if you're on a digital copy of the game, how does one transfer the battle video without saving and turning off the game (The game and video are both stored on the SD card)? Does the video stay on the SD card if the game is just shut off?

You don't need to leave the game running, the video file stays there.

Just quit the game, shutdown the 3ds and remove the sd card then.

Also with a digital copy you could just mass dump all of your boxes, but I guess you want to try out how this works?

  Jnoy said:
You don't need to leave the game running.

Just quit the game, shutdown the 3ds and remove the sd card then.

Also with a digital copy you could just mass dump all of your boxes, but I guess you want to try out how this works?

That's right, I thought this looked interesting and I thought to give it a try. Realistically, this application fills in the gap for the players too scared they might corrupt their saves (Namely the digital version), so while it is less efficient, it does have a place.

On a side note, is this the big reveal for Pokecheck? I was predicting that this would be server-side and hosted on the website (Which would still be fantastic).


How/where is it possible to use the Vs. Recorder without saving? As far as I know you have to save before you can even start the battle?

Sorry, if there's an obvious answer... got the game few weeks ago and haven't played that much yet.

  RNP said:
On a side note, is this the big reveal for Pokecheck? I was predicting that this would be server-side and hosted on the website (Which would still be fantastic).

It is something entirely separate -- not the Pokecheck reveal.

  BlackShark said:
How/where is it possible to use the Vs. Recorder without saving? As far as I know you have to save before you can even start the battle?

Sorry, if there's an obvious answer... got the game few weeks ago and haven't played that much yet.

Options -> turn off Forced Save. You won't be required to save before battling against a friend.



solved use PKHeX can see item

thank you

use winhex can not see item name maybe use wrong character set

then rename pk6 to pkx use pkx editor can only see item number

but I do not know which number is what item lol


QUESTION-please, please reply- i am begging u,


PLEASE REPLY, greatly apreciated

EDIT: Is it possible to get egg values?-on keyBV that is???

  BlackShark said:
Thanks, didn't know of that option!

One more question:

Can you also use battle videos made in the Battle Maison to break the keys?

Since you have to have at least 3 Pokemon in your party I think it is not possible there, right?

Right, not possible.


This works great!

I've one question:

Is the order that the dump is presented in the order of the Pokémon in your party, or the order in which you selected them in? (I know that it's smarter to just make sure those two are the same, but I didn't do that when I started)

Thanks in advance! :D


First fo all, thanks for sharing Kaphotics, as usual. You and your mates are amazing.

But one thing i dont understand... whats the utility of viewing the SV if you have to save after the pokémon you want to check is hatched? I dont know if i have understood this well.. Sorry if i am being too noob hehe

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