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Hmm... I don't really change my team around too much and try to use Pokémon I think are stronger as opposed to liking for aesthetic reasons with some exceptions, so it'll probably just be my starter for most of the in-game time, or whichever teammates I'm currently training/using as a lead. I would've preferred to not have the lead Pokémon be the only one that could follow you, but I'm still happy. Maybe they'd let you use any of your party in the next gen.

In particular:


Serpentine Pokemon like Rayquaza or Arbok. I just wish Arbok was more useful.

Generic favourite quadrupeds like Suicune, Luxray, Houndoom, Ninetales, and Eevee/Espeon/Umbreon/Vaporeon/Jolteon.


Tropius <3

Gardevoir <3

Zigzagoon <3...

And any other favourites or "cool" Pokémon for the lulz.

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  telos said:
I will have my starter follow me! at all time's or one of the 3 evolution's of chimchar who wouldn't want a MoNkEy to follow them :D

I'll use Mankey or Primeate for that.

  wraith89 said:
Problem is, Mankey and Primeape cannot decide whether they are pigs or monkeys >.>

Stick with Swinub/Piloswine/Mamoswine/Spoink/Grumpig (Ew) for pigs. They are too cool!

  Dimi said:
I cant believe none of you would have Pikachu follow you...
  wraith89 said:
That evil rat? Why? :-/

I've had him pester me in Yellow long enough. I'm going to have Mewtwo brain wash me anytime :P

I hate pikachu!

-cute (evil on inside)

-way to powerful in the anime (thunderbolt + uberchu = dead golem)

-way to powerful in super smash bros. (seriously 43% + thunder bolt on zelda in final destination on the edge of stage = dead princess)

I ask why they do that to the yellow rat? Oh yeah because the :bidoof::bidoof: at game freak cant tell :bidoof: from :grog: plus they have to remove the awesome psychic poke (mewtwo) and make everyone's favorite yellow rat the hyped up poke on steroids. Its a conspiracy after all!


That is the scariest Pikachu ever. I would not want that thing following me around. I'd be afraid of it going insane and killing everything.

I'm surprised no one's said they want :bidoof: following them everywhere. Totally psych out anyone you meet by switching to your starter.

I wonder if they'll let the other peoples' pokemon follow them, like your rival or whoever dawn/lucas are in this game.

It isn't off topic. In mystery dungeon, when a swimming Pokémon followed you, it floated. I'm saying they could do that on this new game. But then again, the daycare center had a small body of water for water Pokémon, so they could only be restricted to water.

It was a little odd having a wiscash floating around...

As for the Pokemon following you. What ones CAN follow you? It would probebly be a Riolu if it had data implemented, but they might not...


It will be quite interesting to see how they work around this water "pokemon" thing...

Given how many pokemon are water type my guess is that they wont follow you maybe certain one's will like Gyarados/milotic i can see that but others like magikarp/feebas i just dont see that happening :D

  wraith89 said:
Not everyone knows you're a Mightyena fan Okami >.>

New Pokemon to follow me: :bidoof:

Then they seriously haven't been following my posts, have they? :tongue:

  Okami said:
Then they seriously haven't been following my posts, have they? :tongue:

Off topic Okami o_O

And I don't think people read other people's posts a lot like you do (do you?)

And I think I want another Pokemon to follow me:



Hey, you're the one who brought it up, Wraith. And actually, I do kind of post stalk >.>;;

But still, once I get my Mightyena, it will be the only pokemon to follow me ever. Obsessionobsessionobsession. Even if they didn't know, my own username gives it away. "This user likes wolves." What's a wolf pokemon? Mightyena!

Posted (edited)
  Okami said:
Hey, you're the one who brought it up, Wraith. And actually, I do kind of post stalk >.>;;

But still, once I get my Mightyena, it will be the only pokemon to follow me ever. Obsessionobsessionobsession. Even if they didn't know, my own username gives it away. "This user likes wolves." What's a wolf pokemon? Mightyena!

Well, after you reply to the thing I said, you could have said something that could have brought this on topic.

Not everyone knows what Okami means... nor do they know what le Loup d'Ombre means either.

And only Mightyena? You don't want a big floppy Wailord to follow you?

Edited by wraith89

Waaait. Whaaaaat?

Isn't Mightyena based on.... Hyenas? It doesn't look much like either though. More like a generic canine.

I just hope the sprites of the Pokémon I'm gonna use don't look too bad.><

  wraith89 said:
Off topic Okami o_O

And I don't think people read other people's posts a lot like you do (do you?)

I read everything, and even I didn't know.

  wraith89 said:
Off topic Okami o_O

And I don't think people read other people's posts a lot like you do (do you?)

And I think I want another Pokemon to follow me:


Wouldn't it be interesting if instead of floating around like some games do, if it flopped around helplessly...

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