Lugiamaster Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 I've been hearing some rather nasty rumors that the 6th Generation is going to lock out all programs known as Pokesav and Pokegen. If this is true it is really going to hurt the competitive side of Pokemon as now everyone will have to train and breed the old way. If this happens, it's going to turn me away from the competitive scene completely because I simply do not have the time in my life to tackle such a huge task. Anyone have updates on this that I am not aware of?
Kaphotics Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 lol, baseless speculation save files can be ripped/written afaik, so they can't block them out.
Lugiamaster Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 Kaphotics said: lol, baseless speculationsave files can be ripped/written afaik, so they can't block them out. If that's the case then how come not a single 3DS game has been hacked yet?
Lugiamaster Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 Preparefortrouble said: nintendo 3DS prevents hacking devices (action replay etc)games ...well i dont know To be fair, there are alot of 3DS Roms on the Internet. I've seen some for Mario Tennis Open and Kid Icarus Uprising so assuming we can do the same for Pokemon X & Y, we will be able to Pokegen the save files like we do for the current games. The only catch is we may not be able to do it for the actual games, only roms.
evandixon Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 3DS saves can be accessed via USB devices, though they are encrypted. Games that need more save storage will save additional data to the SD card, also encrypted. So, save editors will need access to both, which may or may not have system/cartridge specific encryption (if there's not, there's a small chance of an editor, if there is, almost certainly no). There's also the chance that the save on the SD card might be updated as to the structure (after an update), so the save editor would also need to be updated in that case, further complicating the issue. So, I think it unlikely (for now, anyway) that save editing will arise. As for Action Replay, a system exploit would need to be found. Hackers secretly found one, but Nintendo already fixed it. There is currently no way to run homebrew on the 3DS, so no Action Replay (unless Datel somehow gets a license from Nintendo, but that probably won't happen).
Lugiamaster Posted April 26, 2013 Author Posted April 26, 2013 evandixon said: 3DS saves can be accessed via USB devices, though they are encrypted. Games that need more save storage will save additional data to the SD card, also encrypted. So, save editors will need access to both, which may or may not have system/cartridge specific encryption (if there's not, there's a small chance of an editor, if there is, almost certainly no). There's also the chance that the save on the SD card might be updated as to the structure (after an update), so the save editor would also need to be updated in that case, further complicating the issue.So, I think it unlikely (for now, anyway) that save editing will arise. As for Action Replay, a system exploit would need to be found. Hackers secretly found one, but Nintendo already fixed it. There is currently no way to run homebrew on the 3DS, so no Action Replay (unless Datel somehow gets a license from Nintendo, but that probably won't happen). So to simplify it, does that mean Pokegen is coming to an end? and we will all have to play the game normally?
evandixon Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 For now, yes. However, I'm sure hackers will work at it, and there's a small chance of success. I can't say for sure, because the game isn't out yet. It may be hackable, it may not be.
Lugiamaster Posted April 26, 2013 Author Posted April 26, 2013 evandixon said: For now, yes. However, I'm sure hackers will work at it, and there's a small chance of success. I can't say for sure, because the game isn't out yet. It may be hackable, it may not be. Well, all I can say is I hope we can use Pokegen on it because if not, that'll be the end of Competitive Pokemon for me. That is unless of course Gamefreak re-work the mechanics and make it more reasonable to raise a competitive team.
evandixon Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 Preparefortrouble said: wait..I'm sort of confused on something. if pokegen is used to make "legal" pokemon why are we calling it hacking? legit: something legal that occurred in game (like when I capture a wild Pokemon with a Pokeball I found/bought) legal: could occur in game given the right circumstances, doesn't have to be legit (like when I maxed out my Pokemon's stats illegal: couldn't possibly happen in-game (like when I showed my friends a diglet that knew water gun and fly)
theSLAYER Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 Even if savs encryption can't be broken, If they can fake genVI gts, you probably can download and the. Pkm file And use updated programs. Plus, if I recall correctly, genIV to Gen V encryption for .pkm didn't really change, what's to say it will now?
evandixon Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 theSLAYER said: Even if savs encryption can't be broken, If they can fake genVI gts, you probably can download and the. Pkm file And use updated programs. Plus, if I recall correctly, genIV to Gen V encryption for .pkm didn't really change, what's to say it will now? By encryption, I meant encryption of the save file. The save file is encrypted (tool to decrypt 3DS saves) but there's no guarantee that the encryption for Pokémon will be the same. I think I saw somewhere that this doesn't support newer games.
theSLAYER Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 evandixon said: By encryption, I meant encryption of the save file.The save file is encrypted (tool to decrypt 3DS saves) but there's no guarantee that the encryption for Pokémon will be the same. I think I saw somewhere that this doesn't support newer games. Sorry for not being clear I understood that the sav file encryption changed, which rendered r4 dongle pointless I'm saying people extract ther Pokemon using fakegts or pokecheck, if they manage to fake the wifi protocols, And if the Pokemon encryption remain similar. The format will most likely change again, like how itnchanged from Gen iv to Gen v
Lugiamaster Posted April 26, 2013 Author Posted April 26, 2013 From what I can see, there are 2 solutions to this problem 1. Keep Pokegen usable, at the end of the day, we are using the program to merely speed up the process. Other than the ability to say you did it the legit way (Which to me is a pretty silly motive) the end result is the same as if you trained it properly. 2. Rework the raising system. Lets face it people, the reason we all used Pokegen and Pokesav was because we all know Gamefreak designed the raising of competitive Pokemon to be far too tedious so the best solution to this would be to rework how the Pokemon are raised. I can think of 1 way right off the bat to significantly reduce this: Add all IV's to the EV Training system. Right now we have 6 stats with 31 IV's in each which mounts to 186, just add that 186 to the already existing 510. This way it'll be much easier to controlling the IV's that go into all your stats plus it means all those Individual values that are going to waste on stats that don't matter can be used to stats that do matter. Maybe this will take some getting used to but I bet that would be a great idea in the long run.
evandixon Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 theSLAYER said: Sorry for not being clear I understood that the sav file encryption changed, which rendered r4 dongle pointless I'm saying people extract ther Pokemon using fakegts or pokecheck, if they manage to fake the wifi protocols, And if the Pokemon encryption remain similar. The format will most likely change again, like how itnchanged from Gen iv to Gen v I suppose a GTS spoof is possible, if they didn't vastly beef up their security.
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 I fail to see the problem is with people raising their Pokemon with how they should. As long as they know how to raise them as they should (competitive wise). IF they can't or don't know how, that is their fault. The internet is filled with resources on any and all Pokemon games. It would be refreshing battling a team that was raised fighting ingame the Pokemon league instead of one that was made by code. You can imagine the quantity of battles i have experienced over the last 10 years. I don't mind if i fight a legendary Shiny Dialga or something other Shiny. Its possible to get them. I'm a proud owner of a real Shiny Mewtwo, but it took a colossal amount of time no whining kid would want to put up. Reveal hidden contents However, from my iOS experience where the exploits are constantly patched, i find it hard to believe that Nintendo would completely block all sorts of game edits. They know that their games have/had and insane amount of depth in raising Pokes (at least till now) and that people cannot get stats without some form of editing the .sav via code or replacement of it. I was on datel's site not long ago looking for the DSi firmware upgrade that was not in the PC program accesable and i think i saw something about codes for 3DS but don't quote me on that. My thought is that they will not block cheating completely, but will probably slow down the process until users find a way around it.
evandixon Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Mewtwo Ex said: I was on datel's site not long ago looking for the DSi firmware upgrade that was not in the PC program accesable and i think i saw something about codes for 3DS but don't quote me on that. My thought is that they will not block cheating completely, but will probably slow down the process until users find a way around it. That's probably the 3DS version of the ARDSi, so you can cheat on DS games while still using a 3DS. I think the will definitely try to block cheating, because it makes non-cheaters stand out more.
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 28, 2013 Posted April 28, 2013 Grim news. It is indeed only 3DS compatible. Meaning it will work with DS games on a DS console and DS games on a 3DS. That should not come as a surprise since it is an AR DSi and not an AR 3DS. I am sure they will release a AR 3DS when Pokemon games come closer to release date.
theSLAYER Posted April 28, 2013 Posted April 28, 2013 Mewtwo Ex said: I fail to see the problem is with people raising their Pokemon with how they should. As long as they know how to raise them as they should (competitive wise). IF they can't or don't know how, that is their fault. The internet is filled with resources on any and all Pokemon games. It would be refreshing battling a team that was raised fighting ingame the Pokemon league instead of one that was made by code. You can imagine the quantity of battles i have experienced over the last 10 years. I don't mind if i fight a legendary Shiny Dialga or something other Shiny. Its possible to get them. I'm a proud owner of a real Shiny Mewtwo, but it took a colossal amount of time no whining kid would want to put up. Reveal hidden contents However, from my iOS experience where the exploits are constantly patched, i find it hard to believe that Nintendo would completely block all sorts of game edits. They know that their games have/had and insane amount of depth in raising Pokes (at least till now) and that people cannot get stats without some form of editing the .sav via code or replacement of it. I was on datel's site not long ago looking for the DSi firmware upgrade that was not in the PC program accesable and i think i saw something about codes for 3DS but don't quote me on that. My thought is that they will not block cheating completely, but will probably slow down the process until users find a way around it. I feel it's more than just hacking stats 1. Easy and faster transfer of gen v pokes to gen vi 2. Wondercards and events out of your country 3. "trading" without the need to physically trade over 4. Devolving pokemon you evolved by mistake 5. Knowing that there is "hidden pokemon" Many many morw
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 28, 2013 Posted April 28, 2013 1. Agreed 2. In my country we never had any. 3. Not sure i understand that. 4. A few days ago i was thing of a ''bad candy'' or something like that. 5. Like knowing that there is an a Genesect 3/4 years before it being released?
theSLAYER Posted April 28, 2013 Posted April 28, 2013 Mewtwo Ex said: 1. Agreed2. In my country we never had any. 3. Not sure i understand that. 4. A few days ago i was thing of a ''bad candy'' or something like that. 5. Like knowing that there is an a Genesect 3/4 years before it being released? 3. Let's say if you have a black 2 and white 2. too lazy to trade everything. Simply open pokegen for a black 2 and white 2. Drag from one side to another. just remember to read and set (if enabled, setting will set the pokemon's entry into the pokedex 4. I don't understand what you meant, but here are my examples: Maybe people regretted evolving to slaking? or eevee evolved to umbreon but wanted espeon but didnt want another eevee cause was in love with the "Natural stats" it had etc. 5. Like knowing Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect early. In addition to "opening the contents of the game" (not limiting to the use of pokegen) We discover previously secret content/trivia/interesting facts: 5i. Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon and Volt Tackle, these moves were already programmed in Ruby and Sapphire, But at that point no one knew its purpose or how to get it. Same thing with Black and White Kyurem's signature move. Same thing with V-create. 5ii. Beta content, like Safari Zone remnants in Gold and Silver hinted that they wanted to rebuild Safari Zone. Or some Gen II route themes are found in Gen III Or Gen III music used as tester in Gen IV. Unused Shellos forme and Gastrodon formes back sprites in Gen IV Double wild Pokemon battles were already programmed beta into RSE. The Prof Oak beta battle in RBY. Overworld sprite for Mew, Celebi, Raikou, Entei, Suicine, Attack and Defence Deoxys in FrLg. Arceus Curse type Forme. and it goes on... 5iii. If I remembered correctly, Shaymin, Giratina and Rotom had a unique "placeholder value", which subsequently was put into use when they gained Formes. This same placeholder value was noticed in Kyurem in B&W. 5iv. Event maps: Hall of Origin, Faraway Island, Southern Island, Navel Rock, Birth Island, Giovanni's Cave, New Moon Island, Seabreak's Path etc. 5v. Returning ROUTE 10 to b2w2 ..... Enough said...
Dictator Posted April 29, 2013 Posted April 29, 2013 Honestly, i believe someone in the future will make a new pokemon editing program, but until then, im quitting and NOT gonna buy a 3ds for it.
LEGOanimal22 Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 If you did use PokeGen, then you would just have to send the Pokemon to your G5 game then transfer to G6
evandixon Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 LEGOanimal22 said: If you did use PokeGen, then you would just have to send the Pokemon to your G5 game then transfer to G6 You would probably have to beat the storyline first, making it not as useful. Not to mention all the new Pokemon. But still, it's something.
LEGOanimal22 Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 evandixon said: You would probably have to beat the storyline first, making it not as useful. Not to mention all the new Pokemon. But still, it's something. Didn't think of that
PKMNTrainerNick144 Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 Have anyone forgotten about the fact that there were event Pokemon that seemed to be a once-in-a-lifetime event? Before I had a personal computer or learned of PokeGen and whatnot... I've NEVER in my life had an event Pokemon because I lived too far to go to where it was distributed and there was limited transportation for me. With PokeGen I had the event Pokemon I needed and in the Battle Facilities... how come the enemies and CPU-controlled-partner PKMN have maximum IVs. If they rid of PokeGen for Gen VI... it will be unfair because the CPU-Pokes have Max IVs in Battle Facilities and we players don't. I'm not complaining here because there are chances you can get a Pokemon with 31 IVs in one or more stats.
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