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Posted (edited)

I've seen so many people with this problem, so I'm willing to help here. Anyways, when someone edits their Pokemon like, let's say, Ponyta, with Run Away. But most people don't want that ability. They want her other uberw00tpwnage awesome ability, Flash Fire. So they do that quick editing in Pokesav. Then Ponyta evolves... into a Rapidash. Then you're in battle and send her against a, I don't know, an Infernape. That Infernape uses Flamethrower... and you're expecting that boost, but it hits Rapidash instead! So you're like "what?" and check its ability. It's RUN AWAY!

Now what just happened here? While you fixed the pony's ability, you haven't fixed its class (Class 1 or Class 2)! So Ponyta was Class 1 and you fixed its ability to Flash Fire, but you forgot to change it to Class 2. So once it evolves, it retains its property of being Class 1, and Class 1 Rapidash is Run Away. That's why it's important to change to Class 2 (use PID generator for this).

So how do I know which Pokemon's ability is Class 1 or Class 2? Here's where the list comes in. Obviously, Pokemon with one Ability is not mentioned. This list is in Pokedex order (except evolved Pokes are grouped with their respective cousins). Have fun.

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Tell me if you find any errors. Thanks ;)

Click here for damio's downloadable version in Excel Spreadsheet


1. PID/IV Creation

2. Pokemon Platinum Version

Soon to Cover:

  • Generation V Pokemon (Finding this manually is a pain)
  • Better Interface
  • Dream World Abilities

Scrap Notes (do NOT use the information here... yet):

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Edited by wraith89
  damio said:
1. Where did you get this information from? (Just checking :P)

2. Everyone, make sure you press the PID/IV button in pokesav if it isn't hatched, or you will get an illegal PID => IV combo

1. Most from my own research (the ones that gained a new ability in DPP were so easy to do), others from a Smogon article X_X (they made a mistake on Persian btw :D)


2. Yep, that's what they SHOULD do. PID/IV button works it, but sometimes they have no idea which class correlates to which ability. That's what this article is for.

3. The formatting on this is terrible X_X


Hm. That "PID/IV" button is something I neglected to use mostly because I felt just pressing the "Generate" button above it and then hitting Generate again in the box that appeared was enough. I'm really not sure if it is, though overall, this would only seem to really matter when trying to get battle videos up on the GTS as far as I know.

I'm confused about what class to pick if the Pokemon has one ability. Does it just not matter which of the two get picked in that case?

  Psycho K said:
Hm. That "PID/IV" button is something I neglected to use mostly because I felt just pressing the "Generate" button above it and then hitting Generate again in the box that appeared was enough. I'm really not sure if it is, though overall, this would only seem to really matter when trying to get battle videos up on the GTS as far as I know.

I'm confused about what class to pick if the Pokemon has one ability. Does it just not matter which of the two get picked in that case?

For pokes with one ability it doesn't matter at all.

PID/IV generator was made for generating legal Pokemon. It is necessary.

  Jayc said:
Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well.

Does it really? It really hasn't for me. The only thing depositing seems to do is reset stats (which is why Pokesav won't allow changing stats with Boxed Pokes, but abilities are in-tact).


How does shininess affect the PID generation? Right now, I'm trying to make an Adamant Miltank with Scrappy that is shiny. However, when I do find the right PID on the list via the "PID/IV" button on Pokesav, it sets Miltank back to regular coloration (the "Shiny" box becomes unchecked since the PID obviously changed). Is there a way around this...?

  Psycho K said:
How does shininess affect the PID generation? Right now, I'm trying to make an Adamant Miltank with Scrappy that is shiny. However, when I do find the right PID on the list via the "PID/IV" button on Pokesav, it sets Miltank back to regular coloration (the "Shiny" box becomes unchecked since the PID obviously changed). Is there a way around this...?

There is.

You need to find a shiny PID with the other class.

  damio said:
There is. You need to find a shiny PID with the other class.

I don't understand how I'd know if said PID was a "shiny" PID on the list that gets generated nor what to do once I find it with the other class (Thick Fat). How would I then change it to the class I want without losing Shiny status?

  damio said:
Find another PID that is shiny, with Class 2

But the thing is that I don't know what it is about the PID that tells me it's a shiny Pokemon. I know that I can easily generate one via the "Generate" button, but isn't the problem here that doing such a thing makes the Pokemon non-legit? Basically, I just don't really know what I'm looking for on the list made the "PID/IV" button.

  Psycho K said:
But the thing is that I don't know what it is about the PID that tells me it's a shiny Pokemon. I know that I can easily generate one via the "Generate" button, but isn't the problem here that doing such a thing makes the Pokemon non-legit? Basically, I just don't really know what I'm looking for on the list made the "PID/IV" button.

Well, if you make it appear hatched, it can have any PID you want.

  damio said:
Well, if you make it appear hatched, it can have any PID you want.

Ah. Now that, I did not know. Thanks.

The new problem I'm having is how legal shiny Pokemon are made for the species that cannot come from an egg. In this case, Latias. See, when I find a Timid Latias on the list, it reverts it back to non-shiny status and I cannot just use "Generate" since it wasn't hatched. It has 37 in it's 46h hidden value since I've made her migrated to Platinum from Emerald.

So...how would I go about making her legally shiny? Not that I want to for her case. I just am wondering how this is done for Pokemon that cannot legally be the result of a breed (Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, etc).

  Psycho K said:
Ah. Now that, I did not know. Thanks.

The new problem I'm having is how legal shiny Pokemon are made for the species that cannot come from an egg. In this case, Latias. See, when I find a Timid Latias on the list, it reverts it back to non-shiny status and I cannot just use "Generate" since it wasn't hatched. It has 37 in it's 46h hidden value since I've made her migrated to Platinum from Emerald.

So...how would I go about making her legally shiny? Not that I want to for her case. I just am wondering how this is done for Pokemon that cannot legally be the result of a breed (Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, etc).

PIDs for those are TOUGH. Try finding SCV's legal IV generator for that. It's on the main site.

  • 2 weeks later...

great thread, very useful as I have now re edited a few mon to include this info

anyway this can sometimes be awkward to navigate just scrolling down the page so I was wondering if you had this information in an .xls or similar so that I can find the pokemon and ability via a search

Its not a huge problem but this would speed things up a little

  damio said:
Ctrl + F


OK yeah that works for me...but I would still like (if possible) the database with this info (if it even exists)

  Jayc said:
Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well.

Depositing in PC only lowers FULL-HACKED Stats. What I mean by FULL-HACKED Stats is like a Magikarp with 300 Attack for examply. Magikarp can't have that much. So if you put it in the PC it's attack will simply go back to the supposed attack for its Level/Nature/IV/EV.

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