wraith89 Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 (edited) I've seen so many people with this problem, so I'm willing to help here. Anyways, when someone edits their Pokemon like, let's say, Ponyta, with Run Away. But most people don't want that ability. They want her other uberw00tpwnage awesome ability, Flash Fire. So they do that quick editing in Pokesav. Then Ponyta evolves... into a Rapidash. Then you're in battle and send her against a, I don't know, an Infernape. That Infernape uses Flamethrower... and you're expecting that boost, but it hits Rapidash instead! So you're like "what?" and check its ability. It's RUN AWAY! Now what just happened here? While you fixed the pony's ability, you haven't fixed its class (Class 1 or Class 2)! So Ponyta was Class 1 and you fixed its ability to Flash Fire, but you forgot to change it to Class 2. So once it evolves, it retains its property of being Class 1, and Class 1 Rapidash is Run Away. That's why it's important to change to Class 2 (use PID generator for this). So how do I know which Pokemon's ability is Class 1 or Class 2? Here's where the list comes in. Obviously, Pokemon with one Ability is not mentioned. This list is in Pokedex order (except evolved Pokes are grouped with their respective cousins). Have fun. Reveal hidden contents [hgsssprite]016[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]017[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]018[/hgsssprite] Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Tangled Feet [hgsssprite]019[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]020[/hgsssprite] Rattata, Raticate Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Guts [hgsssprite]023[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]024[/hgsssprite] Ekans, Arbok Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Shed Skin [hgsssprite]029[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]030[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]031[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]032[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]033[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]034[/hgsssprite] Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidorino, Nidoqueen, Nidoking Class 1 Class 2 Poison Point Rivalry [hgsssprite]173[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]035[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]036[/hgsssprite] Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable Class 1 Class 2 Cute Charm Magic Guard [hgsssprite]046[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]047[/hgsssprite] Paras, Parasect Class 1 Class 2 Effect Spore Dry Skin [hgsssprite]048[/hgsssprite] Venonat Class 1 Class 2 Compoundeyes Tinted Lens [hgsssprite]049[/hgsssprite] Venomoth Class 1 Class 2 Shield Dust Tinted Lens [hgsssprite]050[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]051[/hgsssprite] Diglett, Dugtrio Class 1 Class 2 Sand Veil Arena Trap [hgsssprite]052[/hgsssprite] Meowth Class 1 Class 2 Pick Up Technician [hgsssprite]053[/hgsssprite] Persian Class 1 Class 2 Limber Technician [hgsssprite]054[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]055[/hgsssprite] Psyduck, Golduck Class 1 Class 2 Damp Cloud Nine [hgsssprite]056[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]057[/hgsssprite] Mankey, Primeape Class 1 Class 2 Vital Spirit Anger Point [hgsssprite]058[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]059[/hgsssprite] Growlithe, Arcanine Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Flash Fire [hgsssprite]060[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]061[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]062[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]186[/hgsssprite] Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed Class 1 Class 2 Water Absorb Damp [hgsssprite]063[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]064[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]065[/hgsssprite] Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam Class 1 Class 2 Synchronize Inner Focus [hgsssprite]066[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]067[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]068[/hgsssprite] Machop, Machoke, Machamp Class 1 Class 2 Guts No Guard [hgsssprite]072[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]073[/hgsssprite] Tentacool, Tentacruel Class 1 Class 2 Clear Body Liquid Ooze [hgsssprite]074[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]075[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]076[/hgsssprite] Geodude, Graveler, Golem Class 1 Class 2 Rock Head Sturdy [hgsssprite]077[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]078[/hgsssprite] Ponyta, Rapidash Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Flash Fire [hgsssprite]079[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]080[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]199[/hgsssprite] Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Own Tempo [hgsssprite]081[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]082[/hgsssprite] [sprite]462[/sprite] Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone Class 1 Class 2 Magnet Pull Sturdy [hgsssprite]083[/hgsssprite] Farfetch’d Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Inner Focus [hgsssprite]084[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]085[/hgsssprite] Doduo, Dodrio Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Early Bird [hgsssprite]086[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]087[/hgsssprite] Seel, Dewgong Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Hydration [hgsssprite]088[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]089[/hgsssprite] Grimer, Muk Class 1 Class 2 Stench Sticky Hold [hgsssprite]090[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]091[/hgsssprite] Shellder, Cloyster Class 1 Class 2 Shell Armor Skill Link [hgsssprite]095[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]208[/hgsssprite] Onix, Steelix Class 1 Class 2 Rock Head Sturdy [hgsssprite]096[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]097[/hgsssprite] Drowzee, Hypno Class 1 Class 2 Insomnia Forewarn [hgsssprite]098[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]099[/hgsssprite] Krabby, Kingler Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Shell Armor [hgsssprite]100[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]101[/hgsssprite] Voltorb, Electrode Class 1 Class 2 Soundproof Static [hgsssprite]104[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]105[/hgsssprite] Cubone, Marowak Class 1 Class 2 Rock Head Lightningrod [hgsssprite]236[/hgsssprite] Tyrogue Class 1 Class 2 Guts Steadfast [hgsssprite]106[/hgsssprite] Hitmonlee Class 1 Class 2 Limber Reckless [hgsssprite]107[/hgsssprite] Hitmonchan Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Iron Fist [hgsssprite]237[/hgsssprite] Hitmontop Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Technician [hgsssprite]108[/hgsssprite] [sprite]463[/sprite] Lickitung Lickilicky Class 1 Class 2 Own Tempo Oblivious [hgsssprite]111[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]112[/hgsssprite] Rhyhorn, Rhydon Class 1 Class 2 Lightningrod Rock Head [sprite]464[/sprite] Rhyperior Class 1 Class 2 Lightningrod Solid Rock [sprite]440[/sprite] [hgsssprite]113[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]242[/hgsssprite] Happiny, Chansey, Blissey Class 1 Class 2 Natural Cure Serene Grace [hgsssprite]114[/hgsssprite] [sprite]465[/sprite] Tangela, Tangrowth Class 1 Class 2 Chlorophyll Leaf Guard [hgsssprite]115[/hgsssprite] Kangaskhan Class 1 Class 2 Early Bird Scrappy [hgsssprite]116[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]230[/hgsssprite] Horsea, Kingdra Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Sniper [hgsssprite]117[/hgsssprite] Seadra Class 1 Class 2 Poison Point Sniper [hgsssprite]118[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]119[/hgsssprite] Goldeen, Seaking Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Water Veil [hgsssprite]120[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]121[/hgsssprite] Staryu, Starmie Class 1 Class 2 Illuminate Natural Cure [sprite]439[/sprite] [hgsssprite]122[/hgsssprite] Mime Jr., Mr. Mime Class 1 Class 2 Soundproof Filter [hgsssprite]123[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]212[/hgsssprite] Scyther, Scizor Class 1 Class 2 Swarm Technician [hgsssprite]238[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]124[/hgsssprite] Smoochum, Jynx Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Forewarn [hgsssprite]127[/hgsssprite] Pinsir Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Mold Breaker [hgsssprite]128[/hgsssprite] Tauros Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Anger Point [hgsssprite]131[/hgsssprite] Lapras Class 1 Class 2 Water Absorb Shell Armor [hgsssprite]133[/hgsssprite] Eevee Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Adaptability [hgsssprite]137[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]233[/hgsssprite] Porygon, Porygon2 Class 1 Class 2 Trace Download [sprite]474[/sprite] Porygon-Z Class 1 Class 2 Adaptability Download [hgsssprite]138[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]139[/hgsssprite] Omanyte, Omastar Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Shell Armor [hgsssprite]140[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]141[/hgsssprite] Kabuto, Kabutops Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Battle Armor [hgsssprite]142[/hgsssprite] Aerodactyl Class 1 Class 2 Rock Head Pressure [sprite]446[/sprite] Munchlax Class 1 Class 2 Pick Up Thick Fat [hgsssprite]143[/hgsssprite] Snorlax Class 1 Class 2 Immunity Thick Fat [hgsssprite]161[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]162[/hgsssprite] Sentret, Furret Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Keen Eye [hgsssprite]163[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]164[/hgsssprite] Hoothoot, Noctowl Class 1 Class 2 Insomnia Keen Eye [hgsssprite]165[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]166[/hgsssprite] Ledyba, Ledian Class 1 Class 2 Swarm Early Bird [hgsssprite]167[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]168[/hgsssprite] Spinarak, Ariados Class 1 Class 2 Swarm Insomnia [hgsssprite]170[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]171[/hgsssprite] Chinchou, Lanturn Class 1 Class 2 Volt Absorb Illuminate [hgsssprite]175[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]176[/hgsssprite] [sprite]468[/sprite] Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss Class 1 Class 2 Hustle Serene Grace [hgsssprite]177[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]178[/hgsssprite] Natu, Xatu Class 1 Class 2 Synchronize Early Bird [hgsssprite]298[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]183[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]184[/hgsssprite] Azurill, Marill, Azumarill Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Huge Power [hgsssprite]187[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]188[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]189[/hgsssprite] Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff Class 1 Class 2 Chlorophyll Leaf Guard [hgsssprite]438[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]185[/hgsssprite] Bonsly, Sudowoodo Class 1 Class 2 Sturdy Rock Head [hgsssprite]190[/hgsssprite] Aipom Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Pick Up [sprite]424[/sprite] Ambipom Class 1 Class 2 Technician Pick Up [hgsssprite]191[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]192[/hgsssprite] Sunkern, Sunflora Class 1 Class 2 Chlorophyll Solar Power [hgsssprite]193[/hgsssprite] Yanma Class 1 Class 2 Speed Boost Compoundeyes [sprite]469[/sprite] Yanmega Class 1 Class 2 Speed Boost Tinted Lens [hgsssprite]194[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]195[/hgsssprite] Wooper, Quagsire Class 1 Class 2 Damp Water Absorb [hgsssprite]198[/hgsssprite] [sprite]430[/sprite] Murkrow, Honchkrow Class 1 Class 2 Insomnia Super Luck [hgsssprite]203[/hgsssprite] Girafarig Class 1 Class 2 Inner Focus Early Bird [hgsssprite]206[/hgsssprite] Dunsparce Class 1 Class 2 Serene Grace Run Away [hgsssprite]207[/hgsssprite] [sprite]472[/sprite] Gligar, Gliscor Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Sand Veil [hgsssprite]209[/hgsssprite] Snubbull Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Run Away [hgsssprite]210[/hgsssprite] Granbull Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Quick Feet [hgsssprite]211[/hgsssprite] Qwilfish Class 1 Class 2 Poison Point Swift Swim [hgsssprite]213[/hgsssprite] Shuckle Class 1 Class 2 Sturdy Gluttony [hgsssprite]214[/hgsssprite] Heracross Class 1 Class 2 Swarm Guts [hgsssprite]215[/hgsssprite] Sneasel Class 1 Class 2 Inner Focus Keen Eye [hgsssprite]216[/hgsssprite] Teddiursa Class 1 Class 2 Pick Up Quick Feet [hgsssprite]217[/hgsssprite] Ursaring Class 1 Class 2 Guts Quick Feet [hgsssprite]218[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]219[/hgsssprite] Slugma, Magcargo Class 1 Class 2 Magma Armor Flame Body [hgsssprite]220[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]221[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]473[/hgsssprite] Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Snow Cloak [hgsssprite]222[/hgsssprite] Corsola Class 1 Class 2 Hustle Natural Cure [hgsssprite]223[/hgsssprite] Remoraid Class 1 Class 2 Hustle Sniper [hgsssprite]224[/hgsssprite] Octillery Class 1 Class 2 Suction Cups Sniper [hgsssprite]225[/hgsssprite] Delibird Class 1 Class 2 Vital Spirit Hustle [hgsssprite]458[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]226[/hgsssprite] Mantyke, Mantine Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Water Absorb [hgsssprite]227[/hgsssprite] Skarmory Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Sturdy [hgsssprite]228[/hgsssprite] [hgsssprite]229[/hgsssprite] Houndour, Houndoom Class 1 Class 2 Early Bird Flash Fire [hgsssprite]234[/hgsssprite] Stantler Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Frisk [hgsssprite]235[/hgsssprite] Smeargle Class 1 Class 2 Own Tempo Technician [hgsssprite]241[/hgsssprite] Miltank Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Scrappy [sprite]261[/sprite] Poochyena Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Quick Feet [sprite]262[/sprite] Mightyena Class 1 Class 2 Intimidate Quick Feet [sprite]263[/sprite] [sprite]264[/sprite] Zigzagoon, Linoone Class 1 Class 2 Pick Up Gluttony [sprite]270[/sprite] [sprite]271[/sprite] [sprite]272[/sprite] Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Rain Dish [sprite]273[/sprite] [sprite]274[/sprite] [sprite]275[/sprite] Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry Class 1 Class 2 Chlorophyll Early Bird [sprite]280[/sprite] [sprite]281[/sprite] [sprite]282[/sprite] Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir Class 1 Class 2 Synchronize Trace [sprite]285[/sprite] [sprite]286[/sprite] Shroomish, Breloom Class 1 Class 2 Effect Spore Poison Heal [sprite]296[/sprite] [sprite]297[/sprite] Makuhita, Hariyama Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Guts [sprite]299[/sprite] [sprite]476[/sprite] Nosepass, Probopass Class 1 Class 2 Sturdy Magnet Pull [sprite]300[/sprite] [sprite]301[/sprite] Skitty, Delcatty Class 1 Class 2 Cute Charm Normalize [sprite]302[/sprite] Sableye Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Stall [sprite]303[/sprite] Mawile Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Intimidate [sprite]304[/sprite] [sprite]305[/sprite] [sprite]306[/sprite] Aron, Lairon, Aggron Class 1 Class 2 Sturdy Rock Head [sprite]309[/sprite] [sprite]310[/sprite] Electrike, Manectric Class 1 Class 2 Static Lightningrod [sprite]313[/sprite] Volbeat Class 1 Class 2 Illuminate Swarm [sprite]314[/sprite] Illumise Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Tinted Lens [sprite]406[/sprite] [sprite]315[/sprite] [sprite]407[/sprite] Budew, Roselia, Roserade Class 1 Class 2 Natural Cure Poison Point [sprite]316[/sprite] [sprite]317[/sprite] Gulpin, Swalot Class 1 Class 2 Liquid Ooze Sticky Hold [sprite]320[/sprite] [sprite]321[/sprite] Wailmer, Wailord Class 1 Class 2 Water Veil Oblivious [sprite]322[/sprite] Numel Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Simple [sprite]323[/sprite] Camerupt Class 1 Class 2 Magma Armor Solid Rock [sprite]325[/sprite] [sprite]326[/sprite] Spoink, Grumpig Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Own Tempo [sprite]327[/sprite] Spinda Class 1 Class 2 Own Tempo Tangled Feet [sprite]328[/sprite] Trapinch Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Arena Trap [sprite]339[/sprite] [sprite]340[/sprite] Barboach, Whiscash Class 1 Class 2 Oblivious Anticipation [sprite]341[/sprite] [sprite]342[/sprite] Corphish, Crawdaunt Class 1 Class 2 Hyper Cutter Shell Armor [sprite]353[/sprite] [sprite]354[/sprite] Shuppet, Banette Class 1 Class 2 Insomnia Frisk [sprite]357[/sprite] Tropius Class 1 Class 2 Chlorophyll Solar Power [sprite]359[/sprite] Absol Class 1 Class 2 Pressure Super Luck [sprite]361[/sprite] [sprite]362[/sprite] Snorunt, Glalie Class 1 Class 2 Inner Focus Ice Body [sprite]363[/sprite] [sprite]364[/sprite] [sprite]365[/sprite] Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Ice Body [sprite]369[/sprite] Relicanth Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Rock Head [sprite]399[/sprite] [sprite]400[/sprite] Bidoof, Bibarel Class 1 Class 2 Simple Unaware [sprite]403[/sprite] [sprite]404[/sprite] [sprite]405[/sprite] Shinx, Luxio, Luxray Class 1 Class 2 Rivalry Intimidate [sprite]417[/sprite] Pachirisu (squirrel with two useless in battle abilities) Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Pick Up [sprite]422[/sprite] [sprite]423[/sprite] Shellos, Gastrodon Class 1 Class 2 Sticky Hold Storm Drain [sprite]425[/sprite] [sprite]426[/sprite] Drifloon, Drifblim Class 1 Class 2 Aftermath Unburden [sprite]427[/sprite] Buneary Class 1 Class 2 Run Away Klutz [sprite]428[/sprite] Lopunny Class 1 Class 2 Cute Charm Klutz [sprite]431[/sprite] Glameow Class 1 Class 2 Limber Own Tempo [sprite]432[/sprite] Purugly Class 1 Class 2 Thick Fat Own Tempo [sprite]434[/sprite] [sprite]435[/sprite] Stunky, Skuntank Class 1 Class 2 Stench Aftermath [sprite]436[/sprite] [sprite]437[/sprite] Bronzor, Bronzong Class 1 Class 2 Levitate Heatproof [sprite]441[/sprite] Chatot Class 1 Class 2 Keen Eye Tangled Feet [sprite]447[/sprite] [sprite]448[/sprite] Riolu, Lucario Class 1 Class 2 Steadfast Inner Focus [sprite]451[/sprite] [sprite]452[/sprite] Skorupi, Drapion Class 1 Class 2 Battle Armor Sniper [sprite]453[/sprite] [sprite]454[/sprite] Croagunk, Toxicroak Class 1 Class 2 Anticipation Dry Skin [sprite]456[/sprite] [sprite]457[/sprite] Finneon, Lumineon Class 1 Class 2 Swift Swim Storm Drain FAQ Reveal hidden contents 1) If a Pokemon has one ability, does it have to be class 1 or class 2? It can be either ability and it wouldn't matter at all. 2) What about those from R/S/E/FR/LG that gained a new ability in DPP and were Class 2? Will they change abilities? Frankly, I don't know. I haven't tested this out yet, but I believe after evolving one, their ability should change. I could be wrong. Zekira's Input: Zekira said: I've quite looked into this. Class 1 and Class 2 do exist on RSEFRLG already. If the Pokémon from RSEFRLG are Class 2, and they gain new abilities as they're migrated and evolve, their abilities do change. So far I've tested this on Breloom, Linoone, and Mightyena. All 3 of them changed abilities and all of them were class 2, and obviously they were Shroomish-Zigzagoon-Poochyena originally. Though these are just 3 tests and it's still insufficient because not all 100 > x > 386 Pokémon with new abilities have been tested yet, but in theory it should work like this. 3) Do individual abilities affect which class it is or are they totally independent? The class which an ability takes is dependent on the Pokemon, not the ability itself. Some Pokemon might have Flash Fire and Flame Body, but one might have Flash Fire on Class 1 while the other Pokemon might have Flash Fire on Class 2. 4) What about Dream World Abilities? The flag 0x42 should be set to 1. It totally overrides the whole ability class system. Tell me if you find any errors. Thanks Click here for damio's downloadable version in Excel Spreadsheet References 1. PID/IV Creation 2. Pokemon Platinum Version Soon to Cover: Generation V Pokemon (Finding this manually is a pain) Better Interface Dream World Abilities Scrap Notes (do NOT use the information here... yet): Reveal hidden contents Timburr Class 1: Sheer Force Cottonee Class 2: Prankster Sewaddle Class 1: Swarm Venipede Class 1: Swarm Patrat Class 2: Keen Eye Lillipup Class 2: Pickup Purrloin Class 2: Limber Roggenrolla Class 2: Sturdy Basculin Class 1: Adaptability Blitzle Class 2: Motor Drive Maractus Class 1: Water Absorb Sandile Class 1: Intimidate Scraggy Class 1: Shed Skin Sawk Class 1: Sturdy Munna Class 2: Synchronise Mincinno Class 1: Technician Klink Class 1: Plus Foongus Class 1: Effect Spore Joltik Class 1: Unnerve Deerling Class 1: Chlorophyll Cubchoo Class 1: Snow Cloak Shelmet Class 2: Hydration Drilbur Class 2: Sand Force Woobat Class 2: Klutz Pawniard Class 1: Inner Focus Bouffalant Class 1: Reckless ALomomola Class 2: Healer Throh Class 1: Inner Focus Audino Class 1: Regenerator Petiliil Class 1: Chlorophyll Axew Class 2: Mold Breaker Vullaby Class 1: Big Pecks Golett Class 2: Iron Fist Mienfoo Class 2: Regenerator Durant Class 2: Swarm Heatmor Class 2: Flash Fire Beheeyem Class 1: Synchronise Chandelure Class 2: Flash Fire Jellicent Class 1: Water Absorb Unfezant Class 1: Big Pecks Edited November 6, 2011 by wraith89
damio Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 1. Where did you get this information from? (Just checking ) 2. Everyone, make sure you press the PID/IV button in pokesav if it isn't hatched, or you will get an illegal PID => IV combo
wraith89 Posted June 14, 2009 Author Posted June 14, 2009 damio said: 1. Where did you get this information from? (Just checking )2. Everyone, make sure you press the PID/IV button in pokesav if it isn't hatched, or you will get an illegal PID => IV combo 1. Most from my own research (the ones that gained a new ability in DPP were so easy to do), others from a Smogon article X_X (they made a mistake on Persian btw ) http://www.smogon.com/dp/articles/pid_iv_creation 2. Yep, that's what they SHOULD do. PID/IV button works it, but sometimes they have no idea which class correlates to which ability. That's what this article is for. 3. The formatting on this is terrible X_X
damio Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 wraith89 said: 1. Most from my own research (the ones that gained a new ability in DPP were so easy to do), others from a Smogon article X_X (they made a mistake on Persian btw )http://www.smogon.com/dp/articles/pid_iv_creation I was just wondering because I've quoted that article a few times
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Author Posted June 15, 2009 I'll put a reference section. Thanks for reminding me
Psycho K Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Hm. That "PID/IV" button is something I neglected to use mostly because I felt just pressing the "Generate" button above it and then hitting Generate again in the box that appeared was enough. I'm really not sure if it is, though overall, this would only seem to really matter when trying to get battle videos up on the GTS as far as I know. I'm confused about what class to pick if the Pokemon has one ability. Does it just not matter which of the two get picked in that case?
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Author Posted June 15, 2009 Psycho K said: Hm. That "PID/IV" button is something I neglected to use mostly because I felt just pressing the "Generate" button above it and then hitting Generate again in the box that appeared was enough. I'm really not sure if it is, though overall, this would only seem to really matter when trying to get battle videos up on the GTS as far as I know.I'm confused about what class to pick if the Pokemon has one ability. Does it just not matter which of the two get picked in that case? For pokes with one ability it doesn't matter at all. PID/IV generator was made for generating legal Pokemon. It is necessary.
Greencat Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 No one has stickied this? THis question is asked often! Stickied.
Jayc Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well.
wraith89 Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 Jayc said: Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well. Does it really? It really hasn't for me. The only thing depositing seems to do is reset stats (which is why Pokesav won't allow changing stats with Boxed Pokes, but abilities are in-tact).
Jiggy-Ninja Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Jayc said: Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well. No it won't. Ability only changes when the Pokemon evolves.
xeomyr Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 you could use DSPokeEdit to check the class number <-> ability relationship ^^ and even the movesets anyway nice guide
Psycho K Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 How does shininess affect the PID generation? Right now, I'm trying to make an Adamant Miltank with Scrappy that is shiny. However, when I do find the right PID on the list via the "PID/IV" button on Pokesav, it sets Miltank back to regular coloration (the "Shiny" box becomes unchecked since the PID obviously changed). Is there a way around this...?
damio Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 Psycho K said: How does shininess affect the PID generation? Right now, I'm trying to make an Adamant Miltank with Scrappy that is shiny. However, when I do find the right PID on the list via the "PID/IV" button on Pokesav, it sets Miltank back to regular coloration (the "Shiny" box becomes unchecked since the PID obviously changed). Is there a way around this...? There is. You need to find a shiny PID with the other class.
Psycho K Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 damio said: There is. You need to find a shiny PID with the other class. I don't understand how I'd know if said PID was a "shiny" PID on the list that gets generated nor what to do once I find it with the other class (Thick Fat). How would I then change it to the class I want without losing Shiny status?
Psycho K Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 damio said: Find another PID that is shiny, with Class 2 But the thing is that I don't know what it is about the PID that tells me it's a shiny Pokemon. I know that I can easily generate one via the "Generate" button, but isn't the problem here that doing such a thing makes the Pokemon non-legit? Basically, I just don't really know what I'm looking for on the list made the "PID/IV" button.
damio Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Psycho K said: But the thing is that I don't know what it is about the PID that tells me it's a shiny Pokemon. I know that I can easily generate one via the "Generate" button, but isn't the problem here that doing such a thing makes the Pokemon non-legit? Basically, I just don't really know what I'm looking for on the list made the "PID/IV" button. Well, if you make it appear hatched, it can have any PID you want.
Psycho K Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 damio said: Well, if you make it appear hatched, it can have any PID you want. Ah. Now that, I did not know. Thanks. The new problem I'm having is how legal shiny Pokemon are made for the species that cannot come from an egg. In this case, Latias. See, when I find a Timid Latias on the list, it reverts it back to non-shiny status and I cannot just use "Generate" since it wasn't hatched. It has 37 in it's 46h hidden value since I've made her migrated to Platinum from Emerald. So...how would I go about making her legally shiny? Not that I want to for her case. I just am wondering how this is done for Pokemon that cannot legally be the result of a breed (Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, etc).
wraith89 Posted June 22, 2009 Author Posted June 22, 2009 Psycho K said: Ah. Now that, I did not know. Thanks.The new problem I'm having is how legal shiny Pokemon are made for the species that cannot come from an egg. In this case, Latias. See, when I find a Timid Latias on the list, it reverts it back to non-shiny status and I cannot just use "Generate" since it wasn't hatched. It has 37 in it's 46h hidden value since I've made her migrated to Platinum from Emerald. So...how would I go about making her legally shiny? Not that I want to for her case. I just am wondering how this is done for Pokemon that cannot legally be the result of a breed (Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, etc). PIDs for those are TOUGH. Try finding SCV's legal IV generator for that. It's on the main site.
Mogely Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 great thread, very useful as I have now re edited a few mon to include this info anyway this can sometimes be awkward to navigate just scrolling down the page so I was wondering if you had this information in an .xls or similar so that I can find the pokemon and ability via a search Its not a huge problem but this would speed things up a little
Mogely Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 damio said: Ctrl + F... OK yeah that works for me...but I would still like (if possible) the database with this info (if it even exists)
damio Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Once I get back to a computer with excel, I can do it... Or you can just follow the smogon link and copy and paste the table into excel yourself
Toffeuy Posted July 1, 2009 Posted July 1, 2009 Jayc said: Depositing in the PC should reset the ability to the corresponding class as well. Depositing in PC only lowers FULL-HACKED Stats. What I mean by FULL-HACKED Stats is like a Magikarp with 300 Attack for examply. Magikarp can't have that much. So if you put it in the PC it's attack will simply go back to the supposed attack for its Level/Nature/IV/EV.
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