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  umbreonboii said:
id lock my self in a shopping mall

dead rising:)

You should watch Dawn of the Dead, that's what they did. And i can tell you this it didn't work out.:kikkoman:


First, I'd rip up some of the plywood that I have laying around (I seriously do) and board up the first story windows to delay the zombie children's entrence in order to grab my rifles, shotguns, and handguns and pack a backpack or two with non-perishable food and all of the ammo I own. Then after looking through a peephole in the plywood, I noticed that all of the noise the zombie children had caused has attracted several adult zombies to my house. I proceed to load 8 shells in my 12 gauge and shoot through the window to kill the children and two of the adults with the first shot and clean up the rest with a single shell for each. I'd run out back after raing the key door to load everything onto our Honda Foreman 350 ATV and head for Home Depot. I'd go inside and board all doors and windows except for the large vehicle entrance in the back. I'd lure the zombies swarming away from the ATV and pop them in the head as that's the only way to kill zombies, aim for the brain. I'd bring in the ATV and start fortifying my Home Depot Fort. In two weeks or so, I'd be getting low on food and ammo, so I'd mod the ATV by putting a shell on it so I could just plow through any that I'd run into between Home Depot and the mall, which is unfortunately all the way across town. I'd raid K-Mart, Dollar Tree, and the Otaku section of F. Y. E. (^^). Then, I'd rush across the street to Dick's for the ammo and weapons that I so desperately need. I'd rush back to my fort and repeat the process wity different food and gun vendors until Winter rolls around and kills the virus off (via the extreme cold that Iceland has). In the mean time, I'd set up a ham radio at my high school's field and try to contact the resistance group in Iceland.


Different opinion's, due to different thoughts... If someone was really unhappy and seeked for death, what would they do in this situation? o.0 They'll just stand and let the little boy bite them.


OMFG................. Soooooo many freakin movies about zombies and this stupid virus and crap. Me being a Martial Artist, experienced in 10 different styles, i would probably just need a sword or a baseball bat? Or a thick stick would do as well. Ive seen the 2 Resident Evils way too many times.......and all the others too. Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, 28 Weeks and so many more.

I would just kick their ass (not literally), break their freakin necks, that kills them too. No connection to the brain to control their movements = no movement = death. Obviously if i had no clue of how to beat these things, i would still try and fight them and protect my family with all of my power >:|

Just hope i woudnt snap and go all medieval on them >=D Those things would wish they were ALIVE!!!!......so they could run away xD


Take a sword, cut them in pieces and put them in a blender. Then I would go to the nearest mall and find some stuff to make a concoction that reverses the zombie virus and e-mail the recipe to the resistance on Iceland and hope for the best

  kevin19980609 said:
Take a sword, cut them in pieces and put them in a blender. Then I would go to the nearest mall and find some stuff to make a concoction that reverses the zombie virus and e-mail the recipe to the resistance on Iceland and hope for the best

Where'd you get your sword from?, don't see any people being allowed to bring their sword down the streets:eek:


Heres what we all do.... hack all the computers and steal all the code and make a program that once launched will effectively let us understand this phenomenon and destroy it using a weapon based of that knowledge behind a altered missle sheld. (altered so nothing except air and the people already inside can enter) and fire it from a distance of 2,900 meters so that the javerlin style weapon can effectively reach maximal altitude and explode just as a MOAB would(Fuel-Air) fired from a altered MLRS right above the target for maximal annihilation ....btw im 15

  Kaarosu said:
I leave you with this:


And Laugh as I walk away for an early lunch.

Next thing you realise... they're swimming faster than the boat :eek:

If i'm armed, take the Rocket Launcher off me and BOOM! Zombies can't die... unless no remains of their body are left... burn them so they have no parts left; second option: Flamethrower


Take the Slegde Hammer and axe in my well-pit. Hook my Microwave up to a generator and Duct tape the generator to it.Put a piece of metal in and turn it on. I then throw it out the top window. Since putting metal in a microwave=explosion I take supplies and run whilst slicing and pounding my way through hordes of zombies. emot-c00lbert.gif

[/] END PART1[[/]

Oh, and also it would've went like this......emot-black101.gif

  Toffeuy said:
Next thing you realise... they're swimming faster than the boat :eek:

If i'm armed, take the Rocket Launcher off me and BOOM! Zombies can't die... unless no remains of their body are left... burn them so they have no parts left; second option: Flamethrower

You ever watch an old zombie movie? If you damage their brain, they cease to live. It's their weakness. Another common factor was that they couldn't move very fast, so he'd be safe in his boat.

  HottSushiz said:

What i would do

I would carry all the items i require which is food,liquids,inhaler,entertainment, and baseball bat into my sister's room, which is the smallest also. I would make small incisions into the door, and wall, so I'm able to view outside the room, and wait until the whole thing blows over. If it doesn't, when supplies run out I'll just starve to death. :)

thats eaxtly what id do except id have more than just a baseball bat id have anything big and heavy and a couple of dozen knives

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

  soulsilver said:
i would just pretend to be one of them so that i could rule the world and not have to have my brains eaten lol

they would propobly smell that your not one of them and eat you alive

---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ----------

only 1 way to stop zombies, set off all the worlds nuces and hyrogen bombs, we'd mp wipe out all life on the planet apart from cockroaches but at least the zombies would be gone

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 PM ----------

or we could copy dead rising and lock our selves in =a shopping mall- personally i like the shopping mall ides baetter sounds more fun

  • 2 weeks later...
  YuzuruHitokiri said:
Another common factor was that they couldn't move very fast, so he'd be safe in his boat.

Well if you watched movies like Dawn of the Dead, or played games like Left 4 Dead, they sprint like Olympians. And if they did move at a slow rate it kinda eliminates the reason to rush, or run, just walk quickly.

I'm pretty sure if there are Human zombies, then other animals will become zombified. Like dogs, cats, SHARKS!! even whales.

Although non of us will ever know what would really happen.


I would kinda die O.o Really, you can't escape from zombies. THEY ARE EVERYWERE *runs around like a headless chicken* O.o

  • 3 weeks later...

I know my strategy technically breaks the rules, I think, but whatever.

Me and my friends plan to meet up, and bring all the food/water we can with us, as long as non of us are infected, and we shall steal a boat and sail far out to see, because in theory, Zombies can't swim. :D

  soulsilver said:
i would just pretend to be one of them so that i could rule the world and not have to have my brains eaten lol

They use scent, sight, and sound for detection, assuming they work properly...You wouldn't even get the chance to blend in...

  HottSushiz said:
Well if you watched movies like Dawn of the Dead, or played games like Left 4 Dead, they sprint like Olympians. And if they did move at a slow rate it kinda eliminates the reason to rush, or run, just walk quickly.

I'm pretty sure if there are Human zombies, then other animals will become zombified. Like dogs, cats, SHARKS!! even whales.

Although non of us will ever know what would really happen.

Are you forgeting that it was a virus accidentily (or maybe not) created by the government that took lodge in Human corpses? The virus is only transmitted to the human dead and caused some recesses of the remaining, still unrotted parts of the brain, which requires nerves to communicate with the body. No brain, no living dead. No nerves, no movement. You have to take their vascular build into account, too. Mr. Johnson, who was just recently buried, poses more threat than your great great grandmother, because the worms haven't gotten to him yet...

  FlashFlash said:
I know my strategy technically breaks the rules, I think, but whatever.

Me and my friends plan to meet up, and bring all the food/water we can with us, as long as non of us are infected, and we shall steal a boat and sail far out to see, because in theory, Zombies can't swim. :D

Two things about that...

1. Their lungs still work, as long as they are unrotted, how else do they make noise? They don't NEED them though... Therefore, buoyancy could come into play...

2. If enough were to get at the bottom of your lake, etc., they could create a pile that would be able to reach you...

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