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Posted (edited)

As Mr Iwata announced in today's Nintendo Direct (here) Celebi is going to be given to everyone who downloaded and accessed Pokemon Bank before September 30th 2014, even if you only use the free 30-days trial.

You can only get 1 Celebi per copy of Pokemon Bank.


Pokemon: Celebi

Gender: -

Level: 10

OT: Your own OT

ID: Your own ID

Ability: Natural Cure

Nature: Random



Heal Bell


Hold Back

Item: None

Pokeball: Luxury Ball

Ribbon: Classic Ribbon

Location: Pokemon Link

Dates: December 25th 2013 - September 30th 2014

Game Distribution: X/Y

Distribution Type: Pokemon Bank

Distribution Location: Worldwide

Sources: announcement on pokemon.co.jp, official Pokemon Bank website

Edited by BlackShark
  BlackShark said:
As Mr Iwata announced in today's Nintendo Direct (here) Celebi is going to be given to everyone who downloaded and accessed Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter before September 30th 2014. You can even get Celebi if you only had the free 30-days trial.

There are no further details yet.


So if it's tagged to save file, we can recreate as many saves as we want to collect this Celebi,

Or if it's tagged to 3DS, we can reformat our 3DS multiple times to collect this Celebi? xD


Heck yes?

At last, I can finally get Celebi 100% legitimately without having to resort to save editing or messing with Wondercard files.

I really hope they don't put a shiny lock on this.

If I had to guess, I would say a randomly-generated Celebi would be placed in your Pokémon Bank account if you accessed it before September 30th, 2014.

Or would you be somehow given a download code?


New details:

Celebi is tagged to your version of Pokemon Bank.

Pokemon: Celebi

Gender: -

Level: 10

OT: Your own OT

ID: Your own ID

Ability: Natural Cure

Nature: ?



Heal Bell


Hold Back ? (てかげん)

Item: ?

Pokeball: ?

Ribbon: ?


Dates: December 25th 2013 - September 30th 2014

Game Distribution: X/Y

Distribution Type:

Distribution Location: Worldwide

Sources: announcement on pokemon.co.jp, official Pokemon Bank website


Sucks that we will have to SR for good IVs + nature, but otherwise, interesting event. Is there any information on whether Hold Back is a physical or special move (the name sounds like a physical move, but who knows with Gamefreak).


Cool. So do we yet know whether we'll receive this like usual in Pokemon Centers, or whether it will be generated right on our Pokemon Bank account (which would mean no resetting for nature/IVs)?

  Ultimasamune said:
Cool. So do we yet know whether we'll receive this like usual in Pokemon Centers, or whether it will be generated right on our Pokemon Bank account (which would mean no resetting for nature/IVs)?

I doubt resetting will be possible.

As it's explained on the official website it seems like it will be generated into your Pokemon Bank account.

You will receive Celebi with the Pokemon Link option which will be in the X/Y main menu after installing Pokemon Bank. So it's not a normal mystery gift.


  BlackShark said:
I doubt resetting will be possible.

As it's explained on the official website it seems like it will be generated into your Pokemon Bank account.

You will receive Celebi with the Pokemon Link option which will be in the X/Y main menu after installing Pokemon Bank. So it's not a normal mystery gift.

Alas... I guess that means good nature/IV ones will be pretty valuable. Imagine if someone got a shiny (assuming it's not locked, which likely it will be). Then again, it could be a completely locked-in Pokemon, with everyone getting the exact same one, nature and IV-wise. We've never seen that before with an OT: Yours event, I know, but we're seeing a lot of firsts with X/Y events so far, so I wouldn't count it out.

Edit: The example screen shows a neutral-natured one with the IVs: 30-31/30-31/30-31/20-29/20-29/20-29. Seems like an oddly consistent spread.


Just want to make sure. So if we use the trial we still get this event? What if the pass expires even though it was not used? Do we still get it if we don't use the pass before the expiration date? I am confused. Thanks xD. I saw the thread post but just want to clear things up. Thanks xD.:)

  BlackShark said:
I doubt resetting will be possible.

As it's explained on the official website it seems like it will be generated into your Pokemon Bank account.

You will receive Celebi with the Pokemon Link option which will be in the X/Y main menu after installing Pokemon Bank. So it's not a normal mystery gift.



The Japanese video said you use the Link option and the you find Celebi in you XY PC Box.

Sounds like no SRing


Ah, taking us back to the days when event Pokémon were directly generated in your party (or box?) and couldn't SR for them.

I never actually got to take part in those events, but I got Jirachi from the Colosseum Bonus Disk, if that counts. :P

I think what XXASHXX means by Pass is the 30-days free trial. I would assume that if you registered for it, Celebi would appear on your account, but it would end up being deleted a short while after the trial ended, unless you purchased a subscription.

  Pingouin7 said:
I think what XXASHXX means by Pass is the 30-days free trial. I would assume that if you registered for it, Celebi would appear on your account, but it would end up being deleted a short while after the trial ended, unless you purchased a subscription.

They'd never delete an account's data if their trial ends, or if their subscription expires. It's best to keep the data in case the user comes back!

  Kaphotics said:
They'd never delete an account's data if their trial ends, or if their subscription expires. It's best to keep the data in case the user comes back!

The official FAQ does state that the Pokemon within Bank will be deleted after a certain amount of time if you fail to keep your account up to date with subscription payments. Granted that would be hard to do since it is $5 for a whole year, thus you only need to worry about it lapsing once every 12 months, but still...

  Michael J. Caboose said:
The official FAQ does state that the Pokemon within Bank will be deleted after a certain amount of time if you fail to keep your account up to date with subscription payments. Granted that would be hard to do since it is $5 for a whole year, thus you only need to worry about it lapsing once every 12 months, but still...

Yeah I was pretty surprised by that news. I mean, I guess it makes sense if you want to reduce the memory you're dedicating and maintaining... or does it? (I have no idea how servers work.) Plus, 12 months is a lot of time to renew. Even if you were in a shanty on Tonga for 364 days, you could still get it done.


There is a grace period, but the account will be closed/deleted if not renewed within a certain (as of yet unspecified) amount of time after expiration.

However this only matters towards Celebi if it is left in the Bank. You get the Celebi at the start of use of Bank. And then once you get it on your XY game, it's there forever. The site said you can get Celebi during the trial period.


Nice. The event runs for just over 8 months, so it gives people plenty of time to get it.

The people that may struggle with obtaining the Celebi is those that get the game after January 30th and aren't willing to or can't pay the fee to purchase Pokémon Bank. Thinking along those lines, people that do get either X or Y after the trial is available will practically have to pay for Celebi (although, of course, at the same time they're getting a very nice application).

It's obvious that the free Celebi is a clever way to promote the selling of Pokémon Bank in the scenario above (people that purchase X/Y after the trial is available).


The trial Pass. If you don't use it does it mean we can still get it even though the pass expires before the event expires? To make things clear. Say we don't use the pass or did not have a chance to if we were out of town or busy would we be able to get the event if the pass was not used or do we have to actually buy the service to get the event? As long as we accessed it before the event runs out?:)


According to the PGL it says the application comes with a pass to use the 30 day trial period. As long as you activate the pass before January 31st 2014 the you can use that 30days to use Bank/Transporter. On the PGL it says it is a 30 day trial pass. That is what the site calls it xD. Just Saying.:)

  XXASHXX said:
According to the PGL it says the application comes with a pass to use the 30 day trial period. As long as you activate the pass before January 31st 2014 the you can use that 30days to use Bank/Transporter. On the PGL it says it is a 30 day trial pass. That is what the site calls it xD. Just Saying.:)

That's a weird way to do it.

Anyway, this doesn't have anything to do with Celebi. You can get it whenever, during the event timeframe.

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