randomspot555 Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 While we're not a mecha for competitive battling, and I like seeing diversity in RMT forums, most in-game RMTs consist of this: *6 pokemon +moves* *people comment on moves* *repeat* But at the same time, I know that a well balanced team can help in the main 8 gyms + E4 game. Sure, you CAN beat everything with a level 100 Caterpie if you REALLY wanted to, but it's frustrating. So, here is what I was thinking of implementing, and everyone please feel free to comment on my ideas, modify them, or suggest your own: One thread for all the typical in-game stuff. 6 random Pokes, nothing else. And when posting it, pretend you are on at least the 7th gym, so by that time your Pokemon have evolved. Of course, Battle Tower/Frontier teams can have their own individual threads. If you're making an interesting gimmick team for in-game completion, that can warrant it's own thread. Some mono type, or Luvdisc/Unown/Feebas play through. You know, some type of theme. I spent like 5 minutes thinking about this, so I'm sure you all can think of something better. Previously said by other people: Quote Like the official small questions thread in DPP forums and Wifi trade? Yeah, I think in-game teams should be in one thread while competitive teams can have their own RMT threads. In that case, I think I can merge some threads here and we can continue off that way. Quote This one thread should have a sticky if it really is going to come to be. I think its a good idea. Lots of people have gimmicks for beating gyms and playing through the game. Like playing through the game with just using a starter or using just bugs. Plus it can help all the people that might actually struggle with beating a gym or the elite four. I know it took me 4 times in platinum before I could finally beat the elite four and the champion. First flint stopped me, then lucian, then cynthia...hehe 4th times the charm. Good idea randomspot555
wraith89 Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 (edited) Repost of another... Here is my in-game team: [sprite]214[/sprite] Hera the Heracross@Wide Lens Level 82 Female Guts Ability - Megahorn - Close Combat - Stone Edge - Swords Dance [sprite]407[/sprite] Cordelia the Roserade@Damp Rock Level 76 Female Natural Cure Ability - Rain Dance - Sleep Powder - Energy Ball - Weather Ball [sprite]395[/sprite] Pippi the Empoleon@Leftovers Level 82 Female Torrent Ability - Agility [bred the original Empoleon I got with a Floatzel] - Grass Knot - Ice Beam - Surf [sprite]282[/sprite] Cassandra the Gardevoir@Leftovers Level 80 Female Trace Ability - Calm Mind - Will-o-Wisp [unfortunate collision of Duskull and a Kirlia got this] - Thunderbolt - Psychic [sprite]478[/sprite] Autumn the Froslass (one of the four Froslass sisters)@Choice Specs Level 85 Female Snow Cloak Ability - Trick - Thunderbolt - Shadow Ball - Ice Beam [sprite]134[/sprite] Eve the Vaporeon@Leftovers Level 82 Female Water Absorb Ability - Wish [smeargle + Eevee] - Protect - Ice Beam - Surf I have many others in the box... Edited November 11, 2009 by wraith89
Illithian Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 Here's mine: [sprite]065[/sprite] Imani the Alakazam @Choice Specs Level 86 Male - Modest Synchronize - Psychic - Focus Blast - Energy Ball - Trick [sprite]373[/sprite] Accendare the Salamence @Life Orb Level 81 Female Intimidate - Fire Blast - Roost - Dragon Claw - Earthquake [sprite]426[/sprite] Felix the Drifblim @Leftovers Level 67 Male - Modest Aftermath - Hypnosis - Will-o-Wisp - Shadow Ball - Dream Eater [sprite]392[/sprite] Demetri the Infernape @Shell Bell Level 74 Male - Adamant - Swords Dance - Close Combat - Flare Blitz - Stone Edge [sprite]169[/sprite] Crobat @Leftovers Level 70 Male - Brave Bird - U-Turn - Hypnosis - Roost [sprite]473[/sprite] Scot the Mamoswine @Choice Band Level 79 Male - Earthquake - Ice Shard - Stone Edge - Superpower
Haruhara Haruko Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I'm relatively new, so the first thing I'll do is get my team rated. I'd also like any suggestions for new moves or even new Poke'mon. 1. Blaziken@Salac Berry Nature: Jolly Moves: Bulk Up Rock Slide Brick Break Fire Punch 2. Gardevoir@TwistedSpoon Nature: Modest Moves: Calm Mind Magical Leaf Ice Punch Psychic 3. Milotic@Sitrus Berry Nature: Quiet Moves: Aqua Ring Hypnosis Ice Beam Surf 4. Altaria@Wide Lens Nature: Calm Ability: Natural Cure Moves: Sing Fly Fire Blast Haze 5. Roserade@Black Sludge Nature: Timid Ability: Natural Cure Moves: Leech Seed Sleep Powder Substitute Sludge Bomb 6. Garchomp@Muscle Band Nature: Serious Moves: Swords Dance Fire Fang Dragon Claw Earthquake
.:Loky:. Posted July 3, 2009 Posted July 3, 2009 Here's my team Valliant th Gallade @ Mind Plate Moves: Night Slash Psychic Psycho Cut Close Combat Mark the Empoleon @ Splash Plate Moves: Surf Brine Avalanche Hydro Pump Aurora the Lucario @ Shell Bell Moves: Aura Shere Dragon Pulse BlazeKick (Breed with blaziken, its legal) Extreme Speed Heeroh the Shaymin (Sky Forme) @ Meadow Plate Moves: Energy Ball Seed Flare Air Slash Leaf Storm VoidWalker the Giratina (Origin Forme) @ Griseous Orb Moves: Shadow Claw Shadow Force Dragon Claw Draco Meteor T-Rex the Tyranitar @ Leftovers Moves: Thuner Fire Blast Stone Edge Earthquake There it is
Dimi Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 (edited) I restarted my Platinum about a week ago, and this is my team so far. Staraptor Lvl 39 Male (Shiny ) Intimidate - U-turn - Brave Bird - Close Combat - Roost Floatzel Lvl 38 Female Swift Swim - Surf - Aqua Jet - Ice Punch - Crunch Lickilicky Lvl 40 Male Naughty Own Tempo - Return - Fire Blast - Rollout - Lick Rapidash Lvl 41 Female Flash Fire - Tail Whip - Flame Wheel - Megahorn - Take Down Toxicroak Lvl 39 Male Anticipation =( - Bulk Up (Traded to Diamond for TM) - Brick Break - Poison Jab - Sucker Punch Torterra Lvl 45 Male Adamant >=D - Curse - Synthesis - Wood Hammer - Earthquake Edited July 10, 2009 by Dimi
Mobius Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I'm still trying to get a solid team together for the metagame, but my in-game party is currently like this: Current Party: Diamond Version Miyamoto Male Scyther, Level 53 Moveset: X-Scissor/Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Brick Break Item: Usually Razor Claw Note: My first Pokemon to be fully EV trained (Speed & Attack) Sanryuki Male Gyarados, Level 63 Moveset: Waterfall/Dragon Dance/Flamethrower/Earthquake Item: Quick Powder Rasengan Male Lucario, Level 65 Moveset: Aura Sphere/Psychic/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse Item: Leftovers Note: I accidently trained it for Attack instead of Special Attack, so I'm trying to raise another one Kazeshini Male Crobat, Level 60 Moveset: Giga Drain/Haze/Air Slash/Fly Item: Big Root Empoleon, Level 57 Moveset: Surf/Defog/Flash Cannon/Grass Knot Item: Splash Plate Note: Definatly going to replace him for another for the metagame Timare Female Garchomp, Level 57 Moveset: Dragon Claw/Flamethrower/Rock Climb/Strength Item: Draco Plate Note: Did NOT come out how I intended her to, breeding her like Rasengan Well, that's about it. I'm probably going to exchange Timare and Empoleon for other Pokemon (Empoleon because I don't really care for it, and Timare because I just found out that Garchomp became Uber class). This was still nothing compared to my Pearl team though... Pearl Team (no longer in this world) Angelfiend Female Zangoose, Level 100 Moveset: Return, Swords Dance, Ice Beam, X-Scissor Item: Silk Scarf Charizard, Level 95 Moveset: Fly, Heat Wave, Shadow Claw, Roost Item: Charcoal Groudon, Level 86 Moveset: Solarbeam, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw Item: Leftovers Dialga, Level 82 Moveset: Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse Item: Adamant Orb Venusaur, Level 75 Moveset: Sunny Day, Earthquake, Solarbeam, Giga Drain Item: Miracle Seed Lucario, Level 75 Moveset: Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Drain Punch, Swords Dance Item: Fist Plate Well, that's it, the party I have now and the one I did have before I left a couple years ago (thanks to losing Pearl). Anyway, advice would be appreciated. P.S. How do you get those pictures of each Pokemon into the messages?
memjee Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Mobius said: P.S. How do you get those pictures of each Pokemon into the messages? Yea I've been wanting to know that forever... I don't have any fourth gen games but heres my sapphire line up! Nosferatu the Gengar @ Leftovers Lvl 96 Shadowball Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Explosion Gae Bolg the Tyranitar @ Choice Band Lvl 89 Crunch Rock Slide Earthquake Thunderbolt Megoujee the Swampert @ Leftovers Lvl 98 Surf Eathquake Icebeam Protect Durandal the Skarmory @ Leftovers Lvl 92 Drill Peck Steel Wing Spikes Whirlwind Balmut the Salamence @ Choice Band Lvl 95 Dragon Claw Flamethower Brick Break Fly (for flying but it had it's uses) Gazaria the Snorlax @ Leftovers Lvl 86 Body Slam Sleep Talk Curse Rest Heres my Ruby Line up! Metagross @ Leftovers Lvl 82 Meteormash Earthquake Agility Psychic Heracross @ leftovers Ability: Guts Lvl 88 Megahorn Brick Break Sleep Talk Rest Suicune @ Chesto Berry Lvl 77 Surf Calm Mind Ice Beam Rest Flygon @ Choice Band Lvl 75 Earthquake Dragon Claw Fly Rock Slide Gardevoir @ Leftovers Lvl: 77 Psychic Thunderbolt Calm Mind Hypnosis Sceptile @ Leftovers Lvl: 85 Leaf Blade Leech Seed Substitute Hidden Power Ice
Sirius Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 (edited) You can use [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse] to get in the sprites. This is [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... [sprite]001[/sprite] Likewise, shiny Pokemon uses [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... like this (if I put in 001): [shinysprite]001[/shinysprite] My Team in Platinum [sprite]277[/sprite] Pepper the Swellow (F) @ Flame Orb Guts Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - Roost - Facade - U-Turn [sprite]197[/sprite] Dark the Umbreon (M) @ Leftovers Synchronize Bold Nature - Payback - Curse - Rest - Sleep Talk [sprite]059[/sprite] Rage the Arcanine (M) @ Flame Plate Flash Fire Naive Nature - Flamethrower - Extremespeed - Flare Blitz - Crunch [sprite]469[/sprite] Murderbug the Yanmega (M) @ Wide Lens Speed Boost Mild Nature - Bug Buzz - Air Slash - Hypnosis - Ancientpower [sprite]445[/sprite] Blueshark the Garchomp (F) @ Choice Band Sand Veil Jolly Nature - Crunch - Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Stone Edge [sprite]395[/sprite] Bonaparte the Empoleon (M) @ Mystic Water Torrent Modest Nature - Surf - Grass Knot - Agility - Ice Beam Source: 1. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showpost.php?p=10780&postcount=21 Edited November 11, 2009 by Sirius
GoldTrainer Posted November 11, 2009 Posted November 11, 2009 Am I allowed to post my pokemon team here? If not can someone move this thread to the correct forum? Anyway, here they are: Blaziken (male) Nature: Jolly Ability: Blaze Item: Scope Lens Moves: Blaze Kick Shadow Claw Thunderpunch Sky Uppercut Stats: HP: 301 Atk: 339 Def: 176 Sp.Atk:230 Sp.Def: 176 Speed: 284 Gardevoir (female) Nature: Timid Ability: Synchronize Item: Lum Berry Moves: Psychic Calm Mind Focus Blast Thunderbolt Stats: HP: 277 Atk: 149 Def: 182 Sp.Atk: 333 Sp.Def: 266 Speed: 284 Salamence (male) Nature: Jolly Ability: Intimidate Item: Yache Berry Moves: Outrage Fly Fire Blast Dragon Dance Stats: HP: 331 Atk: 369 Def: 196 Sp.Atk: 230 Sp.Def: 196 Speed: 328 Roserade (female) Nature: Timid Ability: Natural Cure Item: Black Sludge Moves: Energy Ball Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Sleep Powder Stats: HP: 261 Atk: 158 Def: 162 Sp.Atk: 333 Sp.Def: 246 Speed: 306 Milotic (female) Nature: Modest Ability: Marvel Scale Item: Salac Berry Moves: Ice Beam Recover Hydro Pump Mirror Coat Stats: HP: 331 Atk: 140 Def: 194 Sp.Atk: 328 Sp.Def: 286 Speed: 261 Metagross (genderless) Nature: Adamant Ability: Clear Body Item: Life Orb Moves: Meteor Mash Agility Ice Punch Earthquake Stats: HP: 301 Atk: 392 Def: 296 Sp.Atk: 203 Sp.Def: 254 Speed: 214 Tell me what you think. Oh, and one thing, I don't like to teach two of my team pokemon the same moves, or give them the same items. Its kind of my style.
memjee Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 Goldtrainer do you want that team to be rated and commented competively or something? post that in the main RMT forums if that's the case
wraith89 Posted November 13, 2009 Posted November 13, 2009 Um memjee... this is the thread for In-Game teams... you can comment on them and do whatever you want here, as long as it is IN-GAME. They are pretty nice although moves like Focus Blast and Fire Blast I would avoid using in-game due to their low PP and low accuracy... and berries like Yache and Salac Berry are one time use only
randomspot555 Posted November 13, 2009 Author Posted November 13, 2009 Yeah, stick with accuracy in-game. Major hax happens with 85% accuracy moves.
Mobius Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Sirius said: You can use [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse] to get in the sprites. This is [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... [sprite]001[/sprite] Likewise, shiny Pokemon uses [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... like this (if I put in 001): [shinysprite]001[/shinysprite] My Team in Platinum [sprite]277[/sprite] Pepper the Swellow (F) @ Flame Orb Guts Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - Roost - Facade - U-Turn [sprite]197[/sprite] Dark the Umbreon (M) @ Leftovers Synchronize Bold Nature - Payback - Curse - Rest - Sleep Talk [sprite]059[/sprite] Rage the Arcanine (M) @ Flame Plate Flash Fire Naive Nature - Flamethrower - Extremespeed - Flare Blitz - Crunch [sprite]469[/sprite] Murderbug the Yanmega (M) @ Wide Lens Speed Boost Mild Nature - Bug Buzz - Air Slash - Hypnosis - Ancientpower [sprite]445[/sprite] Blueshark the Garchomp (F) @ Choice Band Sand Veil Jolly Nature - Crunch - Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Stone Edge [sprite]395[/sprite] Bonaparte the Empoleon (M) @ Mystic Water Torrent Modest Nature - Surf - Grass Knot - Agility - Ice Beam Source: 1. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showpost.php?p=10780&postcount=21 Thanks, Sirius!
wraith89 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Relyte said: This may be going back a while and a bit off topic, but on your team, Wraith, would your Scyther do more damage with Bug Bite than with X-scissor? With technician factored in, it should do 90 base damage, compared to X-scissor's 80. Ne? Yes you are correct, but Bug Bite is a HGSS move. I have no access to it currently. By the way, I wonder what they were thinking when they gave [icon]123[/icon] Bug Bite when the obvious bug WITH teeth [icon]127[/icon] was scorned. EDIT: Wait, my team does not even seem to mention Scyther o_o
GoldTrainer Posted December 2, 2009 Posted December 2, 2009 I tweaked my team a bit from what I posted before. The results are pretty good, as I have won a good number of battles with this team. Though for me, it doesn't matter whether I win or lose a battle, just so long as I enjoy myself. Blaziken (male) Nature: Jolly Ability: Blaze Item: Choice Band EVs: 255 ATK / 255 SPEED Moves: Flare Blitz Stone Edge Superpower Thunderpunch Gardevoir (female) Nature: Timid Ability: Synchronize Item: Lum Berry EVs: 188 SP.ATK / 67 DEF / 255 SPEED Moves: Psychic Calm Mind Focus Blast Thunderbolt Salamence (male) Nature: Jolly Ability: Intimidate Item: Yache Berry EVs: 255 ATK / 255 SPEED Moves: Outrage Fire Blast Earthquake Dragon Dance Roserade (female) Nature: Timid Ability: Natural Cure Item: Black Sludge EVs: 188 SP.ATK / 67 DEF / 255 SPEED Moves: Energy Ball Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Sleep Powder Milotic (female) Nature: Modest Ability: Marvel Scale Item: Salac Berry EVs: 255 SP.ATK / 255 SPEED Moves: Ice Beam Recover Hydro Pump Mirror Coat Metagross (genderless) Nature: Adamant Ability: Clear Body Item: Life Orb EVs: 204 ATK / 152 SP.DEF / 154 SPEED Moves: Meteor Mash Agility Explosion Earthquake I'm only posting them here because wherever else I've posted them, my thread was either locked or no one replied. I decided to ditch my whole "no teaching my pokemon the same moves" thing, but my thing about having them hold different items I haven't changed (its a rule that my best friend and I made, and I don't think he would appreciate it if I broke it). I will also ABSOLUTELY NOT replace any of the pokemon on my team. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my team (other than replacing pokemon. For instance, Infernape could never replace my Blaziken!).
Superbob Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 (edited) [shinysprite]291[/shinysprite] Ninjask (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Speed Boost EVs: 248 HP/8 Atk/184 Def/68 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Protect - Substitute - Baton Pass - X-Scissor --- [sprite]424[/sprite] Ambipom (M) @ Lum Berry Ability: Technician EVs: 252 HP/200 Def/56 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Agility - Nasty Plot - Baton Pass - Taunt --- [shinysprite]442[/shinysprite] Spiritomb (M) @ Spell Tag Ability: Pressure EVs: 244 HP/48 Atk/12 Spd/204 SAtk Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Shadow Ball - Hidden Power [Fighting] - Pursuit - Shadow Sneak --- [sprite]241[/sprite] Miltank (F) @ Choice Band Ability: Scrappy EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Body Slam - Earthquake - Hammer Arm - Zen Headbutt --- [sprite]025[/sprite] Pikachu (M) @ Lightball Ability: Static EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SDef Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def) - Surf [Yellow Forest Event for Pokewalker] - Thunderbolt - Grass Knot - Substitute --- [sprite]235[/sprite] Smeargle (M) @ Salac Berry Ability: Own Tempo EVs: 244 HP/12 Def/252 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Spore - Substitute - Belly Drum - Baton Pass Edited July 30, 2010 by Superbob
ayumifan Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 Heres my team: Reveal hidden contents theyre now lvl 75. so what do ya guys think?
Tbird Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 ayumifan said: Heres my team: Reveal hidden contents theyre now lvl 75. so what do ya guys think? Tell us the moveset and held items and then maybe we can tell you what we think .
ayumifan Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 Well, ty has eruption,flamethrower double edge and def curl. Tyrant has rock climb, scary face, stone edge and crunch. Fearow has drill peck fly agility and roost. Gengar has hypnosis, dream eater, shadow ball and explosion. Nido has toxic spikes, mega horn, strength and double kick. And dragonite has extreme speed, dragon dance, dragon rush and surf. And they hold berries that reduce s.e. hits. Sorry I'm using my phone to post this. And its a virtual keyboard.:creep:
Tbird Posted August 17, 2010 Posted August 17, 2010 (edited) ayumifan said: Well, ty has eruption/Thunder Punch, flamethrower Roll out and def curl. Try this out. Defense curl on the first turn then Roll out for super damage . You could also put thunder punch over eruption (Flamethrower is more reliable so it's best to keep that), then watch your typhlosion sweep . With Tyranitar on the team, definitely get rid of eruption. You may need to do some EV training in ATK, but that's probably unnecessary. Tyrant has rock climb, Dragon Dance, stone edge and crunch/Aqua Tail/Earthquake/Thunder Punch. If you feel up to it then you could breed a charizard with dragon dance (breed a charizard with a dragonite) with tyranitar. After that you could replace Crunch with Aqua Tail (move Tutor), Earthquake (Tm 26 I believe) or Thunder Punch (move tutor) fior better coverage. I would go with thunder punch due to the bulk of water types. Fearow has drill peck fly agility and roost. Fearow was never really given anything it can really abuse . As far as the set goes you can take it to the move tutor and slap heat wave over drill peck For coverage. As far as fliers in game go there are better options. Personally I would just grab a swellow from Ruby, or a Staraptor from D/Pt if you have access to those games. Either works really well. If you have the flame orb then get Swellow and abuse Guts . Gengar has hypnosis, dream eater, shadow ball and Thunder Bolt. Give it Thunderbolt for more coverage and to generally make it hurt things >: ) Nido has Earthquake, mega horn, strength and Fire Blast/ThunderBolt/Ice beam/Aqua Tail. In game there's no real use for Toxic Spikes so slap on Earthquake for a strong Stab Attack. Double Kick is really pretty poor so give it an elemental. Thunderbolt would work really well as megahorn defeats its psychic weakness and thunderbolt would cover its water weakness. And dragonite has extreme speed, dragon dance, Outrage/Dragon Claw and surf. Dragon Rush is really Unreliable Ingame due to that shaky accuracy, give it outrage or Dragon Claw to remedy this. Outrgae will make it a power house, though dragon claw has great reliability and PP so either a viable options . And they hold berries that reduce s.e. hits. Sorry I'm using my phone to post this. And its a virtual keyboard.:creep: With Tyranitar on the team you may want to give a few of the more frailer pokemon on the team (fearow, typhlosion) Leftovers to counteract the 6% loss each turn. Wow I put more effort in there than I expected Edited August 17, 2010 by Gin Fixed some stuff
memjee Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 Heres my sapphire team! That always owns all my freinds and the team I made before checking out shoddy and smogon... I spent 300 hours on this game save I've beaten the elite four over a hundred times The pokemon are named after Fire emblem spells lol Balberrith Lvl 100 Swampert@Leftovers Surf Earthquake Ice Beam Roar Nosferatu Lvl 96 Gengar@Leftovers Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Willowisp Explosion Thani Lvl 89 Snorlax@Leftovers Body Slam Curse Rest Sleep Talk Gae Bolg Lvl 88 Tyranitar@Choice Band Crunch Earthquake Rock Slide Thunderbolt Excalibur Lvl 87 Skarmory@Leftovers Drill Peck Spikes Roar Rest Bolganone Lvl 95 Salamence@Leftovers Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Earthquake Flamethrowewr
Tundrastar Posted January 12, 2011 Posted January 12, 2011 Pokemon#1 #584 Vaivanilla Ability: Ice Body Move 1: Hail Move 2: Mirror Coat Move 3: Ice Beam Move 4: Protect Pokemon #2 #530 Doryuzu Ability:Sand Power Move 1:Earthquake Move 2 Drill Liner Move 3:Sandstorm Move 4 Dig Pokemon #3 #635 Sazandora Ability:Levitate Move 1 Dragon Tail Move 2:Surf Move 3 Dragon Pulse Move 4:Thunder Wave Pokemon #4 Shibildon Ability:Levitate Move 1 Discharge Move 2:Rain Dance* Move 3:Thunder* Move 4:Thunderbolt* Pokemon #5 Rankurus Ability: Dustproof Move 1 Psycho Shock Move 2 Psychic Move 3:Future Sight Move 4:Trick Room Pokemon #6 Gamageroge Ability Poisoned Drink Move 1:Muddy Water Move 2:Surf Move 3 Dig Move 4:Boil Over
Sunny day Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 wraith89 said: [sprite]282[/sprite]Cassandra the Gardevoir@Leftovers Hehe, your prophetess that would not be believed... Luckily she has not got the move 'Future Sight'. Nice to see those in-game teams, by the way! Let's see if I can put something down here... Oh yeah, I had a ice type based team a time ago in Pearl, it looked like: Reveal hidden contents [icon]478[/icon] Candy (Froslass) Female Snow Cloak Timid nature - Thunder wave - Ice beam - Shadow ball - Hail [icon]195[/icon] Sita (Quagsire) Female Water absorb Sassy nature - Thunder wave - Ice beam - Shadow ball - Hail [icon]131[/icon] Simaya (Lapras) Female Water absorb Timid nature - Ice beam - Surf - Blizzard - Thunderbolt [icon]460[/icon] Cheryl (Abomasnow) Female Snow Warning Docile nature - Ice shard - Grass knot - Blizzard - Wood hammer [icon]215[/icon] Celine (Sneasel) Female Keen eye Naughty nature - Faint attack - Shadow claw - X-scissor - Ice shard [icon]334[/icon] Charlotte (Altaria) Female Natural cure Modest nature - Fly - Ice beam - Flamethrower - Dragon Pulse And my team I have right now in Heartgold: Reveal hidden contents [icon]049[/icon] Claudia (Venomoth) Female Tinted Lens Rash nature - Signal beam - Sludge bomb - Psychic - Stun spore [icon]038[/icon] Flannery (Ninetales) Female Flash fire Modest nature - Flamethrower - Fire Blast - Extrasensory - Will-o-wisp [icon]160[/icon] Sean (Feraligatr) Male Torrent Adamant nature - Crunch - Ice fang - Surf - Strength [icon]471[/icon] Candice (Glaceon) Female Snow Cloak Calm nature - Ice shard - Ice beam - Shadow ball - Icy wind [icon]123[/icon] Jolin (Scyther) Female Technician Jolly nature - Bug Bite - Cut - Night slash - Wing attack [icon]022[/icon] Nails (Fearow) - I must fly on him, because my Pokémon only know those 'secondary' HM's (Cut/Strength) and Feraligatr must have Surf instead of Waterfall... I really miss Pelipper in Heartgold. Because I did not have any room left when I was in Kanto, I had to abandon my lovely Parasect: [icon]047[/icon] Sachi (Parasect) Female Dry skin Quiet nature - Spore - X-scissor - Bullet seed - Slash But yeah, this is clearly an example of those 'in-game struggles'. If you do not have Surf or Fly, your journey will be al long one... and for other HM's you have to switch your Pokémon again and again for a certain time. This team is, besides its ridiculous weakness for Fire and Rock attacks, not very convenient (with three Bug Pokémon) and has no access to both Fly and Surf. Ah well... This team has some difficulties, but that is half of the fun!
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